
Improve the ability of enterprises to innovate in science and technology - Chen Hu, a representative of the Eighth Party Congress of the city

author:Luohe Network Information

"Secretary Liu Shangjin pointed out in the report that it is necessary to accelerate the construction of an innovation city, and take 'unswervingly implement the innovation-driven strategy and strive to promote the high quality of innovation and development' as one of the eight main tasks of the city in the next five years, pointing out that it is necessary to build an innovation platform, cultivate innovative subjects, and build an innovation ecology." As a corporate technician, I am very excited. In the future, we must make full use of the innovation dividend, vigorously enhance the technological innovation ability of enterprises, enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, and transform innovative advantages into enterprise development advantages. On September 27, Chen Hu, a representative of the Eighth Party Congress of the city and the leader of the equipment maintenance team of the seventh branch of Jihua 3515 Leather Shoes Co., Ltd., said in an interview with reporters.

After entering the factory in 1992, Chen Hu studied hard, had the courage to tackle key problems, made outstanding contributions to the smooth operation of enterprise equipment, and was hired by the enterprise as a senior craftsman in the field of equipment maintenance. In 2014, the company set up a model worker innovation studio, with Chen Hu as the person in charge. Since the establishment of the innovation studio, it has applied for more than 200 patents, and the achievement conversion rate has reached more than 60%, saving money and creating more than 46 million yuan in profits for the company. Relying on the innovation project, the studio has trained 2 engineers, 6 senior technicians and 6 technicians, and won the title of "Henan Provincial Exemplary Labor Model Innovation Studio". In 2020, the company set up a full-time scientific and technological innovation team, Chen Hu is a member, less than a year, the full-time scientific and technological innovation team developed a modular structure automated production line, from software to hardware has completely independent intellectual property rights. The project successfully applied for two software copyrights and applied for 16 patents.

Chen Hu said: "In the future, we will conscientiously study the spirit of the report, turn it into an innovative driving force, and work with other members of the full-time scientific and technological innovation team to respond to the national 'integration of two modernizations' development strategy, set higher goals, expand the field of research and development, so that the research and development design, manufacturing, operation and management, marketing links of enterprises will be connected, and the technological innovation and management upgrades of enterprises will be promoted at the minimum cost, and new contributions will be made to the innovation and development of enterprises." ”

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