
A number of electric bicycles are not allowed to be sold and registered in Beijing, and brands such as Yadea, Emma, and Xinri are listed

A number of electric bicycles are not allowed to be sold and registered in Beijing, and brands such as Yadea, Emma, and Xinri are listed

Beijing News

2024-05-24 14:39Posted on the official account of Beijing Beijing News

According to the Beijing Municipal Administration for Market Regulation on May 23, according to the "Beijing Municipal Regulations on the Administration of Non-motor Vehicles" and the "Beijing Electric Bicycle Product Catalog Preparation and Management Regulations", the Beijing Municipal Administration for Market Regulation, together with the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Public Security Traffic Management Bureau, and the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, compiled and deleted the Beijing Electric Bicycle Product Catalog (the 40th batch) and announced it to the public. Models in the catalogue are not allowed to be sold and registered in Beijing.

A number of electric bicycles are not allowed to be sold and registered in Beijing, and brands such as Yadea, Emma, and Xinri are listed
A number of electric bicycles are not allowed to be sold and registered in Beijing, and brands such as Yadea, Emma, and Xinri are listed
A number of electric bicycles are not allowed to be sold and registered in Beijing, and brands such as Yadea, Emma, and Xinri are listed

Edited by Bai Shuang

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  • A number of electric bicycles are not allowed to be sold and registered in Beijing, and brands such as Yadea, Emma, and Xinri are listed
  • A number of electric bicycles are not allowed to be sold and registered in Beijing, and brands such as Yadea, Emma, and Xinri are listed
  • A number of electric bicycles are not allowed to be sold and registered in Beijing, and brands such as Yadea, Emma, and Xinri are listed

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