
The only village in China that allows gun ownership: every man gets a gun when he reaches adulthood


In the vast expanse of China, there is a special village that stands out for a unique tradition – every adult male here receives a gun.

Deep in the mountains of Guizhou, there is an ancient village called Miaozhai in the past. The people here retain the traditional customs of thousands of years ago, as if they are a secret place to step back in time.

Today, let's walk into the Miao Village of Lansha, explore the forgotten history and culture, and feel the unique charm and shock.

The only village in China that allows gun ownership: every man gets a gun when he reaches adulthood

The specific location of this village is in the county seat of Congjiang County, Qiandongnan Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, Laozhai, Zaige Xinzhai, Wangjiazhai, Darongpo Xinzhai and Zaizhuang a total of five villages together constitute the Miao Village, bringing together a total of 505 Miao compatriots and a total population of 2,548 people.

It is a national ecological and cultural village and one of the 21 most mysterious original ecological tribes in the world.

This village is located in the hinterland of Moon Mountain, 550 meters above sea level, on the bank of the Duliu River, surrounded by dense forests, with a beautiful ecological environment.

It is a well-preserved ancient Miao village with a profound historical heritage, and is known as the "living fossil" and "museum" of the original culture of the Miao people.

They have passed down a unique culture and way of life from generation to generation. In the wave of modernization, Miao Village still adheres to its own tradition and has become a high-profile tourist attraction.

The only village in China that allows gun ownership: every man gets a gun when he reaches adulthood

According to historical legends, the ancestor of the Miao people, Chiyou, had three sons, and the Lansha people were the descendants of Chiyou's third son.

Legend has it that after the defeat of the Yellow Emperor by the Yellow Emperor in the Central Plains, the ancestors of Lansha carried out a thousand-year long march to the southwest, and the whole country migrated.

The ancestors of the Lansha people were one of the Jiuli troops, the vanguard of migration. Eventually, he came to the deep mountains of Guizhou (Miao language means lush vegetation), where he has lived by hunting and farming for generations.

Therefore, there are many ancient living customs retained in the Miao Village, such as wearing muskets (guns in Lansha have been specially approved by the public security organs), shaving heads with sickles, and worshipping ancient trees.

Since ancient times, the men of the Sand have believed in the supremacy of power, and their clothes are collarless in order to keep their necks comfortable and unrestrained when the enemy is fighting.

Their trouser legs are unusually large, and the purpose of this design is the same, making it easier for them to run. In addition, the temperature in Yunnan is suitable all year round, and they almost wear a set of clothes whether they hunt in winter or fish in summer.

The only village in China that allows gun ownership: every man gets a gun when he reaches adulthood

Men attach great importance to their buns, which are called "hu sticks" in the Miao language, and are the most important gender symbol in men's attire, and their hairstyles are also distinctive.

"Toga" is to shave off most of the hair around the head, leaving only the middle of the head coiled into a bun, and keep this hairstyle for life. This is one of the oldest male hairstyles that can be seen in China to date.

In the colorful Chinese national culture, the coming-of-age ceremony of the Miao people in Lansha is undoubtedly a unique landscape.

This is not only a ceremony that marks the maturity of youth, but also a grand event that has been passed down from generation to generation and is full of rituals.

The only village in China that allows gun ownership: every man gets a gun when he reaches adulthood

In Miao Village, each boy's coming-of-age ceremony is accompanied by a solemn and sacred "sickle shaving head" ceremony.

A well-respected old man in the village personally shaved off a lock of hair on the forehead of the teenagers, symbolizing their transformation from children to adults.

At the same time, grand sacrifices and ancestor worship activities will be held in the village to pray for the protection of ancestors and the tranquility of the homeland.

The most special and attractive aspect of the village is that it is the last tribe of gunmen in China to legally own guns, and is known as the "last tribe of gunmen under the sun".

In Miao Village, the musket is a sacred and mysterious weapon.

The only village in China that allows gun ownership: every man gets a gun when he reaches adulthood

At the moment of coming of age at the coming-of-age ceremony, the teenagers not only took over their father's shotgun from their father's hands, but also took over the responsibilities and responsibilities of the family.

