
Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Escort the health of the people with professional knowledge

From July 11 to 15, under the leadership of the college teachers and experts of the Chinese Medical Hall, 18 people from the "One Silver Needle, One Ingenuity" love medical service team of the College of Acupuncture and Massage of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine came to the Hefei Modian community to carry out a 5-day summer social practice activity of "three going to the countryside" for college students to send residents volunteer services with appropriate techniques with traditional Chinese medicine characteristics.

Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Escort the health of the people with professional knowledge

Volunteers teach community children to make sachets

Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Escort the health of the people with professional knowledge

The practice team sends first aid knowledge to the community

At the Modian Community Residents Activity Center, Jiang Hongjie, Secretary of the Party Committee of Acupuncture and Tuina College, Tang Wei, Dean of the School, and Lan Lan, Deputy Director of the Modian Community Management Committee, jointly inaugurated the social practice base for college students of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the two sides jointly built a social practice base for college students, and will carry out social practice and volunteer services on a regular, standardized and regular basis to provide high-quality traditional Chinese medicine health services for the community.

At the scene of the volunteer service activities, the residents who heard the news every day were endless, and the teachers and students provided the residents with free TCM physique identification, acupuncture, tuina, moxibustion, ear acupuncture, gua sha, cupping, TDP magic lamp treatment and winter disease summer treatment three-volt stickers, and demonstrated the teaching of common health acupuncture point compression and other techniques on the spot.

The students also specially prepared a variety of heat-relieving summer flower teas and therapeutic medicinal meals for the residents, and taught the residents present to experience the production of Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Sachets, Medicinal Dietary Therapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Flower Tea.

In order to let residents have a better understanding of the prevention and treatment of common diseases and multiple diseases, the students also specially prepared a health and wellness knowledge brochure to distribute to residents free of charge, publicize the scientific knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine prevention and treatment of common diseases such as cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder, lumbar disc herniation, put forward health guidance, and teach the correct health rehabilitation exercise methods.

"Many elderly people are older and their hearing is not very good, which brings a lot of trouble to communication." Student volunteer Chu Hao said that students treat their families like family, repeatedly asking loud and repeatedly explaining, and explaining health knowledge to the elderly in plain language.

Traditional Chinese medicine is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine, and students brought well-rehearsed fitness qigong five bird play and Yi Jian Jing and other fitness exercises to demonstrate on the spot. Uniform costumes, high spirits, serious demonstrations, the residents look carefully, learn carefully, follow the students' movements and explanations, and practice decomposition movements together.

For residents with limited mobility, the teachers and students of the team, led by the community staff of Modian and the public welfare volunteers of the New Home, went into the homes of residents to carry out diagnosis and treatment services such as massage and ear acupuncture, and donated medicines such as cold spirits and berberines and epidemic prevention health sachets.

"'Health depends on life.'" Volunteering, love spreads far and wide. Needle Kang students, youth chase dreams. Rest assured, the strong country has me'. It is the instruction of the leaders of the Acupuncture and Tuina College before the 'Three Trips to the Countryside' Social Practice Team to the team members. I and the team members must keep in mind that we will provide meticulous diagnosis and treatment services for residents, so that traditional Chinese medicine health knowledge can be integrated into the daily lives of residents. Student Captain Li Yifan sighed.

Qi Yajun, the leading teacher, secretary of the Youth League Committee of acupuncture and tuina college and the most beautiful volunteer in the country, said that the college's social practice activities have been carried out for many years, on the one hand, it provides more opportunities and platforms for young students to perceive the grassroots, serve the society, apply what they have learned, and integrate knowledge and action, and at the same time, they can also use what they have learned to alleviate disease hardships for residents and share the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine health care.

According to the community leaders, the jurisdiction has a large population, mostly for the relocated households, mostly the elderly and left-behind children, acupuncture and tuina college student service team colorful "three to the countryside" health free clinic activities, the Chinese medicine culture into the community, not only for the silver-haired elderly and children to bring healthy care, but also enriched the spiritual life of the elderly and children, for them to bring a different kind of warmth.

The activity was strongly supported by the outpatient department of the Chinese Medical Hall of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and sent experts to provide free diagnosis and guidance service team students, and provided the service team with winter disease summer treatment three-volt patch, epidemic prevention health sachet, cold spirit and berberine and other drugs.

□ Reporter Cheng Rongjuan, correspondent Yang Mulong and Qi Yajun