
This time, 42-year-old Jolin Tsai no longer deserves to be forgiven by the motherland

author:Xiaoshuai said entertainment

1. The wind of nostalgia swept in, recalling those glorious years of Jolin Tsai

Thinking about the past, Jolin Tsai is known as the "positive energy idol" in the hearts of our country. She is the bright new star from Taiwan in 2008, with her outstanding singing talent and unique voice in the Chinese music scene, she was given a special honor, specially invited to participate in the grand opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games, and sang the song "Beijing Welcomes You".

In this chorus that brought together 78 top artists from around the world, her sweet smile and graceful singing voice stood out. When she stepped on this world-class stage with the most solemn attitude, the motherland warmly welcomed this talented daughter in such a way.

This time, 42-year-old Jolin Tsai no longer deserves to be forgiven by the motherland

Time flies, ten years have passed in a blink of an eye, and in 2018, Jolin Tsai once again touched countless Chinese people with her music. She teamed up with Mayday vocalist Ashin and other well-known artists to create the song "Rose Boy", which was inspired by a harrowing real incident - Taiwanese student Ye Yongzhi was subjected to school violence and finally chose to end his young life.

Jolin Tsai hopes to use this song to awaken people's attention and deep reflection on the problem of school bullying.

As expected, "Rose Boy" sparked a wide range of social repercussions as soon as it was launched. Audiences on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, Hong Kong and Macao were all moved, feeling extremely sorry for Ye Yongzhi's misfortune, and at the same time, they were deeply moved by Jolin Tsai's heartfelt positive works.

This time, 42-year-old Jolin Tsai no longer deserves to be forgiven by the motherland

Since then, she has once again climbed to the top of her career and become a high-profile super icon.

At that time, Jolin Tsai not only had outstanding talent and a thriving career, but also won high recognition and love from the people. Her appearance is beautiful and refined, her singing voice is melodious, and her dance moves are beautiful.

Whether in mainland China or Taiwan, there are a large number of die-hard fans. However, who could have predicted that at the most glorious moment of this "Asian diva", she was destined to embark on a path of gradual decline, which also kicked off her life story.

This time, 42-year-old Jolin Tsai no longer deserves to be forgiven by the motherland

Second, Jolin Tsai's unobstructed episode

When the time comes to 2023, Jolin Tsai, who has entered middle age, is still active on the stage of Taipei Arena, she is wearing a tights that perfectly shows her buttocks, making some bold and explicit remarks from time to time, and even openly hugging her dance partner Li Jiuzhe next to her, and the latter turned out to be her confidant and friend for many years.

The whole scene is like a "vulgar" live show, which makes the atmosphere boiling instantly.

This time, 42-year-old Jolin Tsai no longer deserves to be forgiven by the motherland

Off the stage, countless fans fell into an embarrassing situation, and some even couldn't bear it anymore and left the scene. Where is the diva who was once known for her reserve and abstinence? The audience present was all shocked, took out their mobile phones, and recorded this unbearable picture, and in an instant, the Internet spread like wildfire.

"Only the indecent can beat the traffic!"

"She's fallen into the abyss!"

This time, 42-year-old Jolin Tsai no longer deserves to be forgiven by the motherland

was supposed to be a wonderful Little Dome performance, but it became another hammer for Jolin Tsai's career trough. On the Internet, criticism and accusations spread wildly like a virus, and the shells of public opinion bloomed ferociously in front of her.

However, this is only the latest in a career slump in Jolin Tsai's career. As early as 2022, her ambiguous stance on the "Xinjiang cotton" incident caused her to be attacked like a whirlpool of public opinion.

At that time, many celebrities and brands stood up against racial discrimination, decisively expressed their stance and severed their cooperation with related brands. Eason Chan was even willing to pay heavy liquidated damages to terminate the contract.

This time, 42-year-old Jolin Tsai no longer deserves to be forgiven by the motherland

But Jolin Tsai ignored these and instead made some vague remarks on social media, showing an extremely ambiguous position.

Fans' doubts came one after another, and she was forced to close the comment section in an attempt to get out of the situation. Although the brand endorsement was later changed, this could not hide the suspiciousness of the motives behind her actions.

What's worse is that as early as 2021, Jolin Tsai caused an uproar in Chinese mainland because of a remark of "going abroad to hold a concert". When she was interviewed, she so thoughtlessly used the word "going abroad" to describe the feeling of holding a concert in Chinese mainland.

