
Dangerous! Terrible! A large number of parents were furious

author:Nakahara shield
Dangerous! Terrible! A large number of parents were furious

Recently, Shaanxi Ankang

Hanyin County Experimental Primary School

There are elementary school students at the stationery store across the street from the school

Buy syringes with needles

Parents were furious when they found out

Dangerous! Terrible! A large number of parents were furious

Syringes with needles sold in stationery stores (screenshot of media reports)

Stationery store sells "syringes" to elementary school students

The local municipal supervision bureau intervened

According to Beijing Radio and Television

"Rule of Law in Progress" social account

The video posted is shown

There are parents holding syringes with needles

Angry at the stationery store owner

"It's contraband

Only hospitals will use it

Something with a needle

Why sell it to these kids? ”

It is understood that the stationery store involved is a Guangbo stationery store next to the Hanyin County Experimental Primary School. After receiving feedback from parents, the Hanyin County Education Bureau said that it could not manage the off-campus stores, and had contacted the market supervision department, and the school would strengthen safety publicity within the school.

On May 11, the reporter contacted Ms. Liu, the owner of the Guangbo stationery store, to ask what is the difference between this toy and the syringe with needles in the hospital, the purchase channel and whether the relevant procedures are required to sell the product.

Dangerous! Terrible! A large number of parents were furious

The owner of another stationery store near the Hanyin County Experimental Primary School said that there are many stationery stores near the primary school, and the toy with needles retails for 2 yuan, but it is not sold in his store.

The owner said he didn't know whether the products with needles were toys or medical devices, and that they were also popular online, and that wholesalers would distribute them to stationery stores, "I don't think products with needles should be sold to students." ”

Dangerous! Terrible! A large number of parents were furious

This kind of toy taken by netizens (screenshot of video on social platforms)

The person in charge of the Hanyin County Market Supervision Bureau said that after a preliminary investigation, no illegal acts were found in the store, but there was negligence in selling such goods to students, and the store has been ordered to rectify, warn, criticize and educate the store owner, and remove goods that are harmful to the physical and mental health of teenagers and children.

The person in charge said that according to the definition of medical devices and the classification standard of "6815 Injection and Puncture Devices" in the "Classification Catalogue of Medical Devices", the product does not belong to medical devices. To sell this kind of commodity, there is no need to apply for a medical device business license and other licenses, "and this kind of license will not be applied to merchants in the future." ”

The person in charge also said that on May 10, the bureau held a meeting to conduct a dragnet re-investigation of harmful food, stationery and toys sold by merchants around the campus. At the same time, further investigation was carried out on the purchase channels and manufacturers of the stationery stores involved. At present, the relevant staff of the bureau has explained this matter to the above-mentioned parents.

It is also available on online shopping platforms

Many netizens said that it was "dangerous" and "terrible"

Search and find on the e-commerce platform

Many shops are selling this "syringe" toy

At the same time, it is also equipped with on the product display page

Words such as "exciting" and "good".

Dangerous! Terrible! A large number of parents were furious

The page displayed after searching for "chick pinching" on an e-commerce platform

Sold in a mother and baby toy store on a certain platform

The product name is "Chick Pinching Joy Squeezing Acne Decompression Toy"

Marked as an Internet celebrity hit product

The store has sold more than 10,000 people

More than 6,000 comments

Reviews are mixed

Dangerous! Terrible! A large number of parents were furious
Dangerous! Terrible! A large number of parents were furious

The store's customer service said that the toy has a needle, which is similar to a medical syringe, and students over the age of 15 can play with it with their parents. The reporter asked whether the product was a medical device, but the other party did not reply positively.

In addition, on a social platform

There are also many netizens who have bought similar syringe toys

And said "dangerous" and "terrible"

Dangerous! Terrible! A large number of parents were furious

Regulatory authorities: Some toys are from regular sources

Regulatory handling is difficult

Previously, many places were exposed to shops near primary schools

Stationery stores sell "syringe" toys


September 2023

The media reported on the case of Zhaoping County, Guangxi

The name of this syringe toy is:

"Cute fun squeezing acne pinching fun" "cute pet squeezing acne"

Contains 2 small silicone toys

A 5 ml syringe and a flat-tipped needle

This kind of toy is to inject water or air into the silicone toy to make the small toy bubble and then squeeze it out to achieve the effect of decompression.

Local law enforcement officials said that although the needles of such toys do not have spikes, they also pose a great safety hazard. At the same time, merchants selling "syringe" toys at will may mislead minors into believing that "syringes" can be played with casually. Law enforcement officers take administrative coercive measures against the relevant products.

A staff member of the market supervision bureau of a county in northwest China said that with the hot sale of "syringe" toys, there are also embarrassments and difficulties in supervision. Generally, merchants purchase goods from the wholesale market or are distributed by wholesalers, and the goods channels are formal, and some manufacturers have qualifications and standards for the production of such goods.

