
Big congestion! 458868 yuan per capita, and the "big traffic jam" on Mount Everest caused many deaths, and the scalp was numb after reading it

author:Unspeakable 5783

Mount Everest congestion tragedy, life is better than conquering dreams

"Conquering the top of the world" is the ultimate dream of many explorers and mountaineering enthusiasts, but Mount Everest, the 8848.86-meter "king of snow", has recently reminded the world once again with a painful price: in front of nature, we are ultimately small. In the face of human desire to conquer, nature never flinched, but often used the most cruel means to awaken the numb human heart.

Big congestion! 458868 yuan per capita, and the "big traffic jam" on Mount Everest caused many deaths, and the scalp was numb after reading it

Congestion triggers ice cliff collapse

On May 21, there was a congestion on the Hillary steps on the Nepalese side of Mount Everest. One witness recalled that the road was only 50 centimeters wide and "was blocked for an hour in front of and back, and it was full of people". Right in front of his eyes, a climber suddenly fell off a cliff four or five hundred meters deep. What's even more terrifying is that an ice shelf breaks one after another, and many people fall to the mountain wall with it.

Big congestion! 458868 yuan per capita, and the "big traffic jam" on Mount Everest caused many deaths, and the scalp was numb after reading it

At that time, the mountaineering team was climbing a steep 8,790-meter ice ridge just a step away from the summit of Mount Everest. "There's nothing, just a bottomless cliff." The witness said helplessly. Nature has thus mercilessly announced the end of several living lives.

Big congestion! 458868 yuan per capita, and the "big traffic jam" on Mount Everest caused many deaths, and the scalp was numb after reading it

Heavy casualties and mourning are everywhere

The Nepal Tourism Board confirmed that at least four people have died on Mount Everest this month, including a 23-year-old young local climber, two Mongolian climbers and an intrepid Kenyan banker. "His fearless spirit will forever be etched in the hearts of Kenyans." The banker's friend mourned.

Big congestion! 458868 yuan per capita, and the "big traffic jam" on Mount Everest caused many deaths, and the scalp was numb after reading it

In addition, a 40-year-old Briton and a Nepalese were missing at the time, and the guide company said that the north side of the mountain wall where they fell fell 3,350 meters, and the chances of survival were extremely small. It was also reported that a 44-year-old guide also disappeared on Mount Everest on May 23, and the body of the Kenyan climber he led has been recovered.

Big congestion! 458868 yuan per capita, and the "big traffic jam" on Mount Everest caused many deaths, and the scalp was numb after reading it

The arrogance of the indiscriminate abuse of human beings

So, why did such a tragedy happen? The main reason, of course, is that the number of climbers has fluctuated, and congestion has occurred in this "life exclusion zone". But how can we accuse others of pursuing their dreams of reaching the top?

Man's efforts to conquer nature have a long history. For those who are free, conquering the top of Mount Everest and other peaks was once a great triumph and pride. However, in recent decades, we have overlooked the cruel fact that human beings are destined to be small in the face of nature, and that they will inevitably pay a heavy price for their indiscriminate self-esteem and indiscriminate aggression.

Big congestion! 458868 yuan per capita, and the "big traffic jam" on Mount Everest caused many deaths, and the scalp was numb after reading it

This tragedy is a blow from heaven. Have we ever wondered how many bodies are being sealed forever in such a hostile environment? Have you ever thought about how many lives have been buried on the "desperate slope" of Mount Everest? After tragedy after tragedy, do we still have the arrogance to think that we can tame nature?

Big congestion! 458868 yuan per capita, and the "big traffic jam" on Mount Everest caused many deaths, and the scalp was numb after reading it
Big congestion! 458868 yuan per capita, and the "big traffic jam" on Mount Everest caused many deaths, and the scalp was numb after reading it

Reverence for life and reverence for nature

Generations of explorers have expanded their geographical knowledge and opened up new horizons for mankind, and their courage and efforts are admirable. But in an extreme environment like Mount Everest, human desires must eventually learn to restrain and have enough reverence for nature.

