
If you don't account for 1 of the 6 major manifestations of a man's aging, congratulations on your body may live a long and healthy life

author:Teacher Lu shared
If you don't account for 1 of the 6 major manifestations of a man's aging, congratulations on your body may live a long and healthy life

Mr. Zhang is one of many office workers, and every day on his way to work, he will see a group of retired elderly people in the park doing morning exercises, playing tai chi, sword dancing, etc.

Mr. Zhang always thinks with envy, hoping that he can be as healthy as them when he retires.

The reality is that Mr. Zhang is bent over by life, often working overtime until late at night, eating irregularly, and squeezing out of exercise time.

He began to notice some changes in himself: his hair was thinning, his eyes were not as sharp as before, and he was out of breath after climbing a few flights of stairs.

These small changes made him rethink his lifestyle.

If you don't account for 1 of the 6 major manifestations of a man's aging, congratulations on your body may live a long and healthy life

Since then, Mr. Zhang has been trying to eat healthily, reduce overtime and make time to go to the gym.

His family also began to support him, participating in outdoor activities and enjoying family time together. Mr. Zhang found that with the improvement of his living habits, his mental state also improved.

In this transformation, Mr. Zhang realized that a healthy and long life is not just a wish, but also a positive attitude towards life and a choice.

So what are the signs that men are starting to age? Do the symptoms that Mr. Zhang has a decisive impact on his health and longevity?

If you don't account for 1 of the 6 major manifestations of a man's aging, congratulations on your body may live a long and healthy life

1. The age of aging for men

The age of age for men is an uncertain range, it is not a fixed number, but is influenced by a combination of factors.

From a physiological point of view, men begin to gradually enter the orbit of aging in middle age, around the age of forty.

But that doesn't mean every male will show visible signs of aging at this age.

Because an individual's genetics, as well as their own lifestyle, environmental factors, etc., will have a profound impact on it.

If you don't account for 1 of the 6 major manifestations of a man's aging, congratulations on your body may live a long and healthy life

In men around the age of 40, some may have begun to feel a decline in physical functioning, such as not having the same physical strength as before, slower reaction speed, etc.

These changes may result from the aging of cells and tissues inside the body, as well as a decrease in metabolic rate. At the same time, men may also face some aging-related health problems at this age, such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, etc.

It's important to note that not all men will show noticeable signs of aging around the age of forty. Some health-conscious men who maintain good lifestyle habits may be able to slow down the aging process and remain relatively young even later in life.

If you don't account for 1 of the 6 major manifestations of a man's aging, congratulations on your body may live a long and healthy life

In addition, mindset and some social factors can also have an impact on the aging process in men.

Some men may prematurely show signs of psychological aging, such as anxiety and depression, due to work pressure, family responsibilities, etc.

Some men with a positive mindset and a fulfilling life may be able to maintain a youthful mindset and delay the process of psychological aging.

Readers who are about 40 years old should pay attention to their own situation, grasp this time period, and snack on their bodies!

If you don't account for 1 of the 6 major manifestations of a man's aging, congratulations on your body may live a long and healthy life

2. The "6 major manifestations" of men when they begin to age

Some people think that the aging of boys is easy to see from their appearance, but this is not the case.

Some young men in their twenties have to give up their figure and image management, and they look like 40-year-old uncles. So today I will share with you how to compare your physical condition from 6 performances.

1. Loose skin

Sagging skin is one of the telltale signs of aging, and as the years go by, the skin's two key components, collagen and elastin fibers, gradually decrease.

When these two ingredients are reduced, the skin gradually becomes loose and saggy.

If you don't account for 1 of the 6 major manifestations of a man's aging, congratulations on your body may live a long and healthy life

This sagging not only affects the aesthetics of the skin, but also reveals a sense of aging fatigue in the form.

This change is not only reflected in the skin of the face, but also the skin of the whole body will be affected to varying degrees.

Therefore, maintaining the firmness and elasticity of the skin has become an important aspect of anti-aging.

2. Hair is gradually thinning

As men begin to age, hormone levels in the body begin to change, especially the secretion of androgens gradually decreases, which directly affects the growth of hair.

If you don't account for 1 of the 6 major manifestations of a man's aging, congratulations on your body may live a long and healthy life

The originally thick and lush hair began to become thinning, and even obvious hair loss appeared in some areas.

This change is not only reflected on the top of the head, but also on the beard, eyebrows, and other parts of the hair.

The thinning of hair not only makes men look older, but also affects their self-confidence to a certain extent.

Although there are wigs now, it is still embarrassing to fall off after the wig falls on special occasions or under intense exercise.

In social situations, the thick hairs that they were once proud of are now a sore spot in their hearts.

At the same time, the body's metabolism gradually slows down, and blood circulation is no longer as vigorous as when it was younger.

If you don't account for 1 of the 6 major manifestations of a man's aging, congratulations on your body may live a long and healthy life

As a result, hair follicles are deprived of an adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen, which affects the growth rate and quality of hair.

3. Loss of vision and hearing

Why are the elderly prone to presbyopia and can't see clearly, these are actually the fault of age. The eyes that were once bright are now blurred with age, as if covered with a veil of lightness.

Landscapes and loved ones that were once clearly visible are now blurred and require glasses.

