
Vivo's new watch was unveiled: released on May 30 and can be used independently

Vivo's new watch was unveiled: released on May 30 and can be used independently

Zhongguancun Online

2024-05-23 23:02Posted on the official account of Beijing Zhongguancun Online

According to vivo's official news, it will hold a new product launch conference at 19:00 on May 30 to launch the first square smart watch vivo Watch GT. From the outside, the design of the watch is very beautiful, with a choice of straps in a variety of materials, as well as a variety of styles of dial design, and a knob crown on the side. It was previously reported that the vivo Watch GT can be used independently, because it will support eSIM cards, and it will also support a series of AI functions, making it easier for users to use in various scenarios. At the same time, the vivo Watch GT will also support more health features. At that time, the vivo S19 series will also be unveiled.

Vivo's new watch was unveiled: released on May 30 and can be used independently


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  • Vivo's new watch was unveiled: released on May 30 and can be used independently

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