This time, 42-year-old Jolin Tsai no longer deserves to be forgiven by the motherland

This is undoubtedly a blatant challenge to and harm national sovereignty. The anger of netizens could not be calmed, and all her promotional materials in Chinese mainland were swept away, and the application for the concert was hindered.

After many public apologies and efforts to save the day, Jolin Tsai's career in Chinese mainland finally collapsed completely.

3. Jolin Tsai's unscrupulous marketing strategy

This time, 42-year-old Jolin Tsai no longer deserves to be forgiven by the motherland

Although she has lost her foothold in the Chinese mainland market, Jolin Tsai still refuses to give up and tries to reopen the door through various means. On May 12, 2023, on the 15th anniversary of the Wenchuan earthquake, she went all out on social platforms to try to take the opportunity to attract the public's attention.

Jolin Tsai posted on her personal social media with strong emotion that she felt extremely sad and lamented for every life that has passed, and at the same time firmly believed that the world would usher in light and hope.

However, this remark was not recognized by all netizens, but instead triggered fierce opposition from netizens.

This time, 42-year-old Jolin Tsai no longer deserves to be forgiven by the motherland

As an artist who once lost stage in Chinese mainland, Jolin Tsai's various actions can't help but arouse the public's suspicion of the motives behind it. Sure enough, it wasn't long before she publicly posted a lengthy post in which she subjected the young people who questioned her with harsh personal attacks, including a number of clever bubble techniques.

"Who is she qualified to pretend to sell her feelings?" "She's obviously taking advantage of the chaos to make money!" For a while, netizens' anger against her reached its peak, and protests came one after another. There are even rumors that the organizers of Jolin Tsai's mainland tour have been boycotted by the majority of netizens, and the approval process is quite strange.

However, just when everyone thought that Jolin Tsai's development in the mainland had come to an end, a news about "the latest progress of Jolin Tsai's mainland tour" once again caused an uproar on the Internet.

This time, 42-year-old Jolin Tsai no longer deserves to be forgiven by the motherland

According to the original plan, she will embark on a multi-month mainland tour in Shenzhen and other cities in August this year.

In the past three years, Jolin Tsai's words and deeds have been like a lead, which has plunged this mainland tour into an unprecedented storm of controversy.

4. Detail the cause of the incident and the reaction of netizens

This time, 42-year-old Jolin Tsai no longer deserves to be forgiven by the motherland

Regarding Jolin Tsai's current predicament, the majority of netizens can be summed up in three words - to blame.

The reason why netizens have such a strong dislike for her is first of all due to her repeated "position problems". Since the remark of "going abroad to hold a concert" in 2021, netizens have begun to notice that there are obvious "position" doubts in her words.

Subsequently, her similar "gaffes" remarks that she had made many times before were also exposed by netizens, which made her "loyalty" in the eyes of the domestic people once again questioned. In the face of such conclusive "incriminating evidence", even the official had to delete the propaganda content related to her, which undoubtedly further confirmed that there was indeed a problem with her "position".

This time, 42-year-old Jolin Tsai no longer deserves to be forgiven by the motherland

First of all, what we want to discuss in depth is the views and opinions of the majority of netizens on Jolin Tsai in the "Xinjiang cotton" incident. When the motherland ushered in serious public opinion pressure from Western countries, a large number of well-known artists and major brands did not hesitate to express their firm positions, showing their incomparable loyalty and love for the country.

However, Jolin Tsai chose to remain silent at this critical moment, and even posted some incomprehensible social media updates, and his ambiguous attitude undoubtedly aroused deeper dissatisfaction and indignation among the majority of netizens.

Secondly, in the process of promoting her own works, Jolin Tsai also exposed many disgusting behaviors, which further deepened her negative image in the public mind. For example, on the special day of the 15th anniversary of the Wenchuan earthquake, she actually publicly posted on social platforms, hyping up with "feelings" as a gimmick, which is really unacceptable! To make matters worse, she then published a lengthy article in which she made personal attacks on the doubters, including clever use of PUA techniques.

This time, 42-year-old Jolin Tsai no longer deserves to be forgiven by the motherland

Such an unscrupulous and cynical hype completely subverted her image as a "positive energy idol" in the past, made people feel extremely disappointed, and also made netizens more suspicious of whether the motives behind her were sincere or ulterior motives.

In general, Jolin Tsai is now in such a predicament, largely because of the consequences of her own words and deeds. Her position is full of doubts, and her marketing strategy is almost entirely indiscriminate, so it is no wonder that the general public has such a strong sense of disappointment and hatred towards her.

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