According to the current relevant regulations, this kind of "syringe" toys, there is no clear classification catalog, manufacturers and merchants rub the ball to claim that it is a toy, it is difficult to determine that the business has violated the law, can only order rectification and removal from the shelves, criticism and education, "such as the radish knife toys sold on the market and the recent popular 'cigarette card' game, there are similar situations." ”

These popular toys are also dangerous

Be mindful when your child plays

In addition to the above-mentioned "syringes" with needles, there are also small toys known as "tricks", "pranks" and "stress relievers" such as "radish knives", "fried buns", "fake water" and "toothpick crossbows". However, these toys may have potential risks such as chemical, physical, and flammable hazards.


Carrot knife

The tip and blade of the "turnip knife" are very hard, and with a little force, you can pierce paper or fruit. If your child accidentally stabs himself or someone else while playing, it can cause scratches or bleeding on the skin, and may even injure vital organs such as eyes.

Dangerous! Terrible! A large number of parents were furious


Fried buns, stinky buns, toys

Internet celebrity "fried bag" toys, also known as "grenade small fried bag", "firecracker small fried bag", "simulated grenade", etc., have a variety of outer packaging, with "grenades" and "firecrackers" and other shapes. In addition to the fact that some of them "explode" after pinching, they also have a pungent odor.

This kind of "fried bag" and "smelly bag" toys do not meet the requirements of the national mandatory standards for children's toys, and there are also safety risks. For example, hydrogen sulfide produced after the "stinky bag" is exploded is an acute poison, inhalation of a small amount of high concentration of hydrogen sulfide can be fatal in a short period of time, low concentration of hydrogen sulfide has an impact on the eyes, respiratory system and central nervous system.

Dangerous! Terrible! A large number of parents were furious


Fake water

"Fake water" toys are generally present in boron and have a high content, and some also contain isothiazolinone preservatives, even if they are not ingested, long-term exposure also poses a greater risk to children's health.

In the process of playing with "fake water", if the broken skin and mouth are accidentally directly or indirectly contacted, excessive borax will enter the human body, and accumulate over time, burying hidden health risks.

Dangerous! Terrible! A large number of parents were furious


Toothpick slingshot

"Toothpick slingshot", similar to a crossbow, also known as "toothpick crossbow" and "toothpick launcher", metal, bamboo or plastic texture, palm size, function and real bow crossbow similar, slightly different is that the "arrow" fired by this crossbow is a toothpick. As long as the toothpick is hard enough, it can easily penetrate cans and various hard objects at close range, and the maximum range can even reach 30 meters.

Dangerous! Terrible! A large number of parents were furious


Fire paint stamp toys

The fire paint seal products sold on the market today are mainly divided into ordinary fire paint seals and edible fire paint seals.

Ordinary fire paint seals mainly include seal heads, candles, colored fire paint wax particles, fire paint seals, wax melting spoons, etc., and the materials are generally plastic, metal, and wax; The edible model is made of candy instead of colored fire paint wax grains, which are melted and pressed with a seal to form candy of various shapes. However, many curious children do not know enough about the dangers of toys and accidentally touch the hot stamp head, resulting in red and swollen blisters and wounds.

Dangerous! Terrible! A large number of parents were furious

What toys can I buy with confidence?

Toy safety is related to the healthy growth of children. Parents and students should be vigilant when purchasing, follow the above safe consumption guidelines, ensure that they buy safe and reliable products, and take good care of toy products when they are in use. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the needs and interests of children, and choose suitable toys for children, so that they can have fun while also getting a beneficial growth experience.


Toys are purchased in regular malls and stores

Do not buy "three no" products, the quality and safety of these products are not guaranteed, and some even have health risks.


Look for the CCC certification mark

CCC certification (also known as 3C certification) is China Compulsory Product Certification, which is a statutory mandatory safety certification system. Electric toys, plastic toys, metal toys, and riding vehicle toys all need to be certified by CCC before they can be shipped and sold.


Look at the label

When choosing a toy, you should pay attention to its identification label, regular products will be clearly marked with the product name, implementation standards, manufacturer name, factory address, warning language, matters that should be paid attention to when using, the purchased toys should be suitable for children's age groups, etc., the product should also be marked with the production date and shelf life of the product for a limited period of time. The "applicable age" label is very important, parents must pay attention to the age marked on the toy packaging when buying toys, buy toys that match the child's age and pay attention to the warning words of the label in time.

Toy safety

It is about the healthy growth of children

Parents and students should be vigilant when making purchases

Choose safe, reliable products

Source: Guangzhou Daily, Jimu News, Dongguan Market Supervision, CCTV News Client, New Express, Hangzhou Daily, etc