They began to shoulder the responsibility of protecting their homes and passing on their culture. This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation and has become a unique cultural identity of Miao Village.

Each adult male is armed with a musket, not only for hunting and self-defense, but also to symbolize the bravery and dignity of the Hmong people.

During specific festivals and celebrations, the Miao people hold grand musket displays to demonstrate their shooting skills and spirit of solidarity and cooperation.

This unique musket culture has become a major feature of Miao Village, attracting countless tourists to come and explore.

In China, where gun bans are so strict, there are multiple factors behind the fact that Miaozhai is allowed to be equipped with guns.

The only village in China that allows gun ownership: every man gets a gun when he reaches adulthood

First of all, historical tradition is one of the important reasons. The Miao Village of Lansha is regarded as a branch of the ancient Chiyou tribe, and its ethnic group contains a strong martial spirit.

In the long course of history, in order to defend their own safety and the tranquility of their homeland, the residents of Miao Village have gradually formed a unique custom of wearing knives for self-defense.

Around the time of the Ming Dynasty, muskets began to become popular, and the people of Miaozhai found this firearm more efficient for hunting, so they began to equip adult males with one.

This tradition has continued to this day in Miao Village, forming a unique cultural phenomenon.

The only village in China that allows gun ownership: every man gets a gun when he reaches adulthood

Secondly, the geographical environment of the Miao Village is also an important factor in allowing it to be equipped with guns. Located in the remote mountainous area of Guizhou, the natural environment is harsh and wild animals are frequent.

In order to survive and protect themselves, the residents of Miao Village need to rely on guns to defend themselves and their livestock from wild beasts.

This demand has made the residents of Miaozhai have a high dependence on and sense of identity for guns.

The only village in China that allows gun ownership: every man gets a gun when he reaches adulthood

In addition, the gun culture of Miao Village is also closely related to its religious beliefs and sacrificial activities. In Miao Village, guns are not only a tool for hunting and self-defense, but also regarded as a sacred item.

During the rituals, guns were used to pray for the blessings of the gods and a good harvest for hunting. This kind of religious belief and sacrificial activities further strengthened the sense of identity and dependence of the residents of Miao Village.

Finally, in dealing with the issue of guns in Miao Village, the mainland government has always adhered to the principle of respecting history and inheriting culture.

In order to effectively safeguard and promote the inheritance and development of the traditional culture of ethnic minorities, the mainland government, after in-depth communication and consultation, has reached a consensus with the residents of Miao Village in Lansha to allow them to retain the traditional custom of carrying guns on the premise of complying with relevant laws and regulations.

At the same time, the government has also strengthened the management and regulation of firearms to ensure that their use is within the legal limits.

The only village in China that allows gun ownership: every man gets a gun when he reaches adulthood

To sum up, the phenomenon of being allowed to be equipped with guns in Miaozhai is the result of the combined action of many factors.

Its history, culture and traditions, geographical environment, religious beliefs, and government policies have all had a profound impact on it.

However, although they are allowed to carry guns, they must also comply with strict regulations and laws and regulations to ensure the safe and legal use of firearms.

Although the Miao people have hunted for generations to protect the village, shotguns have long been a part of their lives.

However, in today's society, hunting is expressly prohibited, and our country is more advocating the protection of the natural ecological environment and the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

So now, although the people of Lansha will still be equipped with guns, more often than not, the functions of the shotguns in their hands have long been lost.

The iron sand guns they use, commonly known as muskets, are now more often used as a substitute for salutes, and are even advertised as tourist features.

The only village in China that allows gun ownership: every man gets a gun when he reaches adulthood

Behind the unique phenomenon of this village, which allows guns to own, there is a deep historical and cultural background, and it is also closely related to the development of modern society.

It makes us think about how tradition and modernity can coexist in harmony, and how to adapt to the needs of modern society while preserving traditional culture.

For other regions, the experience of this village may be of some significance. However, we should also be aware of the challenges and future development strategies.

How to strengthen safety management and improve villagers' legal awareness on the basis of protecting traditional culture still needs to be explored and practiced.

The ancient gun culture of Miao Village has also had a profound impact on the way of life of its residents.

