
The history of bikini development: witnessing the sexiest 100 years

Recently, more than 50 degrees of heat swept through North America,

Take Vancouver, Canada, for example, reached 38.6°C on June 28,

In the town of Layton, about 260 kilometres northeast of Vancouver, the maximum temperature reached 49.6°C.

The history of bikini development: witnessing the sexiest 100 years

The long-term high temperature has also promoted the heat of many summer water-playing commodities such as sand pond chairs and bikini swimwear.

There has been a significant increase in Amazon Search and Google Trends.

The history of bikini development: witnessing the sexiest 100 years
The history of bikini development: witnessing the sexiest 100 years

Seeing this, Hugo bacteria suddenly wanted to pick up the past and present lives of the bikini,

But I didn't expect that the original bikini development had gone such a long way...

The history of bikini development: witnessing the sexiest 100 years

So, how was the hot and sexy bikini born?

In 1890

The history of bikini development: witnessing the sexiest 100 years

At the end of the 19th century, the overall design of women's swimsuits was relatively thick and loose,

Basically made of flannel fabric,

The aim is to prevent the swimsuit from exposing the skin as the swimsuit rises with the current when the woman is in the water.

In 1910

The history of bikini development: witnessing the sexiest 100 years

At the beginning of the 20th century, swimming was regarded as an active sport,

More and more women are competing in national and international swimming competitions.

At the 1912 Olympic Games, female athletes wore "Kellerman swimsuits" to amaze the entire Olympic Games.

At that time, people began to pay attention to the more concise swimsuit style,

The previous heavy "dress" style swimsuit is slowly being abandoned.

In 1930

The history of bikini development: witnessing the sexiest 100 years

In the 1930s, the swimsuit trend slowly entered the two-piece fashion swimwear design style.

By 1934, a swimsuit called the Maliot style began to hit the shelves.

Because the design that made women wear more "close-fitting" was too revealing, at the 1932 Olympic Games, Australian breaststroke player Clare Dennis was almost disqualified from participating because of this revealing nature...

However, this year's swimwear style was also later marked as the origin of modern swimwear.

In 1950

The history of bikini development: witnessing the sexiest 100 years

During World War II due to the shortage of textiles,

U.S. control of fiber products led to a 10 percent reduction in the production of materials for women's swimwear at that time.

As a result, women's swimwear can use less and less fabric.

In 1946, French designer Louis Reard designed what is considered to be the world's first modern bikini.

It's just that at that time, this bikini style was too subversive,

Even banned from the Miss World contest for a while,

It was not until after 1950 that it was gradually accepted by the public.

In 1960

The history of bikini development: witnessing the sexiest 100 years

Then, with the development of decades, more and more innovative designs appeared,

More and more bikini swimsuits to highlight the female figure are being designed,

Although there was still widespread controversy over this type of swimwear at the time,

But it still can't stop the bikini from moving in the direction of less and less fabric...

In 1970

The history of bikini development: witnessing the sexiest 100 years

As the design of the bikini becomes more and more bold,

In 1964, designer Rudi Gernreich introduced a three-point bikini.

The boldness of its design caused an uproar in that era.

In 1980

The history of bikini development: witnessing the sexiest 100 years

In the 80s, women's swimwear became more and more bold and colorful, reflecting the fashion trends of the time.

Bikini swimsuit is still the preferred swimwear,

In 1989, in a TV show called "Beach Ambulance Team", the heroine's bright red one-piece swimsuit surprised many viewers.

Later, this conjoined bikini with bright colors became the mainstream of that era,

In 1990

The history of bikini development: witnessing the sexiest 100 years

By the 1990s,

Bright colors, patterns and styles are more bold and nude to become the most representative features of bikinis.

Designed to perfectly reflect the perfect curves of the female body.

In 2015

The history of bikini development: witnessing the sexiest 100 years

Modern bikini clothing from 2000 to the present has been designed with the most minimalist features:

Two pieces of triangular cloth cover the upper body of the woman, and two pieces of inverted triangular cloth cover the lower body.

What's more interesting is that

Dominique Smith, editor of the British men's magazine Nuts, once commented on the development of bikinis:

"After years of war trauma, humanity needs something to bring new peace and happiness to the planet, and that's the bikini. Once again, its shape and function have convinced that the bikini was the greatest and happiest invention of the 20th century. ”