Big congestion! 458868 yuan per capita, and the "big traffic jam" on Mount Everest caused many deaths, and the scalp was numb after reading it

Doubts are endless: "Why do you want to gamble and risk your life?" Even if you reach the top, is it more important than life?" How many people are swept up in this rush to the top, disregarding their safety and thinking about it?" We need to reflect on this.

Big congestion! 458868 yuan per capita, and the "big traffic jam" on Mount Everest caused many deaths, and the scalp was numb after reading it

Life is short and fragile, but it is a priceless gift. People should be cautious and not be hasty and wasteful. Only by respecting life and nature can we find a balance between rampage and humility, not being blinded by greed and vanity, and avoiding the tragedy of the past.

Big congestion! 458868 yuan per capita, and the "big traffic jam" on Mount Everest caused many deaths, and the scalp was numb after reading it

There was little hope for rescue

This tragedy not only makes us reflect on the lawless side of human nature, but also makes us see the full of misery. The area where the victims fell was steep, and the rescue was undoubtedly an uphill battle. The eyewitness said helplessly: "There is nothing, only a bottomless cliff".

This is no longer just a mountaineering expedition, but a desperate gamble on fate. Even though the Nepal Tourism Department has dispatched a search and rescue team, past experience suggests that the chances of the missing being rescued are extremely low. Therefore, we can only sigh and pray that there will be no more casualties in this catastrophe.

Big congestion! 458868 yuan per capita, and the "big traffic jam" on Mount Everest caused many deaths, and the scalp was numb after reading it

How great and majestic nature is! She conceived us, but at the same time ruthlessly took our lives. As human beings, we should be brave enough to push the envelope, but we should also be in awe at all times.

Only with reverence can we be invincible between the pursuit and protection of life. This is the painful lesson that this tragedy has given us. May this tragic scene never be repeated, and may we have the wisdom and self-knowledge to make up for the indifference in human nature for life.

Big congestion! 458868 yuan per capita, and the "big traffic jam" on Mount Everest caused many deaths, and the scalp was numb after reading it

Author's point of view:

As an office worker, I am deeply touched by this Everest tragedy. To be honest, I don't have the money or leisure to climb Mount Everest, and I have no interest in conquering this extreme environment. However, this incident reminded me once again that we should have enough reverence for nature.

Big congestion! 458868 yuan per capita, and the "big traffic jam" on Mount Everest caused many deaths, and the scalp was numb after reading it

First of all, from an economic point of view, mountaineering is not cheap. The cost of climbing Mount Everest on the Nepalese side is as high as hundreds of thousands, which is not affordable for ordinary families. I earn a decent job at work, but it will take years to save this money. What's more, the cost is only the tip of the iceberg, if something happens, the follow-up rescue costs are even more astronomical.

Big congestion! 458868 yuan per capita, and the "big traffic jam" on Mount Everest caused many deaths, and the scalp was numb after reading it

Secondly, from the perspective of time, how can I as a working-class person have so much leisure to pursue such a dangerous outdoor sport? I remember a statistic that showed that professional climbers had to go months in the highlands to relieve their high altitude and do a lot of physical training, which is unimaginable for a person like me who has 996 a day.

More importantly, this tragedy made me think that we need to always be in awe of nature. Despite the rapid development of modern technology, the wonders of nature can never be controlled by human beings.

Big congestion! 458868 yuan per capita, and the "big traffic jam" on Mount Everest caused many deaths, and the scalp was numb after reading it

We can appreciate the beauty of nature, but we must not be presumptuous enough to think that we can conquer everything. Because once the majesty of nature is underestimated, it can cost with lives. Mount Everest is a testament to this, for which countless warriors have lost their lives, and even their bodies are difficult to triumphantly return. This tragic scene is both admirable and sad.

Therefore, I firmly believe that ordinary people should be more content. If you can work and live in a safe environment, you should be grateful. There is no need to pursue those illusory dreams, but we should learn to respect life, revere nature, and live an ordinary and wonderful life safely.


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