
Wenzhou: high-speed fatigue driving, the vehicle lost control and hit the guardrail, the driver: did not fall asleep, snoozed

author:Wenzhou high-speed traffic police

At about 2:00 a.m. on October 10, in the lake fog section of the G15 Shenhai Expressway towards Fujian, a large truck of Lu G nationality gradually deviated from the direction during the driving process, directly hit the protective fence in front of the right, and then slid forward for 60 to 70 meters before stopping.

Wenzhou: high-speed fatigue driving, the vehicle lost control and hit the guardrail, the driver: did not fall asleep, snoozed

The violent impact severely damaged the front wheels of the vehicle, deformed the front axle, and could not continue driving. After receiving the police, the patrol police Yang Lixiao rushed to the scene to deal with the accident at the first time, while doing a good job of early warning after the accident and on-site traffic guidance, while contacting the rescue force to evacuate the vehicle.

Wenzhou: high-speed fatigue driving, the vehicle lost control and hit the guardrail, the driver: did not fall asleep, snoozed

After the evacuation of the accident, Yang Lixiao judged based on years of duty experience that the culprit of the accident may be fatigue driving. However, the driver, Lu Mou, denied it and said: "If you don't fall asleep, you are snoozing." ”

Wenzhou: high-speed fatigue driving, the vehicle lost control and hit the guardrail, the driver: did not fall asleep, snoozed

The police carried out a severe criticism and education of Lu Mou, telling him: "Don't take risks, there are endless problems after fatigue driving." "In the state of fatigue, perception, thinking, judgment, etc. will decline, and the lack of energy will lead to slow response, and if you still barely drive the vehicle, it is easy to lead to traffic accidents."

Wenzhou: high-speed fatigue driving, the vehicle lost control and hit the guardrail, the driver: did not fall asleep, snoozed

Lu Mou, who experienced the accident first-hand, also deeply realized the danger of fatigue driving and promised that he would never venture forward again. In the end, Lu undertook full responsibility for the accident and was fined 200 yuan according to law.

Wenzhou: high-speed fatigue driving, the vehicle lost control and hit the guardrail, the driver: did not fall asleep, snoozed

Wenzhou high-speed traffic police reminder

Spring sleepy autumn lack summer nap

Fatigue driving is not allowed

Especially on high speeds

If you feel tired and sleepy during the journey

Please select the service area as soon as possible or drive away from the highway to stop and rest

There is a parking area in the high-speed exit square of Wenzhou District

There is no additional cost to drive out of the highway

Drivers who drive long distances should follow the "every three must enter"

Passing through the third service area

Be sure to go inside and take a good rest

Drive for more than four hours continuously

Must stop for a break of more than 20 minutes

haste makes waste

Peace is the fastest way home