
The same idol artist, participating in "Band Bar" and "Le Xia", but encountering different treatment?
The same idol artist, participating in "Band Bar" and "Le Xia", but encountering different treatment?

On the contrary, in the second episode of "Let's Band Together", there was also a female lead singer from the idol group, Chen Leyi, who was a member of the Bee Girl Team, and Chen Leyi had previously become famous for participating in "Next Stop Legend" with a song "Blue Bird".

This time to participate in the "Band Together", after singing Deng Ziqi's "Countdown", he was praised by the tutors, and also received the praise of Bai Jugang's Dali, which once made him feel uneasy, bluntly saying that Chen Leyi was his favorite female voice.

The same idol artist, participating in "Band Bar" and "Le Xia", but encountering different treatment?

"Summer of the Band" and "Let's Band Together" both touch on the topic of "idol artists", and interestingly, in the two shows, there are completely different effects.

The same idol artist, participating in "Band Bar" and "Le Xia", but encountering different treatment?

As Zhang Yadong said in the show, the band should have a different attitude, before Zhang Wei also said bluntly in "The Summer of the Band", those idol artists are almost all controlled by the company, and finally the Bangbang Orchestra and VOGUE 5 were eliminated in the first round.

The same idol artist, participating in "Band Bar" and "Le Xia", but encountering different treatment?
The same idol artist, participating in "Band Bar" and "Le Xia", but encountering different treatment?
The same idol artist, participating in "Band Bar" and "Le Xia", but encountering different treatment?
The same idol artist, participating in "Band Bar" and "Le Xia", but encountering different treatment?
The same idol artist, participating in "Band Bar" and "Le Xia", but encountering different treatment?

With the broadcast of the two band programs of "Summer of the Band" and "Let's Band Together", many people have begun to like the band culture and like rock music, especially "Summer of the Band" has made countless people realize that there are so many excellent bands in China.

Interestingly, in recent years, with the popularity of major talent shows and the growing culture of the fan circle, more and more idol groups and artists have gradually been created, and have become an unavoidable topic in major music programs today, just as Liu Yuning appeared on the stage of "Singer", cai Xukun broke the album sales record one after another.

The main reason why "Let's Band Together" has been controversial before is that the audience is questioning whether the band piled up by "such a group of musicians" can really reflect the soul of the band. This is undoubtedly similar to the previous "Summer of the Band" judging that the Bang Bang Orchestra was a group that was suddenly saved by the company, is everyone really integrated?

It is reported that Chen Leyi is also an idol artist who has only debuted for half a year, when asked by Li Ronghao why he wants to participate in "Let's Band Together", Chen Leyi said bluntly, because the idol group wants to limit his words and deeds, every expression on the stage, but he wants to be a singer who does not care about anything, and soon after, Chen Leyi was also included in Bai Jugang's team.

In "Summer of the Band", in the first 31 places, I saw the two idol bands of Bang Bang Orchestra and VOGUE 5, but after the debut of the first issue, it became the "slot point" in the show. The bands in the show generally believe that losing to the idol artist is a "shame", the first and most important point is that because they are first and foremost a band created by a company, the personality of each member is deliberately suppressed, completely lack of independence, or in terms of attitude, the idol artist seems to completely contradict the band's label.

The same idol artist, participating in "Band Bar" and "Le Xia", but encountering different treatment?
The same idol artist, participating in "Band Bar" and "Le Xia", but encountering different treatment?

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