
It is listed in large quantities! The calcium content is 3 times that of spinach, which moistens the intestines and lowers blood pressure, and middle-aged and elderly people eat more!

author:Three-point moment

It's the season when fungus is on the market in abundance, and this inconspicuous vegetable is actually a hidden nutritional superhero. Think about it, a vegetable can contain three times more calcium than spinach, which is a huge boon for bone health! Moreover, fungus is not only rich in calcium, it also has efficient laxative and antihypertensive functions, which is definitely good news for middle-aged and elderly people.

It is listed in large quantities! The calcium content is 3 times that of spinach, which moistens the intestines and lowers blood pressure, and middle-aged and elderly people eat more!

The uniqueness of fungus is not only its nutritional value, but also its high degree of cooking flexibility. Whether you're looking for it as a refreshing cold dish, stir-fried and eaten as a soup, fungus can bring unexpected flavors. How can such a vegetable, which can protect both the body and the heart, not appear on our table often?

It is listed in large quantities! The calcium content is 3 times that of spinach, which moistens the intestines and lowers blood pressure, and middle-aged and elderly people eat more!

Don't worry about how to start, I'll introduce four simple and delicious fungus recipes. These recipes will make it easy for you to incorporate fungus into your daily diet, allowing you and your family to enjoy its health benefits.

Recommended recipe 1: Stir-fried fungus vegetables

It is listed in large quantities! The calcium content is 3 times that of spinach, which moistens the intestines and lowers blood pressure, and middle-aged and elderly people eat more!

Fungus is rich in calcium, which is especially beneficial for bone health, and is rich in dietary fiber, which helps to improve digestive health. This stir-fried fungus dish is quick and easy, preserving the natural flavor and nutrition of the vegetable.

Main ingredients: fungus, garlic, olive oil, salt

Here's how:

It is listed in large quantities! The calcium content is 3 times that of spinach, which moistens the intestines and lowers blood pressure, and middle-aged and elderly people eat more!

Wash the fungus and pick off the old stems, leaving young leaves and fine stems.

Slice the garlic.

Heat the oil in a pan and add the garlic slices to stir-fry until fragrant.

Add the fungus and stir-fry quickly to keep it crispy and tender.

Add salt to taste according to taste, stir-fry until the color of the fungus becomes darker, and then remove from the pan.

Recommended recipe 2: Stewed tofu with fungus vegetables

It is listed in large quantities! The calcium content is 3 times that of spinach, which moistens the intestines and lowers blood pressure, and middle-aged and elderly people eat more!

Not only is the combination of fungus and tofu highly nutritious, but it's also great for supplementing with plant-based protein and increasing calcium intake, which can help manage blood pressure and keep your heart healthy.

Main ingredients: fungus vegetables, tofu, ginger, broth, salt

Here's how:

It is listed in large quantities! The calcium content is 3 times that of spinach, which moistens the intestines and lowers blood pressure, and middle-aged and elderly people eat more!

Cut the tofu into cubes, wash the fungus and cut it into sections.

Add the stock and ginger slices to the pot and bring to a boil.

Add the tofu and fungus and simmer over low heat.

Wait for the dish to be stewed, add salt to taste and serve.

Recommended recipe 3: Fungus vegetables mixed with cucumbers

It is listed in large quantities! The calcium content is 3 times that of spinach, which moistens the intestines and lowers blood pressure, and middle-aged and elderly people eat more!

The fungus and cucumber mix is not only refreshing and delicious, but also provides a lot of vitamins and water, which is perfect for hot weather, helping to replenish water in the body and remove toxins from the body.

Main ingredients: fungus, cucumber, garlic, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar

Here's how:

It is listed in large quantities! The calcium content is 3 times that of spinach, which moistens the intestines and lowers blood pressure, and middle-aged and elderly people eat more!

Wash and cut the fungus into sections, and wash the cucumber and cut into shreds.

Finely chop the garlic and mix it with soy sauce and balsamic vinegar to make a sauce.

Put the fungus and cucumber in a large bowl and pour in the seasoned juice.

Mix well and let it sit for a while to allow the flavors to blend and serve.

Recommended Recipe 4: Steamed eggs with fungus vegetables

It is listed in large quantities! The calcium content is 3 times that of spinach, which moistens the intestines and lowers blood pressure, and middle-aged and elderly people eat more!

Steamed with eggs, fungus is a nutritious home-cooked dish. Eggs provide high-quality protein, and fungus is supplemented with calcium and iron, which helps to boost the body's blood production and boost immunity.

Main ingredients: fungus vegetables, eggs, salt, chicken essence

Here's how:

It is listed in large quantities! The calcium content is 3 times that of spinach, which moistens the intestines and lowers blood pressure, and middle-aged and elderly people eat more!

Wash and chop the fungus and mix with the beaten eggs.

Season with salt and a pinch of chicken essence and stir to combine.

Pour the mixture into a steaming tray and steam on high heat for about 15 minutes.

Steam until the eggs are solidified and the fungus is cooked through.

It is listed in large quantities! The calcium content is 3 times that of spinach, which moistens the intestines and lowers blood pressure, and middle-aged and elderly people eat more!

Through the above four fungus recipes, you can not only enjoy the deliciousness, but also get rich nutrients from it, especially calcium supplements. The variety of cooking methods ensures that you can try these dishes on different occasions, each of which will give you a sense of the unique charm and health benefits of the fungus. Try these recipes and make fungus a regular in your diet!