
Li Zhi sang a song about the loneliness of a senior high school student, do you know what major he studied? First, what to learn from automation, what directions of automation three, what work can automation do, and what to pay attention to when learning automation

author:Teacher Miao's wonderful pen is full of flowers

"We are born lonely, we are born lonely, no matter what you have, we are born lonely." 」 The lyrics in Li Zhi's "Mr. Van Gogh" are like the life of a senior in high school. Away from his parents, living alone in school; the pace of learning is fast, even the classmates around him can't say more; although lonely, his heart is still full of hope.

When the acoustic guitar, accordion and saxophone are played together, the unique voice pierces the tranquility, the sadness is no longer there, and some seem to be peaceful and mischievous. I don't know if Li Zhi, when he sang this song, did he think of Southeast University, which he abandoned, and whether he remembered the major he had studied for many years - automation. It's called the golden oil, to put it bluntly, it's a big engineering, all-encompassing, everything is a little bit dipped, just like the acoustic guitar, accordion and saxophone, it doesn't look very compatible, but it's quite good to match together.

Li Zhi sang a song about the loneliness of a senior high school student, do you know what major he studied? First, what to learn from automation, what directions of automation three, what work can automation do, and what to pay attention to when learning automation

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >, what automation learns</h1>

There are more automated courses than most engineering majors, so it is often referred to as the most difficult engineering major to learn. Undergraduate courses are not only in electrical engineering, computer science and technology, but also in electronic science and technology, but also in a small number of chemical engineering courses. Let's be more specific and easy to understand.

Learning automation, without learning circuits is certainly not OK; learning automation, no point of computer hardware knowledge how can you; learning automation, control theory this piece you have a good grasp of; learning automation, programming is also your best play; learning automation, strong electricity and weak electricity you have to know; learning automation, no hands-on soldering circuit board, playing with electric soldering iron, how can you finish the industry.

Li Zhi sang a song about the loneliness of a senior high school student, do you know what major he studied? First, what to learn from automation, what directions of automation three, what work can automation do, and what to pay attention to when learning automation

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > second, what are the directions of automation</h1>

Because the automation profession is very extensive, no university can do the best in all directions of automation, usually with one or two "masterpieces" at the bottom of its own pressure box. Automation at the undergraduate level, the graduate level is called "control science and engineering", which is a first-level discipline, and there are five second-level disciplines below.

The first is called control theory and control engineering, which is a second-level discipline called "dual control", which is really used for further study, and it is the only way to engage in research theory. Tsinghua University, Northeastern University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Zhejiang University are all "shoulder handles" in this field.

Li Zhi sang a song about the loneliness of a senior high school student, do you know what major he studied? First, what to learn from automation, what directions of automation three, what work can automation do, and what to pay attention to when learning automation

The second one is called systems engineering, and you don't look at the name as a particularly practical applied discipline, right? In fact, it is indeed more theoretical, so it is most appropriate to engage in research. Tsinghua University, Beihang University, National University of Defense Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology are all good.

The third one is called pattern recognition and intelligent systems, what can you think of when you look at this name? Is it close to the concept that has been particularly popular in recent years - artificial intelligence? Yes, that's right, the direction of algorithmic and graphical image recognition is definitely the future direction worth looking forward to.

Li Zhi sang a song about the loneliness of a senior high school student, do you know what major he studied? First, what to learn from automation, what directions of automation three, what work can automation do, and what to pay attention to when learning automation

The fourth one is called navigation, guidance and control, and this one looks tall, right? This direction is particularly suitable for entering the system in the future, after all, you think, what needs to be navigated and guided? Therefore, harbin institute of technology, Beihang University, and Beijing Institute of Technology under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (which merged a department called the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense) are representatives of this direction.

The fifth is called detection technology and automation, this direction is particularly closely related to sensors, and the new human beings in the new era will instantly think of the Internet of Things, right? Yes, the Internet of Things can indeed be used in this direction.

Although the above is the subdivision direction of the graduate school stage, it will also be involved in the undergraduate stage, which can be used when you fill in the college entrance examination volunteer, looking at the direction that different schools are good at to choose, will make your thinking clearer.

