
The Eastern Theater issued a post: Give the "bear child" a difficult anagram

The Eastern Theater issued a post: Give the "bear child" a difficult anagram

New Yellow River

2024-05-27 11:14Posted on the official account of Shandong New Yellow River News Client

On the evening of May 26th, @东部战区发文称, give the "bear child" a difficult anagram:

1. Mouth in mouth.

2. Big dots.

Many netizens in the comment area left messages and posted answers:

The Eastern Theater issued a post: Give the "bear child" a difficult anagram
The Eastern Theater issued a post: Give the "bear child" a difficult anagram

Previously, @东部战区 posted many times mentioning "bear children".

On the evening of May 22, @东部战区 posted: What does the "bear child" have to experience to be a complete childhood?

The Eastern Theater issued a post: Give the "bear child" a difficult anagram

On the evening of May 24, @东部战区 posted: After experience, you will grow. When the "bear child" grows up, he will definitely thank his loving and responsible parents.

The Eastern Theater issued a post: Give the "bear child" a difficult anagram

On the evening of May 25, @东部战区 posted: Every "bear child" who can't understand or listen to words is a fetter that parents can't get angry and can't let go. The change of heart of the "bear child" is inseparable from the "ruthlessness" of the parents.

Source: Synthesis @ Eastern Theater of Operations

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  • The Eastern Theater issued a post: Give the "bear child" a difficult anagram
  • The Eastern Theater issued a post: Give the "bear child" a difficult anagram
  • The Eastern Theater issued a post: Give the "bear child" a difficult anagram
  • The Eastern Theater issued a post: Give the "bear child" a difficult anagram

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