
There is no such Pengtan in the world, and there is no such spring dawn

author:Lu Yanni
There is no such Pengtan in the world, and there is no such spring dawn

Peng Tan and Chun Xiao and their daughter Mia

This article was originally published in the October 2020 issue of ELLE

Planning @ELLE magazine special group

Photography @ Photographer Richie

Styling @ Jinpai Pat Jinjing

Makeup @ Tai Lingyi

Hairstyle @ Xiaotian Elio

Producer: Wang Xuejing

Fashion Assistants: Jiajia, Liya

Venue: Jubilee Garden Joyous Garden

There is a strange but sweet little thing that happens at home from time to time, that is, Peng Tan is sometimes doing music composition in his room, and he will hear Chunxiao calling him, so he instinctively stops to find her, only to find that she is not calling him.

Chunxiao joked that it was "auditory hallucinations", but she herself would do the same, and she always felt as if her daughter was calling her. They all know that this is actually a kind of "tacit understanding and radio waves" between the family.

They've been together for 12 years.

There is no such Pengtan in the world, and there is no such spring dawn

There is no such Pengtan in the world, and there is no such spring dawn

There is no such Pengtan in the world, and there is no such spring dawn

Interview, author: Lu Yanni

There is no such Pengtan in the world, and there is no such spring dawn

In the middle of summer, the grass by the river is green, and the towering poplar forest stands at your side. Occasionally, there was a breeze, and the three families of Peng Tan and Chun Xiao stood in a row, and there was always laughter around them.

Their daughter Mia is 4 years old, which is the age of liveliness and agility. She was not afraid of the stage, and a stranger was in front of her, still bouncing and playing. When I look up at the world, there is not only curiosity in my eyes, but also a hint of concern. There is also a stark situation that when she and her parents are alone, they will behave differently - she will be more cute with her father because of pampering, and with her mother, she will have more composure.

This is something that young parents naturally understand more than we do.

There is no such Pengtan in the world, and there is no such spring dawn

"It's definitely different, because we're both very different, and Mia is Gemini again." Peng Tan nodded his head a few times, "She is not afraid of her mother, she knows that if her parents express their opinions, what her mother says is right."

"[Even] the whole world is right to speak up, but it's true that because mom is right, she has her own discernment." Chun Xiao on the side had a determined face.

There is no such Pengtan in the world, and there is no such spring dawn

Pentan's tears

"Mimi's Summer" is a lovely song written and sung by Peng Tan, Chun Xiao and Mia. As soon as 2019 was released, it overwhelmed a lot of music fans, and many people lamented that Peng Tan, who was in the same frame as his daughter, was "too loving", and even had no shortage of jokes: "Mia's milk tone is very cute, and Chunxiao sings very deliciously." Great arrangement. A family of three, Peng Tan is the ugliest."

The original source of the song was actually Mia's unconscious humming, Dad naturally popped out the melody to her rhythm, and Mom added her own creation, and finally finished. "When Dad was playing with her, (at first) she couldn't talk, and when she could only babble, he used music to communicate with her. This is our state of life, sometimes she will naturally jump up and make sounds when she hears music, and she will go on stage with us for a few months, because we are all taking our own children, if two people go together (work), it must be with her, and when she goes on stage, she will take her up, so it all happens naturally. For her, the performance and musicality are innate." When Chun Xiao talked about this, there was not much joy in her expression, as if everything was natural for her.

There is no such Pengtan in the world, and there is no such spring dawn

"Mimi's Summer" - Peng Tan/Chun Xiao/Mia

There is another important detail about the song – it is a rare song written by Pentan in the nearly two decades of music "Under the Big Sun" during the day. From the initial decision that you can only write songs at night, to slowly adjust to a normal schedule, it has a great relationship with the formation of the family and the birth of children. "It seems that musicians think that the night is very quiet, this time can have a lot of ideas, inspiration, impulses, but after learning to reasonably allocate fragmented time, you will find that sometimes you can let your brain out and then do other things, be able to take care of the family, and find a good state to create." 」 Chunxiao said that this was what she and Peng Tan learned in family life together.

The child was born after 7 years of marriage. The two men decided to take her with themselves. They want to share more with their children and with each other every important moment, change and moment in life.

There is no such Pengtan in the world, and there is no such spring dawn

Mia called out to her mother for the first time in 6 months, that day Chunxiao was cooking in the kitchen, Peng Tan was playing with the child, "She was lying in a small green chair, I heard her calling her mother, I quickly took the mobile phone record, he cried and said to Mia you shout again..." In Chunxiao's memory, Peng Tan cried very badly that day, "When I was born, he cried harder than me."

Another time, when his daughter had just turned a full moon, Peng Tan was invited to perform, "He hesitated for a long time and said he wouldn't go, I said it's okay for you to go, I have no problem with my own children." 」 He struggled for a long time, and finally decided to go, and when he went out, he cried like a parting of life and death, just not giving up." Chun Xiao understood Peng Tan's tears very well, "He himself is very emotional, we have experienced everything together, even when I was pregnant he would be fat, we are feeling these things at the same time." 」

There is no such Pengtan in the world, and there is no such spring dawn

A wayward family

"Willfulness" is a key word that runs through the couple's 12-year life.

