
No matter how strong your ability is, no matter how great your ability is, don't say these three sentences, saying that good luck will go and bad luck will come

author:Low-key yang

No matter how strong your ability is, no matter how great your ability is, don't say these three sentences, saying that good luck will go and bad luck will come

No matter how strong your ability is, no matter how great your ability is, don't say these three sentences, saying that good luck will go and bad luck will come

Be low-key and not too public.

It's not a skill to be too public, it's just rhetoric.

The ancients said: A full pot of water does not shake, and half a pot of water jingles.

A person with real talent and learning will not boast; People who blow loudly have no real skills.

People with solid wealth will not deliberately show off, and those who often open their mouths and say that they are rich are not rich.

The ancients said: Gold and silver should not be exposed, and revealing whiteness attracts people's attention.

The gentleman is good, but the villain is difficult to prevent, this is the advice left by the ancestors.

It's better to be a low-key person!

No matter how big the ability is, no matter how much money you have, the following three sentences would rather rot in your stomach than say it

No matter how strong your ability is, no matter how great your ability is, don't say these three sentences, saying that good luck will go and bad luck will come

One, don't talk crazy

Heaven will destroy it, and it will first make it mad.

No matter how prosperous you are, don't say arrogant things, make money quietly, make money silently, and spend your happy life smoothly, you are a wise and intelligent person!

If you don't talk about it, do things unprincipledly, and have no bottom line, you can only be crazy for a while, and you will be crazy for less than a lifetime.

As some people say, after the storm, it's a mess.

Don't say "arrogant things", don't do things without conscience, treat others the way you treat yourself, and you will find that the world is so beautiful that it is not difficult to get along with others. The difficult thing is those who are high up and can't let go of their figure!

No matter how strong your ability is, no matter how great your ability is, don't say these three sentences, saying that good luck will go and bad luck will come

Second, don't say cruel things

I have read a sentence that is applicable to anyone, do not say everything, do not do everything, leave three points for everything, leave room for others, is to leave a way out for yourself.

Some regrettable things in life are not that I didn't do them, but that some things were done too much, and some words were said too absolutely. If you say it, you can't take it back, which leads to a series of consequences that people regret.

For example: some couples who obviously love each other very much and then break up. Their breakup is not because of something earth-shattering between them, nor because one of them made an unforgivable mistake, but because of some trivial things or misunderstandings. One can't explain clearly, the other is aggressive, and he says too hard in an impulsive situation, if you can't say it clearly, "we're like this or that", which makes those who can't argue and can only wait for time to verify, except to passively accept, you can do what you like, there is no other way to make the decision to break up.

Whether it is a husband and wife, a lover, or a lover, what you want is trust, not suspicion. If you don't even have a minimum of trust, how can the relationship last?

No matter how great your ability is, no matter how good you are, don't say cruel words under impulse, some words, you really can't get them back, no matter what the consequences are, you can only accept it, pay for it, and regret it.

No matter how strong your ability is, no matter how great your ability is, don't say these three sentences, saying that good luck will go and bad luck will come

Three, don't say anything that mocks others

As the saying goes, "Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, feng shui takes turns, and no one knows when bad luck will turn on them." ”

Therefore, no matter how strong your ability and ability are, don't say anything that ridicules others in front of others.

Zhu Xi said: "There is nothing worse than the mouth of a man's iniquity; Harsh words will be taboo. ”

No matter what level of person you are with, don't say stinging words, leave some morality, make people respect, and accumulate good luck for yourself.

If you look down on others, don't socialize, and if you dislike others, don't get along.

Since we get along with each other, we must treat others in a respectful way!

Respect for others, there will be no less meat, no less bones, and more respect from others.

I often hear people say, "If you want others to respect you, you have to respect others first, and if you don't respect people, why should others respect you?" ”

Therefore, no matter what level of people you are with, you must learn to respect, do not say sarcastic words about others, do not say arrogant words, do not say cruel words, say some nice words, say some words of encouragement to others, warm others, accumulate good luck, make a lot of money in a muffled voice, be quiet and far-reaching, and be indifferent.

No matter how strong your ability is, no matter how great your ability is, don't say these three sentences, saying that good luck will go and bad luck will come