
It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished

It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished

There is no 24th in the rivers and lakes

2024-05-25 21:50Posted in Henan Sports Creators


As one of the greatest power forwards in NBA history, Kevin Garnett had a perfect career, winning almost every accolade he could win as a basketball player during his 12 years with the Timberwolves, and with the Celtics, he won the championship he coveted. Averaging 17.8 points, 10 rebounds, 3.7 assists, 1.3 steals and 1.4 blocks per game in his career, he is synonymous with the all-around interior lineman.

However, when he entered the NBA Draft in 1995, he was not selected until the fifth pick in the first round, despite his talent at the time. So who are the four players who were drafted before Garnett? What about their career achievements?

It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished

Joe Smith

Draft Pick: First Pick

Career stats: 10.9 points, 6.4 rebounds, 1 assist

That year's draft pick was Joe Smith from the University of Maryland, a name that was unfamiliar to many young fans. Indeed, throughout his 16-year career, Smith averaged only 10.9 points, 6.4 rebounds, and 1 assist per game.

At that time, the Warriors selected Smith because of his tactical literacy and good physical fitness. In fact, Smith's performance in the early part of his career was still good, and he could already contribute 18.7 points, 8.5 rebounds, 1.6 assists, 0.9 steals and 1.1 blocks in his sophomore year.

It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished

However, a serious breach occurred in Smith's case that took a sharp turn for the worse in his career. After moving to the Timberwolves, he signed a two-year, $1.75 million contract with the team that was far below the market price. As a result, Smith and the Timberwolves made a private agreement, after the contract is fulfilled, the Timberwolves will give him a seven-year, $86 million long-term contract, which made David Stern angry and issued a severe penalty, depriving the Timberwolves of draft picks for the next five years, and at the same time ordering Smith to become a free agent.

The "Yin-Yang Contract" incident made Smith the target of public criticism, and it was difficult for any team to trust him, and he wandered a full 12 teams, which is also a record in the NBA. Eventually, after playing in the 10-11 season, the 36-year-old chose to retire, and his career glory was only the All-Rookie First Team.

It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished

Antonio McDyce

Draft Pick: Second Pick

Career stats: 12 points, 7.5 rebounds, 1.3 assists and 1.1 blocks

Immediately after Smith, the Clippers drafted McDyce with their No. 1 pick, who had just finished his sophomore season at the University of Alabama, averaging a staggering 29 points per game and was also a high-profile potential power forward that year. However, after being drafted, he was immediately sent to the Nuggets. Although his career is not as dazzling as Garnett's, compared to Smith, McDyce still has a lot of shining moments.

After returning to the Nuggets in the 98-99 season, he became the team's number one star, averaging a good 21.2 points, 10.7 rebounds, 1.5 steals and 2.3 blocks per game, and was successfully selected to the third team of the season, and was one of the NBA's leading power forwards at the time. In the 00-01 season, he was once again selected to the All-Star team for the only time in his career with 20.8 points, 12.1 rebounds, 2.1 assists and 1.5 blocks.

It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished

However, it is a pity that it was also in that season that McDyes's knee suffered a serious injury, at the age of 26, which should have been in his prime, he underwent surgery for many years, and in a total of 3 seasons, he only played 52 games, of which the 02-03 season was directly reimbursed, which also ruined his otherwise bright career.

In the 04-05 season, he joined the Pistons at the age of 30, but his position became a backup blue-collar team. However, overall, whether it is a five-year Pistons career, or later joining the Spurs, partnering with his old rival Duncan, McDyce's performance is still very good, and it is absolutely satisfactory to be able to contribute 8+8 data under such a serious injury situation. It's just that it failed to reach the expected heights, which is still regrettable to the fans.

It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished

Jerry Stackhouse

Draft Pick: Third Pick

Career stats: 16.9 points, 3.2 rebounds, 3.3 assists

In the third pick, the 76ers took Jordan's North Carolina junior, known as Jerry Stackhouse, one of the "Jordan's successors". In fact, Stackhouse is a really strong scorer, with 19.2 points, 3.7 rebounds and 3.9 assists in his rookie season, and even after Iverson's arrival, he was able to hand over 20.7 points, 4.2 rebounds and 3.1 assists. However, in order to cultivate AI, the 76ers also sent Stark House away.

After coming to the Pistons, Stackhouse played the pinnacle performance of his career, especially in the 00-01 season, averaging 29.8 points, 3.9 rebounds and 5.1 assists per game, and the scoring output was terrifying.

It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished

However, the Pistons quickly realized the problem, and despite his good scoring ability, Starkerhouse's contribution on the defensive end was mediocre, and he was considered a "data brush" because of his excessive shooting power, so he was also sent to the Wizards. In the year that the Wizards worked with his brother Michael Jordan, he also contributed 21.5 points, 3.7 rebounds and 4.5 assists, but unfortunately he also suffered injuries at the peak of his career, which greatly affected his form.

Since then, whether it is in the Mavericks, the Bucks, the Hawks, or the Nets, they can only play as a substitute. However, during the Mavericks period, Stackhouse was definitely one of the top sixth men in the NBA at that time, and he could contribute 13+3+3 level performances all year round. After playing the 12-13 season, the 39-year-old Starkerhouse announced his retirement and said goodbye to his playing career.

It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished

Rashid Wallace

Draft Pick: Fourth Pick

Career stats: 14.4 points, 6.7 rebounds, 1.8 assists, 1 steal and 1.3 blocks

And Garnett was drafted before the same power forward, he is the same "roaring Tianzun" Rashed Wallace from North Carolina like Starkerhouse, and four of the top five picks selected are power forwards, which is enough to show how much the NBA attached importance to the interior at that time. Unlike Garnett's all-around, Wallace's technical characteristics are more traditional, with range on the offensive end and excellent back ability, while on the defensive end he is good at helping to defend and share the pressure of the center. After joining the Trail Blazers, Wallace began to reach the peak of his career, contributing 19 points, 7 rebounds, and 2 assists in the long term, and his ability on the defensive end is online.

In those years, the Lakers and Spurs had to pass the Trail Blazers first if they wanted to break out of the West. Wallace's problem, though, was his temper, he often clashed with referees on the court, and even set an outrageous record of 41 technical fouls in a single season, so even though he was already an All-Star level insider, the Trail Blazers couldn't stand it and eventually sent him away.

It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished

However, this transfer has made Wallace's career. Joining the Pistons halfway through the 03-04 season, he and Ben Wallace formed the "Wallace Brothers" on the inside, and the two worked together tacitly, not only helping the Pistons break out of the East, but also successfully limiting O'Neal on the stage of the Finals, and finally won the coveted championship.

In the next 5 years of his Pistons career, he has been stationed on the inside, even if the statistics have dropped a lot, but he doesn't care at all, and the Pistons have become the hegemon in the East at that time. Late in his career, Wallace joined the Celtics and Knicks respectively in order to compete for the championship, but unfortunately he has long lost the containment power of his prime, and finally announced his retirement after the 12-13 season.

It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished

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  • It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished
  • It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished
  • It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished
  • It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished
  • It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished
  • It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished
  • It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished
  • It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished
  • It's as good as Garnett was selected with the fifth pick that year, who were the four before the exclusion? How accomplished

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