Li Zhi sang a song about the loneliness of a senior high school student, do you know what major he studied? First, what to learn from automation, what directions of automation three, what work can automation do, and what to pay attention to when learning automation

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > third, what can automation do</h1>

Since it is called a "golden oil" major, the employment of automation majors is of course very wide. For example, the Internet companies that often make "996", the research institutes that think every day with thick lenses, the electronic communication industry where the flow of personnel is particularly frequent, and the various industrial enterprises that used to be everywhere but are becoming more and more rare.

The work of the factory, one is that the working environment is not good, the second is that the working hours are uncertain, the third is that there is a certain danger, and the fourth is that the location is relatively remote. This working environment is not good, you can definitely understand, and the office building ten fingers do not stick to the work of suits and shoes, it is really incomparable. Working hours follow the machine, not with people, and as long as the machine is rotating, someone has to work. The danger is different, the factories in different industries are different, and the chemical plants, power plants, and oil smelting have their own dangers. Now the factory is basically invisible in the city, because it was ordered to move to the suburbs, so it is naturally more remote.

Li Zhi sang a song about the loneliness of a senior high school student, do you know what major he studied? First, what to learn from automation, what directions of automation three, what work can automation do, and what to pay attention to when learning automation

The work of the institute is a little more "advanced" than the work of the factory. But the requirements for academic qualifications are very high, what Teacher Miao said is not that you can mix a master's degree, but try to have a master's degree from a famous school, preferably a doctorate, so that the career path is smoother. You must know that the more high-quality work, the higher the threshold, the more excellent talents, the more like high-quality work. The nature of the work of the institute is similar to the working conditions of the design institute, which is also a situation in which there are more monks and fewer porridges.

Then there are some more "traditional" work directions, such as teaching and taking the exam. In this regard, you need to pay attention to the fact that teaching is not suitable for everyone, and if you want to get a teaching position in the university, you not only need to get a doctorate, but also need you to have a relatively strong scientific research ability, be able to get it, and do the project. As for the examination, there are fewer positions corresponding to learning automation, and you can only wish you good luck from a distance.

Li Zhi sang a song about the loneliness of a senior high school student, do you know what major he studied? First, what to learn from automation, what directions of automation three, what work can automation do, and what to pay attention to when learning automation

At present, the Internet industry in the red half of the sky is also the "holy land" that many students yearn for, although 996, but the salary is high; although the elimination is fast, the salary is high. In short, the treatment is indeed better than other industries, and there will not be too many so-called "relationships", even if they are divided into factions and pull a gang, but compared to many "units", I don't know where to go.

Some people ask, what can you do when you enter an Internet company? As I said just now, you can't finish your job without computer hardware knowledge and programming skills in automation, so you have done these jobs. In addition, if you are good at dealing with people and have strong logical thinking skills, it is also very good to be an Internet product manager.

Li Zhi sang a song about the loneliness of a senior high school student, do you know what major he studied? First, what to learn from automation, what directions of automation three, what work can automation do, and what to pay attention to when learning automation

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > fourth, learning automation needs to pay attention to something</h1>

If you want to learn automation well, the most basic ability is hands-on ability. You say that you have strong logical thinking ability and strong analytical ability, but as soon as you take the soldering iron, your hands shake, and you are dizzy when you look at the circuit, sorry, change your profession.

If you want to study automation well, you better be active and like to innovate. During the epidemic period, a college student found that it was inconvenient for everyone to press the elevator button with a tissue, so he invented a contact-free infrared elevator control panel, and also applied for a patent.

Li Zhi sang a song about the loneliness of a senior high school student, do you know what major he studied? First, what to learn from automation, what directions of automation three, what work can automation do, and what to pay attention to when learning automation

Want to learn automation professionally, mathematical foundation is good, you said that you look at electricity on the sleepy, electrical technology is not bad, complex functions a face of confusion, calculus and mathematical analysis are all different, sorry, change the major.

From the small motor of the preschool children's toy, as large as the space shuttle to the sky; as far as the missile automatic tracking, close to the night hungry to open the refrigerator to find a supper, automation is everywhere. Of course, learning automation, you can also be a singer like Li Zhi and write a song "Mr. Van Gogh", or like Song Hongbing, become a financial historian and write a "Currency War".

Li Zhi sang a song about the loneliness of a senior high school student, do you know what major he studied? First, what to learn from automation, what directions of automation three, what work can automation do, and what to pay attention to when learning automation

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