
Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"

Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"

IT House

2024-05-24 11:51Posted on the official account of Shandong IT Home

The annual 618 shopping carnival has kicked off in advance, and 618 has witnessed consumers' enthusiastic pursuit of popular consumer goods such as large items, flagship mobile phones, and computers. Whether it is a full discount or interest-free installment benefits, it has successfully attracted many consumers to buy their long-cherished products on the day of 618.

At the same time, with the upgrading of consumption, consumers now show a more rational consumption concept when shopping. Therefore, at this node of the 618 promotion, buying a high-end flagship mobile phone has become a wise choice for many consumers, which not only satisfies their pursuit of excellent quality, but also is a powerful embodiment of the improvement of consumption rationality.

So this 618, what are the high-end flagship phones worth buying? The Huawei Mate 60 RS Masters is one of the right choices.

Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"

The HUAWEI Mate 60 RS is the highest-end, highest-spec, and most expensive straight phone from Huawei. This mobile phone is used by Andy Lau as a brand ambassador, and since its release, it has become the most unique identity symbol of the high-end elite, including Cai Zhuoyan, Zhang Yi, Huang Xiaoming, Reyiza and many other celebrities. Just like the "Extraordinary Master" in the name, Huawei has once again achieved the extraordinary king of the straight flagship mobile phone.

Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"

The reason why it is so high-end is inseparable from the ultra-high-end technology, craftsmanship, and aesthetic design capabilities of the Huawei Mate 60 RS, especially the Ruihong ceramic version.

Since ancient times, red ceramics have been a symbol of dignity and status. This time, the Huawei Mate 60 RS chose ceramic and metal as the back cover material, which is also the first time that red ceramic has been mass-produced and commercialized on a mobile phone. Ruihong's unique color and all-over red firing make each back cover like an art treasure, both in terms of manufacturing process and scarcity, Huawei's unique understanding and pursuit of ultra-high-end mobile phones.

Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"

In order to achieve mass production, in a 60-day production process, after 1400°C high-temperature forging and more than 50 production processes, Huawei fixed the "red" under specific parameters, and made the ceramic back cover without a glaze layer on the surface, and fired a whole piece of ceramic embryo body, finally creating a consistent red body inside and out. This "red", proposed by Huawei's design team as early as 2019, spanned more than three years before mass production, which is enough to prove its process difficulty. As a result, the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master has a high level of scarcity.

Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"

In terms of design, Huawei also inlays the "Star Diamond Octagon" image module on the ceramic back cover, and the longitudinally arranged three-dimensional lines complement the sculptural curved fuselage. Using the "concentric" design concept, the collision of ceramic and metal textures once again demonstrates the super recognition and powerful aura of the HUAWEI Mate 60 RS, turning the phone into a unique work of art.

As soon as the user pulls out the phone, others can tell at a glance that it is the extraordinary master of the Huawei Mate 60 RS, and it has become the most unique visual symbol of the high-end elite.

Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"

In addition to the top-of-the-line design, the Huawei Mate 60 RS also has the ability to make and receive satellite calls from 36,000 kilometers away, and as the world's first mass smartphone to support satellite calling, the Huawei Mate 60 RS can make and receive calls and send and receive text messages without a terrestrial network.

Since the launch of satellite communication technology on Huawei's mobile phones, there have often been news of trapped people being rescued through satellite communication functions. For example, as early as 2023, the missing people in the grassland were rescued by Huawei's Beidou satellite communication function.

Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"

In October last year, four geological exploration workers were trapped in a no-man's land in the Kunlun Mountains due to a vehicle failure, fortunately, one of them used a Huawei Mate 60 Pro mobile phone to send a distress message to the outside world through the Tiantong satellite system, successfully sent a distress signal to the local fire and rescue department, and was found and rescued in time.

Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"

For those who love outdoor activities such as adventure and hiking, the Huawei Mate 60 RS Dual Satellite Communication feature has proven to be an indispensable safety guarantee for their travel.

