
Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?

Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?


2024-05-24 15:26Posted in Guangdong Digital Creators

  The long-awaited function of taking dynamic photos by OPPO users is finally here! 5month23ReleasedOPPO Reno12Series mobile phone,Listen to persuasion to add some fruit fans、Young people like the Live Photo function,OPPO even directly applied the description of Apple's mobile phone "live photos" in marketing,Don't avoid suspicion at the same time,At the press conference, it also ridiculed Android friends "There is Live is not Live,Can send LiveLive is the real Live。

Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?

Live photos of the past and present life, OPPO points to the "same model of iPhone"

  As early as 2015, the Live Photo feature has been commercialized on Apple's iPhone 6s series models, and users can save the 1.5-second image before and after pressing the camera shutter as a photo and a 3-second video at the same time. Relevant information shows that Weibo has supported Live Photo since the end of 2015, but the Android client has not received this treatment so far. After Apple launched this function, other mobile phone brands followed up one after another, perhaps involving some technology patents, and others basically launched similar functions in a low-key manner without much publicity.

  I have the impression that OPPO mobile phones used to have the function of taking dynamic photos, but then they went offline for unknown reasons. NowadaysOPPO Reno12The live photo function of the series,In fact, it's just fried rice,OPPO is proud of"Can send Live",It seems that Xiaohongshu is currently supported,Weibo has not been opened,In the eyes of fruit fans, it is probably OPPO This is also "not Live"。

Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?

  Admittedly, live photos are better than nothing, but the OPPO Reno12 series regards it as an important selling point, and the publicity may not be immediate. Secondly, if consumers really want to chase this "same iPhone model", it is really better to work hard and add some money to buy the Apple mobile phone directly, which is more real Live than "real Live", and it is more face-to-use, right?

Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?

Redefine "small straight screen", where is OPPO making trouble?

  "Super beautiful small straight screen",It is the core product power conveyed by the OPPO Reno12 series,However, OPPO, which used to have excellent marketing operations,This time it is a bit overturned。 Can a 6.7-inch screen that is not small at all be called small? This size is Plus and Max in Apple, shouldn't it be called "small screen" for Xiaomi?

Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?

  Actually,OPPO didn't mean to make an international joke,In the small print on the official product page of the Reno12 series,OPPO gave an official explanation for this"Special refers to the four-curved soft edge straight screen design"。 To put it bluntly, it is a play on words, and a small straight screen is not equal to a small screen, nor is it equal to a straight screen (strictly speaking). As for why it has to be ambiguous marketing rhetoric, forgive me for not understanding it yet.

Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?

  In addition, I also have reservations about the word "super beautiful", the design of the Reno12 series camera Deco is obviously the shadow of the Reno6 series many years ago, and other brands have had a lot of similar designs over the years, OPPO Reno12 series is barely considered to be beautiful in the current aesthetics, but the design change before moving is called super beautiful, I dare not agree.

Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?

(OPPO Reno6系列)

Back to the 1080P era, the whole system embraces MTK chips

  Emphasizing the "super beautiful small straight screen", it will inevitably make people feel that the OPPO Reno12 series is not enough in connotation. After careful comparison, I really found some "cat greasy",For example, the screen that is quite important to users,OPPO Reno12 ProActually shrunk from the last two generations of models1.5KThe resolution has shrunk1080P,The display fineness has been discounted;In the past year, the screen brightness of the domestic machine has been crazy about the volume,Reno12 ProThe indicators given are also very ordinary。 The screen clarity and peak brightness of mobile phones that sell more than 3,000 yuan are not as good as many thousand-yuan models, can you bear it? There is also Reno12 only given to SonyLYT-600 main camera, which is difficult to have an advantage for 2500+ price range products that focus on images.

Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?

  As for the shortcomings of 80W fast charging (previously 100W), rotor motor, plastic middle frame, etc., in fact, it is a routine operation for offline computers, and it is a small regret that it is not tight. In terms of performance, this time the Reno12 series rarely fully embraces MTK, Reno12 is a Dimensity 8250+ Star Speed Edition chip, Reno12 Pro is a Dimensity 9200+ Star Speed Edition, and the flash memory is UFS 3.1.

The price is inflated, and it is better to buy the new than the old

  OPPO Reno12 pricing starts at 2699 yuan,OPPO Reno12 ProThe starting price is3399element,If the user needs a large capacity512GB storage,The corresponding is only 16GB+512GB version,The price goes to3999element,The more popular 12GB+512GB version is not provided,It looks a little ugly。

  This year's 618 promotion has begun, and the OPPO Reno12 series will be launched in late May, and it is obvious that they also want to take a ride. However, on the whole, the sincerity of OPPO's new products this time is insufficient, and netizens generally believe that the price of the Reno12 series is high. According to a OPPO Reno12 series poll data initiated by me on social platforms, among the voting results of 1,500 people, more than 50% of netizens thought it was "too expensive", and more than 20% of netizens chose "relatively expensive", and the sum of the two reached 75%.

Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?

  Aside from the price reduction of a bunch of hot-selling mid-to-high-end models from friends on the market, simply looking at OPPO's own products, the OPPO Find X7 launched at the beginning of the year has recently adjusted the price on the e-commerce platform, and the reference price on the e-commerce platform is 3499 yuan, and some platforms with tens of billions of subsidies can even be lower. In contrast, the Find X7 is better than the Reno12 Pro in terms of screen, camera, performance, and texture.

Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?

(OPPO Find X7)

  Some netizens hit the nail on the head and pointed out that "celebrity endorsements harvest leeks", what is intriguing is that the Reno series has also experienced back and forth in the matter of celebrity endorsements, and after Zhou Dongyu endorsed several generations of Reno models, the Reno series once no longer relied on star traffic. But when the Reno11 series and Reno12 series were endorsed by Zhu Yilong, the "black factory" finally returned to the old road of "green factory" - star marketing.

Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?

  After the OPPO Reno12 series is released, the two major competitors, the Honor 200 series and the vivo S19 series, will also be unveiled next week, and the bigger test of the Reno12 series is still to come.

Keke Comments: While listening to the persuasion to launch new functions that users need, while quietly downgrading or not paying attention to key configurations, the OPPO Reno12 series is regrettable. The overall sincerity of the product is insufficient, and the price is inflated, if the Reno series continues to be perfunctory, I am afraid that the gap will be further widened by the same model of the same class.

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  • Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?
  • Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?
  • Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?
  • Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?
  • Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?
  • Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?
  • Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?
  • Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?
  • Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?
  • Downgrade while listening to persuasion! OPPO Reno12 series released, it's better to buy new than old?

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