
Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

author:Raven Movie
Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

If you were a genius, how would you choose?

Is it content to be good at something and have fun? Or do you use your talents to achieve something in a field and contribute?

The former is not inevitable; the latter is not enough based on talent alone.

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

America, Florida, Frank lives with his little niece Mary.

Frank receives a call from the elementary school teacher—Mary yelling at the principal in person.

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

Mary had had enough.

She didn't want to stay in a stupid school for a minute.

In math class, the teacher is teaching 1+1=? Such childish questions.

Am I mistaken? 1+1?

57x135 She can figure it out in three seconds!

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...
Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...
Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

Yes, Mary was a true genius.

Although she is only seven years old, the little girl has already shown amazing talent for mathematics.

Before elementary school, Mary taught herself higher algebra and is now working on differential equations...

The result is now to let her go back to learning 1+1? No wonder the little ones lose their temper impatiently.

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

But Frank was reluctant to let Mary go to the junior class, which was Mary's mother's last wish.

Before her sister died, she entrusted her daughter to Frank so that Mary could live an ordinary life.

So when the teacher said, "I think Mary is very talented," Frank casually found a reason to prevaricate.

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

But the teacher was not fooled by Frank's excuses.

In class, while the other children were doing ten-digit addition and subtraction, the teacher quietly handed Mary a copy of the advanced number study problem.

Mary is only beginning to like school a little...

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

Before long, Frank gets another call from school—Mary is in trouble again.

On the school bus, I saw someone bullying the small with a big bully, mary road saw unevenness, stepped forward to help, and as a result, the bridge of the nose of the person was broken...

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

The niece is in trouble, but Frank is a little happy, because Mary begins to show "compassion".

Frank believes that the development of a child's personality is much more important than that of the day...

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

Unfortunately, genius cannot be hidden.

One day, Mary's grandmother showed up at Frank's doorstep.

Frank looked at his mother sheepishly, and mixed feelings of sadness welled up in his heart.

He understood that his mother had come to snatch Mary...

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...
Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

Released in 2017, the American movie "Genius Girl" tells the story of a mathematical genius child who is competed for custody by his relatives because of his family's different educational philosophies.

The film stars Chris Evans (as Frank) and McKenna Grace (as Mary).

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

Chris Evans is sure that many people are familiar with him, he is the male protagonist of the "Captain America" series of movies, and also starred in Bong Joon-ho's film "Snow Country Train".

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...
Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

McKenna Grace, a child actress born in 2006, has a wealth of acting experience and a kaleidoscopic screen style.

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

She has played a sociopathic teenage girl murderer in "Bad Seed", a childhood figure skater in "I, The Queen of Flowers", and a juvenile "Captain Marvel".

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...
Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

In this movie, she uses her good acting skills to blend the genius of the early wisdom and the childishness of the child just right.

For example, while easily solving world-class mathematical problems, carefully say: Your problem has errors, but I dare not say them, because it is impolite to correct the mistakes of elders;

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

For example, the depth and solemnity of the eyes when thinking about difficult problems;

When it's awkward, it's an infectious crying scene.

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...
Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

In this custody battle, the two sides were unwilling to compromise, and finally the mother and son met in court.

Grandma Evelyn's education method is strict and harsh and almost ruthless, firmly believing that "talents come out of the stick", and talent also requires the tireless hard work of the day after tomorrow to blossom and fall leaves and bear fruit.

In her view, Mary's "one-in-a-billion talent" is one of the few people destined to make a great contribution to all mankind.

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

Frank's approach was a foolish and selfish waste of that talent.

Evelyn, who has a rich family, will devote her heart and soul to Mary's best learning environment and educational resources, wishing her a bright future.

She valued Mary's talent.

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...
Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

Frank was completely opposed to his mother's set, because Mary's birth mother, Frank's own sister Diane, died under her mother's strict arbitrariness.

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

Ever since Diane showed her talent for mathematics, her mother didn't stop forcing Diane to do math.

Reading questions, solving problems, repeating cycles, no childhood, no playmates, and even dating a boy with a crush was reported to the police by the mother that the boy was deliberately kidnapped...

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

Her mother's strictness did make Diane's mathematical strength soar, and she was so gifted that she even had the ability to solve the Navier-Stokes equation and win the Fields Medal in Mathematics...

But this achievement is earned by sacrificing those important things in life.

How dazzling the achievements and aura of mathematics are, and how heavy the pain and cost it comes with.

Diane's big eyes revealed a deep sadness, sadness from the physical and mental torture of love and hate, from the loneliness that no one understood for more than twenty years.

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

Frank vows never to let Mary repeat the mistakes of the past...

He remembered his sister's last wish, gave Mary an ordinary and ordinary life, and grew up freely and happily;

So he stubbornly insisted on sending Mary to a regular school, hoping that she would make friends of the same age;

When Mary buried her head in the day's problem, he would take the initiative to take the child to play;

When Evelyn secretly takes Mary to learn mathematics, he presses the anger to take Mary away and draws a line with her mother...

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

In Frank's mind, Mary was not a genius, but a child.

But is his own approach the best for Mary?

In court, a confession by mother Evelyn was shocking:

Diane was a genius, and genius had special talents and needs. And I, as her mother, must take on the responsibility of letting her realize her talents;

I could have wasted her time and let her spend her life in mediocrity... But the consequence of doing so is to waste a great mind that is one of the best, and it is to make this era suffer great losses... And I, choosing to let her talent shine, is that wrong?

Frank couldn't help but start to reflect...

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

Talent, english is gift, also has the meaning of gift.

This gift is God's gift and favor, but it can also become a problem and a problem.

Children are not deeply involved in the world, they are simply ignorant, and even if they are extremely talented, they do not understand what that means.

Talent will eventually evolve into what, and the decision is often in the hands of the adults around them.

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

The two people in the movie are actually at the extreme of some kind of education.

Evelyn will cultivate Mary as an adult dragon phoenix, at the cost of missing personality development;

Frank was the fertile ground for Mary's happy growth, but bound her soaring wings.

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

They all initially ignored Mary's feelings.

Children are keen and delicate to feel everything, and their minds mature faster than they can imagine.

The joy of studying mathematics with Evelyn and the beautiful peace of day and night with Frank are all of great significance to Mary.

People thought she didn't know anything but math, but in fact, she had the answer.

Like in the movie, when someone asks Mary why she likes Frank more, she replies:

He made me feel that even if I was an ordinary child, he would love me.

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...
Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

The happiness of young age is enough to heal a lifetime, but the future and the future are also the material foundation of a good life.

Fortunately, Frank woke up and made the right decision...

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...
Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

In this world, there is no perfect education.

The optimal solution is to carefully fumble through the process until the right balance is found.

But we must know that knowledge and quality are never opposites, and perfecting both is the meaning of education.

Bring your child to know a flower, but do not take the flower for yourself;

Teach children to recognize the appearance and breed of a bird, but not to harm other creatures that are weaker than us;

After analyzing a difficult problem, you can be humble and calm in the face of praise from others, and you should be equal and gentle in the face of people who are inferior to yourself.

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

Throughout life, the truth of education is to impress one life with another;

Seeking kindness with a sincere heart and seeking knowledge with a humble heart is what educators and receivers have been pursuing all their lives and should pursue.

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...

As a parent, the road is long and arduous.

Is the kind of "good" we want to give "good" or not?

The proof process is long, and the conclusion is hidden decades later.

But all parents who love their children will devote their hearts and minds to their children, sparing no effort until the seedlings bloom into flowers.

Don't be born! What if the child is a genius...