
If you find any of these behaviors, report them immediately! (With reporting method)

author:Palm Bayannur

Announcement on the launch of the "Northern Xinjiang Clean Network, Pro-Qing Protection Enterprise" online infringement report

In accordance with the special action of the Cyberspace Administration of the People's Republic of China (CAC) on "Clearing and Optimizing the Business Network Environment - Rectifying the Chaos of Enterprise-related Infringement Information" and the special work arrangement of the Autonomous Region's "Northern Xinjiang Clean Network", in order to further implement the relevant requirements of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to optimize the business environment, improve the ability of enterprises and entrepreneurs to respond to online infringement information and their awareness of reporting and protecting their rights, effectively prevent and resist the occurrence of online infringements, and effectively optimize the business network environment, the Cyberspace Administration of the Bayannur Municipal Party Committee, together with the Municipal Finance Bureau, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and the Cyberspace Administration of the Qixian District Party Committee" "Beijiang Net Clean, Pro-Qing Protection Enterprise" online infringement reporting and publicity activity.

Instructions for reporting online infringement information related to enterprises

1. Scope of acceptance

(1) Counterfeit information that confuses the identity of an enterprise entity

1. Using the same or similar name identifier or entrepreneur's name and likeness as the enterprise in online account name information such as names, avatars, and profiles;

2. Publishing information in the name of an enterprise or entrepreneur;

3. Illegally mirroring an enterprise's official website or app, or fraudulently using or misappropriating an enterprise's official website, APP filing and registration information, or other distinctive elements;

4. Other information that causes the public to confuse the identity of the enterprise entity.

(2) Misleading information that impacts the public's fair judgment

1. Distorting the original meaning of the news through methods such as adding or deleting information, changing the order, or adjusting the structure;

2. Expired information corrected or revoked by relevant departments, news media, etc.;

3. Delete the time, place, and results of the handling of old news and old incidents, and republish them;

4. Using exaggerated titles that are seriously inconsistent with the content;

5. Emphasizing unfavorable facts, avoiding favorable facts, and generalizing in general;

6. Quoting past remarks of entrepreneurs or business representatives out of context;

7. One-sided interpretation of various external announcements of the enterprise;

8. Other information that causes misunderstanding and misinterpretation by the public.

(3) Rumor information that does not conform to the objective reality of the enterprise

1. Fictitious entrepreneurs' private lives;

2. Fabricating illegal crimes or illegal production and operation of enterprises;

3. Fabricating that entrepreneurs or employees of enterprises have violated the law or committed crimes or have lost moral standards;

4. Exaggerating the difficulties of enterprises or entrepreneurs in production and operation;

5. Distorting the normal production, operation and investment activities of enterprises or entrepreneurs;

6. Slandering the quality of enterprise products and services;

7. Discrediting an enterprise's ability to innovate in science and technology;

8. Other information that is inconsistent with the objective and actual situation of the enterprise.

(4) Insulting information that derogates or vilifies enterprises or entrepreneurs

1. Attacking and insulting enterprises or entrepreneurs;

2. Smearing spoofed portrait photos of entrepreneurs;

3. Maliciously associated with pornographic and vulgar topics;

4. Other information that violates public order and good customs, or discredits enterprises or entrepreneurs.

(5) Leaking confidential information that infringes on entrepreneurs' personal privacy

1. Violating regulations by disclosing personal identity information such as entrepreneurs' ID cards, passports, social security cards, and household registration files;

2. Illegally disclosing personal contact information such as entrepreneurs' home addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses;

3. Other privacy information that is prohibited from being disclosed by laws and regulations.

(6) Other information that maliciously interferes with the normal operation and development of enterprises

1. Carrying out extortion in the name of public opinion supervision;

2. Maliciously collecting negative information about enterprises;

3. Publishing negative reports and comments on enterprises for the purpose of seeking illegal benefits;

4. Engaging in malicious marketing by stirring up hot incidents involving enterprises;

5. Manipulating cross-platform accounts, linked accounts, or matrix accounts to post intensively and maliciously attack enterprises or entrepreneurs;

6. Taking advantage of their own information release convenience, as well as their advantages in technology, traffic, or influence, to attack and discredit competitors;

7. Providing false or untrue information about enterprises or entrepreneurs.

II. Acceptance Conditions

1. Submit a written report that fully states the matters to be reported and explains the reasons for the report.

2. Submit proof of the qualification of the right subject, such as the business license, organization code certificate or entrepreneur identity certificate; If the report is entrusted, the identity certificate and power of attorney of the reporting agent must be provided.

3. Submit the name and contact information of the whistleblower.

4. Submit the specific network address of the request to take necessary measures or relevant information sufficient to accurately locate the infringing content.

5. Submit preliminary evidence materials that can prove the infringement of the reported content.

6. Submit a written guarantee stating the authenticity and legitimacy of the report.

3. Methods of reporting

(1) Report to the Illegal and Negative Information Reporting Center of the Cyberspace Administration of China (Cyberspace Administration of China).

1. Log in to the official website:, and click on the "Enterprise-related Infringement Reporting Area" to report.

2. Download the "Online Report" client to report.

3. Search and follow the official Weibo "Central Cyberspace Administration Reporting Center", click "Private Message" - "One-click Report" - "Enterprise-related Infringement Reporting Area" to report.

4. Search and follow the official WeChat public account "Central Cyberspace Administration Reporting Center", click "One-click Report" - "Enterprise-related Infringement Reporting Area" to report.

5. Call the 12377 hotline to report.

(2) Report to the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Internet Illegal and Negative Information Reporting Center

For information on the Inner Mongolia territorial Internet platform, you can search and follow the WeChat public account "Inner Mongolia Internet Illegal and Adverse Information Report", click on the "Report Entrance", enter the "Special Report", and select the "Enterprise-related Infringement Reporting Area" to report.

(3) Report to the Internet Information Office of the Bayannur Municipal Party Committee

1. Send the relevant reporting materials to the mailbox [email protected] make a report.

2. Search and follow the official account "Netinfo Bayannur", click "I want to leave a message" - "Report box" - "I want to report" to report.

3. Call 0478-8658216 to report.

(4) Enterprises in the territory of Qixian District report to the Internet Information Office of the Qixian District Party Committee

Linhe District: [email protected]

Wuyuan County: [email protected]

Hangjin Houqi: [email protected]

Dengkou County: [email protected]

Urat Front Banner: [email protected]

Urat Central Banner: [email protected]

Urat Rear Banner: [email protected]

The information you provide is for work purposes only, and you can rest assured that your information will not be unlawfully disclosed.

Bayannur Municipal Party Committee Internet Information Office

May 20, 2024

Source: Netinfo Bayannur

Editor: Chen Long Proofreader: He Shiyu