
Wu Jian presided over the 125th Standing Committee of the 14th Gangu County CPC Committee

author:Gangu County Rong Media Center

On October 24, Wu Jian, secretary of the county party committee, presided over the 125th Standing Committee meeting of the 14th Gangu County CPC Committee. Sun Zhongping, Lin Ruhai, Li Wanju, Wang Jianxue, Zhang Henggang, Du Xing, Li Binbin, Cheng Manping, Lin Senshan, Fan Hui, and Yang Yang, members of the standing committee of the county party committee, attended the meeting as observers; Yang Fan, chairman of the county people's congress standing committee, Ma Ji, chairman of the county CPPCC committee, and Cao Mingzhong, secretary of the county CPPCC leading group, attended the meeting as observers.

The meeting studied the relevant matters of epidemic prevention and control in the county, studied the relevant matters of the standing committee of the county party committee, the division of labor of the deputy county chief, and the leading cadres at the county level of the four major organizations to grasp the townships and towns, studied the relevant matters related to the convening of the 15th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Gangu County and the list of candidates for the change of the leadership team of Gangu County and the list of candidates for the difference, and discussed and studied the "Implementation Plan for Grasping Party Building in Gangu County and Promoting Rural Revitalization" and "The Implementation Plan for Gangu County on Party Building to Lead the High-quality Development of Cooperatives". Listened to the report on the east-west cooperation and central designated assistance work in Gangu County in 2021.

The meeting pointed out that at present, the epidemic situation in the whole province is very severe, and the leaders of the county party committee and government should quickly go deep into the townships and towns under their respective responsibilities in accordance with the division of labor, supervise and guide the epidemic prevention and control work, further transmit the pressure of responsibility, find and solve problems, do a good job in key passes, guard the bottom line of prevention and control, and fight the epidemic prevention and control defense war. We must make every effort to grasp the import of external defense, which is the key and top priority of the current epidemic prevention and control work in our county. It is necessary to take all measures to calm down the whole county, and the public security bureau and the town of Daxiangshan should strengthen propaganda, increase street patrols, and find ways to reduce the flow, movement, and gathering of people in society. All townships and towns should strengthen their territorial responsibilities, and from today onwards, they should immediately enter a state of war, manage their own people well, guard their own doors, devote more energy and stricter measures than vaccination, and mobilize the masses to prevent mass control and external prevention and import. Supervise and urge market supervision, cultural tourism, commerce, municipal construction centers and other departments to perform their duties, do a good job in the implementation of prevention and control measures in stores along the street and in the market supermarket, and sound the alarm bell through heavy penalties for those who refuse to implement epidemic prevention measures, and will never tolerate accommodation.

The meeting demanded that all the work throughout the year has reached the critical period of sweeping up the tail and sprinting, and all the leaders of the county party committee and government should resolutely shoulder their work responsibilities, devote themselves wholeheartedly to the cause of economic and social development in Gangu with a high sense of political responsibility, mission, and urgency, and do a good job in all aspects of the work they are in charge of, and must not fail to live up to the heavy trust of the organization and the expectations of the people. It is necessary to quickly enter the role, actively take the initiative to carry out work, do not relax, self-pressure to grasp the study, learn to understand and understand the relevant policy requirements of the field of responsibility, and plan and think, guide practice, and promote work in combination with reality. It is necessary to rationally plan the time, meet with the departments in charge and the leading bodies of the townships and towns in charge as soon as possible, grasp the overall situation, understand the progress of the work, and explore the direction of development, so as to win the initiative in promoting the high-quality development of all work. It is necessary to firmly establish the concept of "project is king", use all resources, exhaust all methods, communicate with provinces and cities as soon as possible, carry out creative work, and do everything possible to plan and strive for projects, so as to lay a solid foundation for next year's work. It is necessary to conscientiously study the state's investment orientation, accurately grasp the relationship between economy and ecology, speed and quality, city and countryside, and the whole and the part, keep a close eye on urban renewal, rural revitalization, people's livelihood security, ecological governance, infrastructure construction and other fields, seek in depth and seek a number of large projects and good projects that lay the foundation, benefit the long term, strengthen functions, and increase stamina, and truly make great breakthroughs in project construction to promote high-quality economic and social development. It is necessary to go all out to prepare for the post-national assessment and provincial assessment and acceptance, highlight the key points of work, adhere to the problem orientation, make efforts in checking for omissions and filling in the gaps, consolidating the strong and supplementing the weak, drawing inferences from one another, eliminating hidden dangers, and making meticulous, solid, and effective preparations to ensure the smooth passage of the two "big examinations." It is necessary to make overall plans for the study and education of party history, the creation of civilized counties at the provincial level, the preparation of party congresses and the "two sessions", and other current key tasks, continue to do a good job in the implementation of various tasks, and promote the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" to achieve a "good start". It is necessary to consciously safeguard the authority and unity of the leading bodies, correctly treat ourselves, comrades, and organizations, and constantly consolidate the good situation of being in a smooth mood and having a healthy and vigorous trend. It is necessary to establish the concept of the overall situation and the awareness of the overall situation, persist in combining collective leadership with individual division of labor, carry forward the unity of democracy and effective centralization, speak with one voice, work with one fist, unite and cooperate, support each other, ensure that we are ideologically concentric, have the same goal, and synchronize our actions, closely rely on collective wisdom to carry out our work, unite as one, and seek common development. It is necessary to inherit and carry forward the good experience, good practices, good work style, and good traditions in the work, not only maintain the continuity of work, continue to exert efforts, and make achievements for a long time, but also constantly innovate in the process of inheritance, promote development in the course of innovation, and truly do a good job in the affairs of Gangu.