"We went from marriage to having children is a very wayward process, it seems to be the most normal trajectory of this era, but my own feeling is that it is very willful, after a year together, we say we want to get married, and then we get married, and then we get pregnant and have children." 」 Peng Tan sat in a chair with his legs spread apart, shaking slightly unconsciously, as if there was a rhythm between the conversations that we could not hear, but he could hear them.

At first, many "people who came over" gave them a lot of reminders, "Scare me to say that having children is terrible and can't do anything..." After listening more, he felt "more and more untrustworthy." Later, after experiencing everything with his wife, I found that "life is not so absolute".

There is no such Pengtan in the world, and there is no such spring dawn

This is an era when too many people want to pursue "rebellion" and "independence", and more and more young people will ask: Why am I married?

"But I think this kind of question is quite impersonal, and it's cool if you face it without any vulgarity." In terms of my feelings, no matter what the people around me say, no matter what the current trend is, for me personally, I slowly understand love after I have a marriage and a family, and if I had not gone through such a stage, I may never understand what love is." Pentan's words suddenly became more numerous, and his attitude was clear.

Also outstanding is the hostess of this family, Chunxiao. The feeling of seeing that side for the first time Peng Tan still remembers it vividly: "I think it is very strange how there can be such a person, whose temperament and aura are different from those around him."

There is no such Pengtan in the world, and there is no such spring dawn

"In fact, he healed me, I was a very depressed person before, and although the business was very good at work, it was a mess for the self-grooming." In my troubled, complex work environment, there is rarely such a pure person, and he is what I have always wanted to pursue." Family life gave Chunxiao the opportunity and channel to continue to dive deep into her heart and understand herself. Although for quite some time at first, she knew very well that her pain and decadence, which Peng Tan, who was closest to her, could not fully understand, and she also felt pain about it, but at the same time she also told herself: "He is in a very good state, because he is not so complicated, there is not much other matter to deal with him, because he is such a simple person, only in his own world." 」

Time has passed, and both of the people in the family have grown up, and Pentan now understands more, "I really didn't pay much attention to the world other than me before." Chunxiao, on the other hand, has become more calm and powerful. In the past few years, she has gradually started to do what she is passionate about, serving as the manager of the label Modern Sky Kids, and devoting herself to the new world where children and music are intertwined.

There is no such Pengtan in the world, and there is no such spring dawn

Peng Tan Chunxiao and "Rolling Dad" and "Rolling Mom" give children children's day

Ask Peng Tan: Do you think that Chunxiao, as a girlfriend, wife, and mother, is there anything different? He seamlessly turned on the "rainbow fart" mode: "The rank is getting higher and higher, I can't catch up." I think I'm better than I've been in the past years, but I still can't break her."

Chun Xiao smiled unhurriedly and gave a note: "Your words are easy to cause misunderstandings, that is, I am very powerful, in fact, the status quo is, for example, today our family has 100 things, I do 99 things, he does those 1 thing, he can complete very well, I can also complete all 99 things." I love that kind of collaboration, and we all enjoy it."

There is no such Pengtan in the world, and there is no such spring dawn


What do you think is special about your family?

Chunxiao: It's not so cheesy. The so-called "tacky" is to be sure to follow a rule, must be how to do, we do not have too many family clichés, because we have always been to be ourselves, so there is not so much entanglement, has been very simple, do what you want to do, like to do, do not like to do, no impact, will not be forced to do, very willful. The state of the two of us supporting each other and working together should also be regarded as a life to aspire to.

What important advice, inspiration and tips has Chunxiao ever given you?

Pentan: Since I met her, all my creations will be given to her at the demo stage, and she will sometimes give very specific advice, and sometimes after listening to it, she will say "very good", and I am very down-to-earth. Basically, the last finished work that everyone hears has her influence in it.

There is no such Pengtan in the world, and there is no such spring dawn

What do you think love is?

Pentan: Love is not the only answer to an ultimate question, because love is also constantly changing, when you are with your lover, you begin the journey to find love, no matter how hot the marriage is, how sweet the honeymoon, in fact, these are just the beginning of the search for love, love is really living together, after going through all the things in life and the test of two people with each other, it is possible to find. My world is actually very small, but from my feelings about the small world, I feel that I am surrounded by people who have not experienced this, they are still looking for it, they have not yet found true love. I can't say I found it, but I'm at least in this process of finding love, and I'm pretty sure that this process is what I want and have been looking for.

Doesn't love continue with the feeling of love at first sight?

PengTan: Yes, it turns out that we are always asked by others, how do you keep it fresh? It's as if love has a shelf life. I think this kind of question is quite ridiculous, if love has a shelf life, then this love is too small to mention.

There is no such Pengtan in the world, and there is no such spring dawn

Let's sum up your 11 years of family life.

Chunxiao: Don't sum it up, it's still too early for us.

Pentan: Still on the road feeling. I don't like this the most, the older generation always says what model couples.

Chunxiao: There is no comparison, because each individual is completely different, and everyone enjoys a completely different state, and it is difficult for you to synthesize this thing. To put it bluntly, there is no such me in this world, nor is there such a him, nor can it be copied, we have experienced a lot, not smooth sailing, we have been trying to change, not ourselves are changing, but all the environment, feelings are in change, has been working hard, now talk about summary, it is too early.

Editor: Yiming Xu

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| Zhang Wenbo |

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