The only village in China that allows gun ownership: every man gets a gun when he reaches adulthood

First of all, the gun culture has shaped the self-protection consciousness of the residents of Miao Village. Due to the long-term remote mountainous environment, wild animals are frequently seen, and the residents of the village must rely on guns to protect themselves and their livestock.

This sense of self-protection has penetrated into the daily lives of the residents of Miao Village, enabling them to react quickly in the face of danger.

Secondly, the gun culture has also affected the way the residents of Miao Village socialize. In Miao Village, adult males receive a shotgun from their father during the coming-of-age ceremony, which is not only a symbol of personal status, but also an important medium for social interaction.

In hunting, sacrificial and other activities, guns have become an important tool for communication and interaction between residents, enhancing the cohesion and sense of identity of the community.

The only village in China that allows gun ownership: every man gets a gun when he reaches adulthood

In addition, the gun culture has also had an impact on the economic life of the residents of Miao Village. In the past, the men of Miao Village in Lansha made a living by hunting, and guns were an important means for them to obtain the necessities of life.

Although the village has developed a variety of economic forms such as farming and tourism, gun culture is still an important cultural symbol and economic resource.

Finally, gun culture has also had an impact on the cultural identity of the residents of Miao Village. In Miao Village, guns are regarded as a sacred object and are closely linked to ancestors and beliefs.

This cultural identity makes the residents of Miao Village cherish and inherit their own cultural traditions even more, and also provides them with a unique way of cultural expression.

The only village in China that allows gun ownership: every man gets a gun when he reaches adulthood

Overall, the gun culture of Miao Village has permeated every aspect of the lives of its residents and has become an important part of their lifestyle.

However, with the progress of society and the strictness of laws and regulations, the gun culture of Miao Village in Lansha has also faced some challenges and changes.

How to ensure the safe and legal use of firearms while protecting traditional culture will be an important issue that Miao Village needs to face in the future.

With the development of tourism, Miaozhai has gradually become a high-profile tourist attraction.

The local government and all walks of life have worked together to carry out scientific and reasonable tourism development of Miao Village, so that more people have the opportunity to walk into this mysterious village and feel the unique charm and shock.

The only village in China that allows gun ownership: every man gets a gun when he reaches adulthood

In the process of tourism development, the local government pays attention to the protection of traditional culture and ecological environment, and ensures the sustainable development of Miaozhai through a series of measures.

For example, the number of tourists should be strictly controlled to avoid overdevelopment and damage to the local environment; strengthen the protection and repair of traditional buildings, so that the old wooden houses can be inherited; Promote local characteristic culture and handicrafts, so that more people can understand and appreciate Miao culture.

As a tourist attraction full of positive energy, Miaozhai not only brings people a shock and pleasant experience, but also has far-reaching social value.

The only village in China that allows gun ownership: every man gets a gun when he reaches adulthood

First of all, the successful development of Miao Village has injected new vitality into the local economic development. The development of tourism has led to local employment and economic growth, and improved the living standards of residents.

At the same time, the prosperity of tourism has also promoted the inheritance and development of local culture, so that more people can understand and pay attention to Miao culture.

Secondly, as a tourist attraction full of positive energy, it is also of positive significance to improve people's cultural quality and moral cultivation.

Here, visitors can feel the industriousness, wisdom, courage and tenacity of the Miao people, and these qualities have an important impact on people's growth and development.

Finally, the successful development of Miao Village in Lansha also provides useful experience and reference for the tourism development of other regions.

It shows how to protect traditional culture and ecological environment in tourism development and achieve sustainable development. This experience has important guiding significance for tourism development in other regions.

The only village in China that allows gun ownership: every man gets a gun when he reaches adulthood

It is an ancient village full of mystery and charm, and it attracts countless tourists with its unique traditional customs and culture.

Here, we can not only feel the industriousness, wisdom, courage and tenacity of the Miao people, but also appreciate the magnificence and tranquility of nature.

At the same time, the successful development of Miao Village has also injected new vitality into the local economic development and improved people's cultural quality and moral cultivation.

Let us look forward to the future development of Miao Village to continue to maintain its unique charm and shock, and become a tourist attraction that more people yearn for.

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