The meeting stressed that the 15th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Gangu County is a very important meeting held at a critical period when the whole county is deeply studying and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech and striding forward to comprehensively start a new journey of socialist modernization. In order to properly hold this meeting, all relevant departments have done a great deal of fruitful work, and the preparatory work for the party congress has been carried out in a solid and orderly manner, and marked results have been achieved. It is necessary to further refine and improve the work plan in combination with the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control regulations, refine the procedures, make each link detailed, optimize the whole process, and do a good job in guaranteeing, so as to ensure that the meeting is smoothly connected, efficient and orderly. The county party committee, the organization department, and the county discipline inspection commission supervision committee should conscientiously sort out and fully absorb the opinions and suggestions put forward by the leaders, accurately dock the relevant requirements of provinces and cities, and conscientiously revise and improve the three reports, so as to lay a solid foundation for a good meeting. All preparatory groups should perform their respective duties and responsibilities, reverse the schedule, cooperate closely, and work intensively in accordance with the plan to push forward all work, try their best to push forward the tasks, and ensure that all preparatory work is completed with high quality and high standards.

The meeting pointed out that grasping party building and promoting rural revitalization is an important part of the organizational revitalization in the "five major revitalizations" and is also an important starting point for comprehensively and effectively linking up. All levels and departments of the county should persist in placing the work of grasping party building and promoting rural revitalization in an important position, highlight the leadership of party building, refine practical measures, and vigorously grasp the implementation of tasks, so as to provide a strong organizational guarantee for consolidating and expanding the achievements in poverty alleviation and continuing to promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. It is necessary to conscientiously compare the 30 key tasks in the six aspects specified in the "Implementation Plan", refine the work plan article by article, clarify the specific measures and promotion plans, and make overall plans for the implementation of various tasks. It is necessary to continue to rectify the weak and sluggish grass-roots party organizations, solidly carry out the activities of "large-scale military training at posts and large-scale competition in professional work," comprehensively enhance the ability level of rural cadres, and build a solid fighting fortress for rural revitalization. It is necessary to strictly implement the responsibility system for the secretaries at the three levels to grasp the work of rural revitalization, tighten the responsibility of relevant departments, and effectively unite the work of grasping party building and promoting rural revitalization. The organization department of the county party committee should normalize and strengthen supervision and inspection, timely discover and solve existing problems, and resolutely hold accountable those who do not pay enough attention, take ineffective measures, and lag behind in work.

The meeting stressed that party building leading the high-quality development of cooperatives is an effective way to develop and expand the industries that enrich the people and enhance the collective economic strength of the villages, an important measure to consolidate the achievements in poverty alleviation and promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside, and it is also a powerful hand to enhance the combat effectiveness of rural grass-roots organizations and consolidate the party's ruling foundation in rural areas. All levels and departments of the county should fully understand the importance and necessity of party building leading the high-quality development of cooperatives, vigorously implement the three-year promotion action of party building to lead the development of cooperatives, actively explore the implementation of models such as independent management, collective leadership, shareholding joint venture, and party member establishment, and first try to build a number of village collective-led cooperatives or village shareholding economic cooperative demonstration sites, and basically eliminate weak villages with collective economic income of less than 10,000 yuan and 60% of administrative villages with annual incomes of more than 20,000 yuan and 50% within the year. The annual income of the village reaches the target requirement of more than 50,000 yuan. The Organization Department of the county party committee and the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau should play a leading role in grasping the overall role, conscientiously perform the duties of management, guidance, and supervision, and supervise and urge townships, towns, and relevant departments and units to implement all work measures in detail. It is necessary to strengthen overall planning and coordination, establish a monthly reporting and quarterly dispatch system, timely grasp the progress of work, and promote the implementation of work tasks. Departments and units such as finance, rural revitalization, and supply and marketing should actively play their functions and roles, optimize policy support and guarantees, and strive to create experience and achieve practical results in this work as soon as possible.

The meeting pointed out that carrying out east-west cooperation and providing designated assistance by central units is a major policy decision made by the party Central Committee with an eye to promoting coordinated regional development and promoting common prosperity, and is an important political task. Since the beginning of this year, the whole county has conscientiously implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, actively docked with Tianjin Dongli District and CRRC Group, continuously innovated assistance methods and broadened the field of cooperation, and achieved certain results in east-west cooperation and fixed-point assistance. All townships, towns, and county-level units directly concerned should further improve their political standing, make good use of help and support resources, deepen the connotation of help, actively take the initiative to dock, and earnestly do a good job in the work of east-west cooperation and designated assistance. It is necessary to speed up the progress of project construction, make solid preparations for year-end assessments, and actively plan projects for next year to provide strong support for deepening coordination and support, consolidating the results of poverty alleviation, and promoting rural revitalization.

Editor: Yang Yanru

Editor-in-charge: Wang Cunlu

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