
The Pingxiang Federation of Trade Unions carried out centralized volunteer service activities to clean up cigarette butts

author:China Industry Network

Recently, the Pingxiang Federation of Trade Unions in Jiangxi Province organized 6 volunteers to go deep into the Maple Bay community to carry out the "cigarette butts do not fall to the ground, Pingxiang is more beautiful" cigarette butt cleaning centralized volunteer service activities.

The Pingxiang Federation of Trade Unions carried out centralized volunteer service activities to clean up cigarette butts

Volunteers carrying brooms, clips, garbage bags and other tools, while cleaning up cigarette butts, scraps of paper, dead branches and leaves and advertisements on the walls on the roadside and in flower beds, while promoting tobacco control knowledge to residents, calling on the public not to smoke in non-smoking places and not to litter cigarette butts. When encountering uncivilized behaviors such as spitting and littering cigarette butts, paper scraps, and garbage, take the initiative to persuade and stop them, remind everyone to strive to be civilized citizens who emphasize civilization, hygiene, love the environment, and abide by rules, and go all out to make "cigarette butts do not fall to the ground" become the norm.

Not casually throwing away cigarette butts and taking the initiative to pick up cigarette butts may seem like a small move, but it reflects a sense of civilization. The Pingxiang Federation of Trade Unions will continue to carry out various volunteer service activities to stimulate more citizens to participate in the creation of a civilized city with practical actions.