When it comes to outdoor adventure, skiing, and mountaineering, the bumps and bumps of mobile phones are indispensable. To this end, the HUAWEI Mate 60 RS Extreme Master brings the new Basalt Tempered Kunlun Glass, which is made of the second-generation Kunlun Glass with Basalt Tempering technology, which improves scratch resistance by 300% and the drop resistance of the whole machine by 100%, achieving a more versatile protection effect.

Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"

It's worth mentioning that the Huawei Mate 60 RS has been upgraded to the new HarmonyOS 4.2, which makes apps 12% more responsive. HarmonyOS 4.2 ensures the security of users' devices by blocking harassment and preventing fraud. The new "App Obtain Device Direction" control function enables users to turn off their permission to obtain device direction for different applications, effectively avoiding unnecessary jumps such as shaking ads, and bringing users a more comfortable user experience. In addition, HarmonyOS 4.2 enhances the ability to work together between multiple devices. The new eye-catching interactive theme increases the fun of the lock screen and supports AI cloud enhancements and other features to further improve the user experience.

Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"

In addition to the Huawei Mate 60 RS, the Huawei Mate 60 Pro + is also a high-end phone worth buying for this 618.

In terms of design, the Huawei Mate 60 Pro + draws a vigorous "Danqing arc" on the back cover. The "Danqing Arc" is a tribute to traditional Chinese culture and a symbol of the Mate series' spirit of continuous exploration and breakthrough, which is the best proof of Huawei's continuous innovation and ultimate aesthetic craftsmanship.

Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"

In addition to the excellent design, the Huawei Mate 60 series mobile phones also have excellent quality and reliability with the blessing of the "ultra-reliable Xuanwu architecture", which integrates the second-generation Kunlun glass, ultra-tough Xuanwu body, and ultra-durable nylon fiber material with three layers of protection, which is more resistant to drops, and further ensures the "safety" of users.

Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"

The Huawei Mate 60 Pro + is also the world's first mass smartphone to support dual-satellite communication. At the same time, HarmonyOS 4.2 has been upgraded to support smart features such as AI Air Operation, Smart Payment, and Gaze Screen, bringing users a more convenient and intelligent user experience. There is also the "Quiet Talk" feature exclusive to the HUAWEI Mate 60 Pro+ and HUAWEI Mate 60 RS, which protects call privacy through an innovative dual-membrane dual-driver design and a sound field control algorithm.

Write at the end

In today's rapid technological development, smartphones are not only a tool for our daily communication, but also an identity symbol that highlights our taste and attitude towards life. HUAWEI Mate 60 RS Extreme Master / Mate 60 Pro+, as the culmination of Huawei technology and the representative of ultra-high-end flagships, will definitely become your first choice for high-end flagships in this 618.

Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"

On the other hand, the HUAWEI Mate 60 RS Extreme Master / Mate 60 Pro + also has the unique advantages of the HarmonyOS ecosystem, which is convenient and smooth:

For example, if you pair a Huawei phone with a Huawei Watch and Huawei wireless earbuds, you can form a Huawei Health Family Bucket. The combination of mobile phone and watch, easy and solid professional sports assistant, more scientific exercise, more comprehensive and professional daily management capabilities, accurate and powerful protection of health; HUAWEI mobile phones, HUAWEI tablets, and HUAWEI wireless earphones can also be combined to create a family bucket freely. Build a super terminal between the mobile phone and the tablet, and easily realize productivity functions such as the tablet sharing mobile phone signal, cross-application color picking, super transfer station, and so on.

Therefore, for old users who have bought Huawei mobile phones, this 618 can also be used with other Huawei products to form a Hongmeng family bucket for a smarter linkage experience.

Finally, the good news is that the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master and Huawei Mate 60 Pro + are now available at Huawei's offline directly operated stores and authorized experience stores, or through HUAWEI Mall, HUAWEI Tmall official flagship store, and HUAWEI's self-operated official flagship store, you can enjoy up to 12 interest-free installments. This is a rare opportunity, this big promotion, don't wait for the party, choose the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, and achieve your extraordinary life!

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  • Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"
  • Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"
  • Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"
  • Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"
  • Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"
  • Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"
  • Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"
  • Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"
  • Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"
  • Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"
  • Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"
  • Get the Huawei Mate 60 RS Extraordinary Master, this 618 makes itself "extraordinary"

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