If you don't account for 1 of the 6 major manifestations of a man's aging, congratulations on your body may live a long and healthy life

At the same time, hearing becomes dull unconsciously. The gossip that used to be in the mouths of passers-by now needs to be raised by others to be captured by us, and the calls of family members and normal communication will also be affected.

4. There are more wrinkles and spots on the skin

When men begin to age, the most noticeable change is in the skin, which was once smooth and firm, but now gradually sags and loses its original elasticity.

Wrinkles slowly begin to appear on the forehead, corners of the eyes, corners of the mouth, etc., and at the same time, the spots on the body and face gradually increase.

If you don't account for 1 of the 6 major manifestations of a man's aging, congratulations on your body may live a long and healthy life

These spots are deep or shallow, large or small, and bear witness to the ups and downs of men.

These spots not only affect the color of the skin, but also make men look much older than their actual age.

5. Decline in cardiopulmonary function

When people get old, they are most likely to suffer from heart and lung diseases, because our heart will gradually lose its former vitality and beat less vigorously.

The lungs, which are the organs that carry oxygen throughout the body, are also gradually weakened as we age.

This decline in cardiopulmonary function makes us often feel it when we are doing sports or activities.

Strenuous exercise that was once easy to do is now out of reach.

If you don't account for 1 of the 6 major manifestations of a man's aging, congratulations on your body may live a long and healthy life

Simple actions such as carrying heavy loads, walking briskly, or even climbing a few flights of stairs can make us feel out of breath and our hearts racing.

Such an experience is undoubtedly frustrating, and it also makes us feel the relentlessness of aging more deeply.

6. Memory and cognitive deterioration

As we age, brain cells gradually age, and nerve conduction slows down.

The memory that was once proud is now blurred, and the knowledge and information that were once easily grasped now need to be recalled again and again.

This change will cause us a lot of trouble in our studies and work.

If you don't account for 1 of the 6 major manifestations of a man's aging, congratulations on your body may live a long and healthy life

When faced with new knowledge and skills, we may feel overwhelmed and need to spend more time and energy to understand and master.

And when dealing with complex problems, we may also find it difficult to find effective solutions due to the decline in our thinking skills.

This is also the reason why some brain-intensive industries do not recruit older employees, and they cannot keep up with the age of people in terms of learning and efficiency.

3. How to fight aging?

Now that we've seen the manifestations of aging, let's take a look at how to fight aging!

If you don't account for 1 of the 6 major manifestations of a man's aging, congratulations on your body may live a long and healthy life

Many people want to be eighteen years old forever, but this is impossible, so we can only delay the aging of the body from other aspects, so that we can try to stay young and energetic.

Eating a proper diet is an important part of anti-aging, especially for men.

We should focus on antioxidant-rich foods such as colorful vegetables, sweet and savory fruits, and nutritious nuts.

The antioxidants in these foods can effectively remove free radicals in the body and protect cells from oxidative damage, thereby slowing down the rate of cell aging.

In addition to antioxidant foods, men should also consume high-quality proteins in moderation, such as fish, lean meat, etc.

If you don't account for 1 of the 6 major manifestations of a man's aging, congratulations on your body may live a long and healthy life

Protein is an important component of muscles and skin, and maintaining adequate protein intake can help maintain muscle elasticity and skin firmness.

At the same time, high-quality protein can also provide the amino acids needed by the body, promote metabolism and maintain good health.

Secondly, for men, it is especially important to choose the right aerobic exercise for themselves.

Aerobic exercises such as jogging and swimming can not only effectively enhance cardiopulmonary function, but also promote blood circulation and deliver sufficient oxygen and nutrients to the body, thereby maintaining the vitality and youth of the body.

If you don't account for 1 of the 6 major manifestations of a man's aging, congratulations on your body may live a long and healthy life

Strength training is also an integral part of anti-aging.

Through scientific muscle exercise, it can not only improve the body's basal metabolic rate, so that the body can continue to consume calories at rest, but also shape a healthy and beautiful body line, showing the masculine beauty of men.

Therefore, male friends should pay attention to exercise in their daily life, choose the exercise method that suits them, and make exercise an important magic weapon for anti-aging.

Finally, getting enough sleep not only allows the body to get enough rest, but also a powerful weapon against the signs of aging.

If you don't account for 1 of the 6 major manifestations of a man's aging, congratulations on your body may live a long and healthy life

Men should insist on going to bed on time every night and ensuring that they get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night, which will help the body to fully recover.

Avoid staying up late, because staying up late for a long time will disrupt the biological clock, leading to endocrine disorders in the body, which in turn accelerates aging.

Overexertion can also overwhelm the body and affect skin health. Therefore, men should learn to arrange work and life reasonably and avoid overwork.

Adequate sleep can make a man's skin smoother and more delicate, rejuvenating and radiant, which is an indispensable part of anti-aging.

If you don't account for 1 of the 6 major manifestations of a man's aging, congratulations on your body may live a long and healthy life


Do you feel the six signs of aging in men?

If you're able to avoid these symptoms, congratulations, your body may have the potential to live a long and healthy life.

But we should not take it lightly, we must always understand our body, so that we will become healthier and younger.

I also wish my male friends who have passed the age of 40 good health and a happy life!

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