
CBA three news: Liaoning contact star foreign aid, Luan Licheng will be devolved, Zhou Pengpan left work early

author:CBA Lime

Hello everyone, I am The Northern Lemon, you friends should develop the habit of first praising and then watching!

The new CBA season has officially started, and now most of the teams are still playing in the league with the lineup of the all-Chinese class, some of which have indeed determined the foreign aid candidates, and even reached a contract, but due to the relationship of the epidemic, even if they sign foreign aid now, they will not be able to officially return to the team until at least the second stage of the regular season, but the Liaoning team has successfully renewed the small foreign aid Ferge last season with the help of the North Control Team, according to the latest news, Fergus will return to Liaoning in the last few games of the first phase of the regular season, when he has a good chance to play for the team, which is definitely good news for Liaoning fans, and there is even better news in recent days.

According to U.S. media reports, the well-known NBA star Cousins revealed that there is a CBA team to give him a contract that makes him very interested, and this team has very good guard players, and they have won the championship this year, obviously cousins in the mouth of this team is most likely to be Liaoning team, of course, the conditions of the Guangdong team are more in line, but the Guangdong team already has Two foreign aides, Marchand and Weems, if they want to sign Cousins, it is estimated that the salary of foreign aid will greatly exceed the budget.

Marchand and Weems are the top foreign aid in the CBA, the salary of the two is definitely not less than 4 million US dollars, and this year's CBA League foreign aid salary soft cap cap ceiling is 5 million US dollars, Guangdong team to sign Cousins must pay a coordination fee, this money is not cheap, rather than choosing Cousins is better to sign a large foreign aid of about 1 million US dollars, practicality should not be too bad, after all, under the rules of foreign aid four quarters and four people, Ma Shang and Weims can fully guarantee the rotation of the team's foreign aid.

Unlike the Liaoning team, Fogg's salary will not be too high, from his performance last season, his value should appear to decline, liaoning team has complete salary space left for Cousins, and from the experience gained from last season's finals, compared to the excellent small foreign aid, Liaoning team needs to introduce a strong foreign aid to sit under the basket, Cousins was previously an NBA All-Star level player, even if he was injured, coming to the CBA should still have absolute dominance.

The only thing debatable is Cousins's personality, he and Liaoning team signed before the Stephenson some similar, temper is relatively large, afraid that he came to the CBA after not willing to play seriously, if Cousins performance is not good, Liaoning team wants to re-find big foreign aid will be very troublesome, this is the team needs to consider things, Cousins is like a double-edged sword, he has not come to the CBA before no one knows what kind of performance he can play, I hope that Liaoning team can choose a really suitable for the team's big foreign aid.

CBA three news: Liaoning contact star foreign aid, Luan Licheng will be devolved, Zhou Pengpan left work early

NBA All-Star class player Cousins

The second message comes from Beijing Shougang team's young player Luan Licheng, after the end of the four rounds of the regular season, Luan Licheng still has not entered the beijing Shougang team's big list, many fans wonder, this offseason Beijing Shougang team spent a lot of energy to introduce this young defender, why not give him the opportunity to play?

Recently, a well-known basketball reporter in Beijing answered the fans' questions, Luan Licheng has been practicing with the team since joining the Beijing Shougang team, and his hard work in training has been recognized by Yannis, but Yannis believes that Luan Licheng does not have the ability to compete in the CBA League now, and he also needs to improve himself through training and competition.

According to Yannis, now beijing Shougang team will delegate Luan Licheng to the CBDL league for a period of time, the team has developed a complete set of training plans for him, and not using Luan Licheng now does not mean that Beijing Shougang team intends to give him up, they still have certain expectations for Luan Licheng.

The only big deal for Beijing Shougang in the offseason this year was to exchange the team's young inside player Li Jiayi for the fifth pick of the draft conference in the hands of Tianjin team, and they used the fifth pick to select Luan Licheng in the draft conference, and as far as the current situation is concerned, fans want to see Luan Licheng play for a while.

Draft players are sent to the CBDL league is a relatively common thing, after all, the intensity of the CUBA and CBA games is still a certain gap, before Zhang Ning was also sent to the CBDL league by the Shanxi team for a period of time, now he has become the main defender player in the team, as long as Luan Licheng is willing to work hard to believe that he will return to the CBA one day.

CBA three news: Liaoning contact star foreign aid, Luan Licheng will be devolved, Zhou Pengpan left work early

Beijing Shougang rookie Player Luan Licheng

The third message came from Zhou Peng, the fourth round of the CBA regular season has all ended, Guangdong team finally beat Shanghai team 112-97, Zhou Peng as the best player in the team was interviewed after the game, in the interview, Zhou Peng said that his hand style in this game is still not very smooth, and he will strive to expand the point difference as soon as possible and leave work early.

I have to say that Zhou Peng did have some Versailles, this game he single-handedly cut 31 points, and the shooting rate of more than 70%, but he is still not satisfied, but it is also true, before the Guangdong team's game Zhou Peng basically left work early after half or three quarters.

Zhou Peng mentioned in the interview that the key to Guangdong's ability to win this game is to limit Wang Zhelin's play, and now the regular season schedule is more intensive, including him, the players are physically tired, hoping to shoot higher in the future games and strive to establish the lead faster.

This year Zhou Peng is 32 years old, but from this game point of view, his physical fitness has no problems at all, perennial self-discipline makes Zhou Peng alive on the field, he in addition to cutting 31 points, but also grabbed 12 rebounds, compared to the shanghai team's young player Guo Haowen, Zhou Peng's various data will suppress the other side.

The old captain is still the old captain, when the Guangdong team needs someone to be able to stand up, Zhou Peng is absolutely trustworthy, and then the Guangdong team schedule is very dense, basically every other day there will be a game, I hope that the other players in the team can smooth the hand style, so that Zhou Peng can get more rest, his physical strength is still left to more critical playoffs.

CBA three news: Liaoning contact star foreign aid, Luan Licheng will be devolved, Zhou Pengpan left work early

Zhou Peng shot at Wang Zhelin

After guangdong won the match with Shanghai, the only team that could prevent them from winning consecutively was Zhejiang, but from the last game, it can be seen that it is not easy for the current Zhejiang team to beat The Guangdong team, and it feels that there is still a certain gap between their positions and the Guangdong team, especially after Wu Qian is restricted, the strength of the Zhejiang team will be greatly reduced.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Guangdong team is the most likely to maintain a total victory in the first stage of the regular season, after all, Guangsha team will have two games against Liaoning team, they are likely to lose, and Guangdong team as long as it can beat Zhejiang team again, then the opponent behind them basically can not pose a threat to them, this year's Guangdong team's regular season results should be very prominent.

I'm a North Lime, a female fan, follow me and get more CBA information!

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