
Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?

author:Ye Gongzi

Many female stars have a "dream of the giants", some people dream come true, some people wait. However, the most painful thing is that half a foot stepped into the big door and was mercilessly thrown out by reality.

Recently, Ji Xiaobo's company has had problems again, and Wu Peici's dream of being a hero is likely to be shattered.

Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth, and now has a total of four children, but they have not been able to exchange for that marriage contract, looking back on the past, what did Wu Peici get?

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?


In 1978, Wu Peici was born into a wealthy family, her mother was of mixed race, her facial features were very three-dimensional, and she was a big beauty.

Wu Peici inherited her mother's excellent genes and was very beautiful from an early age.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?

Because of the good family conditions, and for this one daughter, her parents regard Wu Peici as a treasure in the palm of their hands and spoil her like a princess.

Wu Peici also enjoyed this feeling, and has felt like a Barbie doll since she was a child.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?

It is said that "the eighteenth female university has changed, and the more she changes, the better it looks", this sentence can not be more appropriate to Wu Peici.

Moreover, in addition to being good-looking, Wu Peici has another advantage, that is, height.

At the age of 16, Wu Peiti took over the advertisement with the advantages of her own conditions and became a well-known model. At the same time, she is also called a "nine-headed" beauty by the audience, which shows how tall she is.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?

In the same year, in the 19th drama class of Huagang Art School, a small group was established.

Every member of this group is a later popular actress, big and small, Fan Weiqi, Aya, Fan Xiaoxuan, makiyo, six people can be described as half of Taiwan's entertainment industry.

Soon after, Wu Peici transferred to this class.

She stood on the podium, and her body seemed to naturally radiate light, which triggered a sense of crisis in the big s. Big S hurriedly said to Little S, "This girl is so good, pull her into our group." ”

In this way, the "Seven Fairies" that were later famous in Taiwan's entertainment industry were officially established.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?


During these years of art school career, the seven girls have developed deep friendships. So that later in the variety show, they can unscrupulously expose each other's black materials.

After graduating from art school, Wu Peici continued to become popular with her excellent appearance. Moreover, she also got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

At that time, Rolling Stone Records wanted to select four Taiwanese girls to form a girl group. Wu Peici was fortunate to be selected, and her three teammates were Chen Qizhen, Li Xinjie and Xu Huaijue.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?

Several members were pure in appearance and singing, and coupled with the full operation of the company, the group quickly broke through the reputation.

Wu Peiti also gained popularity and launched her first album "Pace", and the godfather of the music world, Zhang Hongliang, personally gave her a producer.

It was also at this time that the scandal of Wu Peici and Zhang Hongliang came out. Probably because the two often contact each other and have a relatively close relationship, it is not known whether the two are together or not.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?

With the help of Zhang Hongliang, Wu Peiti has released a number of albums, and through her and Zhang Hongliang's scandal, the popularity of all albums is very high.

In this way, Wu Peici, who has just become a singer, has won many newcomer awards. If this momentum continues, Wu Peiti's achievements in the field of music will be unlimited.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?


However, there are not so many ifs in the world. Maybe she has lived comfortably since she was a child, accustomed to the life of "clothes to reach out, food to open her mouth", and does not want to withstand pressure and fight hard.

As a result, Wu Peiti gave up being a singer and turned to acting.

I have to say that some people are born to be cared for, and Wu Peici, who has just debuted as an actor, has ushered in the big IP idol drama "Meteor Garden 2", and a drama has made her quickly popular.

She also ventured into Hollywood, collaborating with Steven Siegel on Blood in the Sun.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?

Even Xu Jinglei's "Dulala Promotion" directed by Xu Jinglei at that time also had Wu Peici join.

It is precisely because of participating in this TV series that Wu Peici became acquainted with Xu Jinglei. Later, through Xu Jinglei, I met Ji Xiaobo.

The acting industry is in full swing, and Wu Peici has also set her sights on the mainland hosting industry.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?

Hunan Satellite TV, Hubei Satellite TV and other David TV have appeared in her figure. She even hosted the 2008 CCTV Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

At that time, the Internet called her a descendant of "Lin Chiling", because they walked exactly the same path.

It is reasonable to say that Wu Peici went on like this, and she could become a rich man worth more than 100 million yuan on her own.

But she didn't want to try.

As for the reason, part of it is that she did not suffer when she was a child, and the other part is probably her several emotional experiences.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?


Whether there is affection between Wu Peici and Zhang Hongliang is not to be said for the time being, Zhang Hongliang is so much older than her, he will definitely take care of this "sister" often.

Moreover, each of Wu Peici's boyfriends seems to be much older than her. If zhang Hongliang is not counted, her first boyfriend was Ted, the owner of a Japanese food store.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?

At that time, Wu Peiti often went to his shop to eat, and Ted also took great care of this little girl, and the two became familiar with each other as soon as they came and went.

Ted is 10 years older than her, so they are called "dry brother and dry sister" between them. At some point, the two became lovers.

Wu Peici also generously said that "friends think he is very good to me, so my brother has become a boyfriend."

However, after being together, the two gradually developed contradictions, often quarreled, and the old days were gone.

The relationship lasted for 3 years, and the two still proposed to break up.

Wu Peici's second relationship came a few years later, in 2005, when she and designer Su Dianzhong came together.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?

