
Zhang Wen: Data security is the cornerstone of the development of the data industry

author:People's Daily News

Source: People's Daily Original manuscript

People's Daily Beijing, July 19 (Reporters Bi Lei and Xu Weina) Recently, the 2021 (20th) China Internet Conference hosted by the Internet Society of China was held at the Beijing National Convention Center. At the scene of the event, Zhang Wen, president of the Beijing Internet Court, said in an exclusive interview with a people's daily reporter that only on the basis of data security can the data industry develop healthily.

Zhang Wen: Data security is the cornerstone of the development of the data industry

Zhang Wen, president of the Beijing Internet Court, was interviewed by People's Daily. People's Daily reporter Bi Lei took a photo

Recently, the Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Data Security Law) was officially passed and promulgated, and will come into force on September 1, 2021. "Data" as a new type of independent object of protection has been legally recognized.

Zhang Wen said that the Beijing Internet Court is very concerned about the promulgation and implementation of the Data Security Law, because the Data Security Law is actually the top-level system design of the state for Internet governance, and the concentrated embodiment of institutional thinking in the law, "so as a judge, you will definitely pay special attention to the implementation of the Data Security Law, and the cases related to it will also receive great attention." ”

"Now data has become a very core basic production factor in the development of the Internet industry." Zhang Wen believes that the core of the Data Security Law is security and development. Therefore, whether it is security, industrial development, or personal rights protection, it must be within the boundaries of compliance. "The Internet is not an extralegal place, and the development of the data industry must also be carried out on the track of the rule of law, which is the important significance of the implementation of the Data Security Law." She said.

In recent years, China's Internet platform economy has developed vigorously and has become the main feature of the Internet era. However, a series of new problems and challenges have arisen, which urgently need to be jointly studied and solved by all sectors of society.

When talking about her work, Zhang Wen said that for the Beijing Internet Court, the two keywords of "standardization" and "development" should be put into the trial process of the case. She told reporters: "There is a adjudication concept in the Beijing Internet Court: to judge tree rules, to promote governance with rules, and to promote development with governance. We hope to be able to sink into the scene, get close to the industry, deconstruct the model, keep up with the technology, and adopt a judicial attitude of both standardization and cultivation for industrial development and digital economy development. ”

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