
The "bizarre prophecy" of A-shares continues to ferment, is it a coincidence or deliberate?

The "bizarre prophecy" of A-shares continues to ferment, is it a coincidence or deliberate?

Time Finance

2024-05-23 16:54Published on the official account of Financial News under Beijing Beijing Time

The "bizarre prophecy" of A-shares continues to ferment, is it a coincidence or deliberate?

The "bizarre prophecy" of A-shares continues to ferment.

Two days ago, some netizens posted on social platforms to accurately "predict" the "sky floor" market of Nanjing Chemical Fiber and Zhongtong Bus, which caused an uproar in the market.

On May 21, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges took regulatory measures to suspend trading on relevant accounts. On May 22, the share prices of Nanjing Chemical Fiber and Zhongtong Bus closed with a sharp fall, of which Nanjing Chemical Fiber fell all day.

However, following Nanjing Chemical Fiber and Zhongtong Bus, many stocks, including Jiaxin Silk, Leike Defense, and Hanshang Group, have also seen a similar situation. On May 22, Leike Defense was accurately "predicted" by the shareholder, and the shareholder spoke again after the market saying that "it was all blind".

Is it a coincidence or a deliberate effort behind the continuous "divine prophecies"? For a while, there were different opinions in the market.

Some industry insiders believe that these online messages about individual stock price predictions seem arbitrary, but behind this may really involve real money, so it is necessary to pay close attention to its harmfulness.

Article 56 of the Securities Law clearly stipulates that it is forbidden for any entity or individual to fabricate or disseminate false or misleading information to disrupt the securities market. All kinds of media must be truthful and objective in disseminating information on the securities market, and misleading is prohibited. Anyone who fabricates or disseminates false or misleading information, disrupts the securities market, and causes losses to investors, shall be liable for compensation in accordance with law.

A number of industry insiders who did not want to be named pointed out that a number of abnormal stocks have recently appeared "God predicted" stuck up or down limit, and there may be a variety of possibilities behind the event, among which the use of news to gain attention and then realize the traffic is the most likely, and investors need to be wary of being "cut leeks" after drainage.

"In the past, many software or investment consulting companies often issued such stocks to customers, so that customers could pay attention, and then after winning the trust of customers, they sold services to customers and charged high fees." A senior observer of the private equity industry said that many shareholders have received some text messages, the content of which is roughly to remind them to pay attention to a certain stock, and emphasize that it will rise sharply tomorrow, and often the next day it will really cash in as scheduled.

"After a while, they'll call you and ask if you need to be a member or something." The above-mentioned people believe that by publishing similar news in other traffic gathering places, it can have a good drainage effect and create conditions for the final "realization".

The above-mentioned person said that the probability of being able to release the news is not the person who actually operates the trade. A senior market person also corroborated this speculation, blowing tickets, financing, trading and other different links have a division of labor, the person who recently made the "God prophecy" should not be the actual trader, but it is likely to be a person in this industrial chain.

A few years ago, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) launched a special campaign to clean up and rectify the "black mouth" in the stock market. Inspectors found that a lot of "after-hours ticket" stock recommendation information through WeChat, Weibo, webcast and other channels in the stock market during non-trading hours in a large number of dissemination, the recommended stocks in the afternoon open, the next day open significantly up or even the limit, but the price immediately fell, investors on the day to buy difficult to profit or even loss.

At the same time, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges found that the trading behavior of multiple account groups was highly similar, trading the same recommended stock at a similar point in time, and these stocks were sold in large quantities after the recommendation, with obvious profits, and there was a suspicion of market manipulation.

In addition, it is worth noting that, judging from public information, the platforms on which the above "prophecies" are released are all straight flushes.

On May 22, the reporter sent an interview letter to the Straight Flush on issues related to the review and control of messages on its platform. In addition, the reporter called Straight Flush as an investor, and a relevant person from the company said, "For inappropriate remarks like this, our platform will review it more strictly." ”

(Source: Xinhua Finance, National Business Daily)

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  • The "bizarre prophecy" of A-shares continues to ferment, is it a coincidence or deliberate?

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