Su Dianzhong was once Lin Chiling's boyfriend, but unfortunately he had talent and no wealth, and Lin Chiling couldn't look at him and dumped him. Wu Peici said she didn't care.

At first, the two were indeed very sweet. However, with the increase of work, the two gathered less and more, and the feelings gradually faded, and finally separated.

Of course, there is another saying circulating on the Internet. It is said that at that time, Das was not optimistic about Su Dianzhong and felt that he was not worthy of Wu Peici.

As a sister with a very iron relationship, Wu Peici cares very much about their views, so she finally broke up with Su Dianzhong.

For whatever reason, Su Dianzhong was just a passer-by in Wu Peici's life.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?


Shortly after breaking up with Su Dianzhong, Wu Peici came together with Wang Renfu again. However, this relationship was not blessed by netizens at that time. Because Wang Renfu had a girlfriend, that is, his later wife Ji Qin.

Wang Renfu was ambiguous with Wu Peici on this side, and Ji Qin on the other side of course could not stand it, and she shelled Wu Peici on the Internet, causing quite a stir.

In the end, Wu Peici lost the battle and chose to quit. In 2009, Wang Renfu and Ji Qin married and have lived until now.

Bidding farewell to Wang Renfu, Wu Peici finally began to test on the edge of the giants. In 2007, Wu Peici entered Shi Mingting's vision.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?

Shi Mingting, as the prince of Saronbas, is worth 1 billion. And it is said that at that time, Shi Mingting took a fancy to Wu Peici and dumped his flight attendant girlfriend in order to pursue her.

Soon after, the two got better. However, it was opposed by the man's parents, who disliked Wu Peici's status as an artist, which brought Wu Peici a lot of pressure.

In this way, under the pressure of the man's parents, the relationship between the two lasted only one year and ended.

After this, Wu Peiti came together with Peter, a wealthy Malaysian businessman, and the two were said to have met on a plane.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?

Both sides were very satisfied with each other's conditions and naturally came together.

Wu Peiti also said in an interview that Peter is his ideal marriage partner, and they may marry within two years.

However, Providence tricked people, and until they broke up, the two did not achieve positive results.

Wu Peici once filmed a large-scale passion scene behind Peter's back, and later was discovered by Peter, who said that he could not accept it, proposed to break up, and ended this 4-year-long relationship.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?


In the end, Wu Peici met her current boyfriend Ji Xiaobo.

Ji Xiaobo is the CEO of a Hong Kong capital limited company with assets of up to NT$10 billion.

The two met at a friend's party, and Ji Xiaobo was shocked to see Wu Peici and immediately launched a fierce pursuit, and various gifts appeared in an endless stream.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?

I have to say that such a romantic offensive is very useful, and he quickly captured the hearts of the beauties.

However, when the two were just together, Ji Xiaobo was entangled in scandals, and it is said that he had stories with many actresses in the circle, which made Wu Peici extremely painful, because of these scandals, the two briefly broke up.

Four months later, Wu Peiti was upset because her dog "Hans" was sick.

At this time, Ji Xiaobo "attacked" again, often concerned about Hans's condition, and the gentle and considerate side once again impressed Wu Peici, and the two reconciled.

After reconciliation, Wu Peici revealed to the media that she was four months pregnant and had received a diamond ring worth millions from Ji Xiaobo.

Perhaps it is this first child that makes Wu Peici stand out among many "candidates".

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?

The child was also pregnant, the diamond ring was also received, and Wu Peici was almost a marriage certificate and a wedding when she left the rich man.

However, until the child was born and the hukou was settled, Ji Xiaobo still did not marry Wu Peici.

Maybe one child is not enough? So Wu Peici opened the mode of "full-time babybirth".

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?

From 2014 to 2017, in four years, a total of three children were born.

Counting the time, pregnant in October plus a month of confinement, these four years, Wu Peici's only thing is to have a child at home.

In 2020, he gave birth to a young daughter, and gave birth to two boys, two girls and four children to Ji Xiaobo in 7 years.

However, Wu Peici still did not wait for the ticket to the giants, and he and Ji Xiaobo were still boyfriend and girlfriend.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?


Although Wu Peici received many gifts, such as a mansion worth 300 million yuan, her mother-in-law also gave her some expensive jewelry from time to time.

The accumulation of these years has long made Wu Peici's value exceed 5 billion. However, the giants of her dreams have been affected many times, and recently they have been a little shaky.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?

A few years ago, Ji Xiaobo was in financial crisis.

His friend once broke the news that Ji Xiaobo borrowed 100 million Hong Kong dollars from him, but did not return it as agreed, and delayed it again and again. This is not like what a billionaire would do.

Moreover, the 300 million mansion he gave to Wu Peici has been used as collateral many times, and there are rumors that Ji Xiaobo's mother and son are in arrears in millions of rents.

Recently, there is news that all the hotels under Ji Xiaobo's name have been closed.

Ji Xiaobo was exposed to huge debts, and Wu Peici paid 10 years of youth in exchange for what?

Fan Bingbing once said, "I don't marry a rich man, because I am a rich man myself."

If Wu Peici chose to rely on her own strength to stand firm at the beginning, she should also have the courage to say this sentence.

However, life can not start all over again, and Wu Peici, who is now 42 years old, has no extra choice.

Whether she will finally dream of breaking the rich man, or become Mrs. Kuo as she wishes, it is still unknown.


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