
The Russia-Ukraine conflict has made the United States realize that if it fights with China, the U.S. military cannot solve three problems

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The Russia-Ukraine conflict has made the United States realize that if it fights with China, the U.S. military cannot solve three problems

The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

The escalating conflict between Russia and Ukraine has attracted the attention of the world, and the situation has become increasingly tense, and the confrontation between the two sides shows no signs of abating, and the fighting will continue until one side exhausts its national strength.

Many countries are beginning to envision themselves in the midst of this war in order to better understand and respond to similar situations.

And the United States, as the global hegemon, also has to think about what problems it needs to solve if it fights with China.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has made the United States realize that if it fights with China, the U.S. military cannot solve three problems

Chinese missiles

China's missile technology has come a long way over the past few decades, becoming one of the important pillars of our military power, and even developing an independent army, the Rocket Force.

At present, China already has many types of missiles, including intercontinental ballistic missiles, conventional missiles, anti-ship missiles, etc., which are not only huge in number, but also gradually improve in technology.

The most famous Dongfeng series of missiles covers different range ranges from medium range to intercontinental, which is of great strategic importance and powerful combat capability.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has made the United States realize that if it fights with China, the U.S. military cannot solve three problems

These missiles have long-range strike capabilities and can carry out precise strikes on important enemy military bases, cities and strategic targets, thereby effectively enhancing China's strategic deterrence and making potential adversaries face high costs and risks when considering launching military operations against China, thereby playing a role in safeguarding national security and stability.

In the event of a conflict between China and the United States, Chinese anti-ship missiles can effectively strike US aircraft carriers and other warships, which can put the US fleet in an extremely dangerous situation.

At the same time, China also has a large number of land-based and air-launched missiles, which can strike at US infrastructure, military bases, transportation systems, etc., and have a huge impact on US strategic deployment.

China's missile technology can also effectively limit US air superiority, and our surface-to-air missiles and air-to-air missiles are highly capable of attacking various types of US aircraft, effectively weakening US air power.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has made the United States realize that if it fights with China, the U.S. military cannot solve three problems

In contrast, although the United States started relatively early in the field of missile technology, its development in recent years has been relatively slow, and it has the shortcomings of high cost, complex technology, and poor reliability.

Moreover, the United States also lags behind China in some key technological areas, such as hypersonic technology and anti-missile technology, which can also be seen in military intelligence reports in recent years.

Therefore, under the assumption of the US military, once a conflict breaks out with China in the future, then our missiles will be an insurmountable barrier for them and a difficult problem that they cannot solve.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has made the United States realize that if it fights with China, the U.S. military cannot solve three problems

Loss of air supremacy

In past wars, the United States often tacitly acquiesced in its ability to gain air supremacy, and this was to a certain extent based on its powerful military strength and advanced air force technology.

Especially after the end of the Cold War, the wars in which the United States participated were mainly against smaller countries, such as Iraq, Afghanistan, etc., so the United States was usually able to easily ensure air supremacy in these conflicts.

However, when the United States learns from the experience and lessons of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and envisions a war with China, the situation becomes complex and challenging.

As a big country with strong national defense capabilities and modern armed forces, China's air force and air defense systems have been significantly developed and upgraded, and the United States cannot completely gain air supremacy in the event of a conflict with China.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has made the United States realize that if it fights with China, the U.S. military cannot solve three problems

In terms of air defense, China's air defense system already has quite strong capabilities, including advanced radar systems, surface-to-air missile systems, and fighter formations.

At the same time, China is constantly strengthening the modernization process of its military technology and equipment, and China's advanced weapons systems such as stealth fighters and unmanned aerial vehicles are gradually maturing and put into use, further enhancing its competitiveness in the struggle for air supremacy.

On the other hand, the United States has the most powerful military in the world, and its presence and influence in the Asia-Pacific region cannot be ignored.

However, there are certain limitations on the ability of the United States to project air power into the Asia-Pacific region, which are mainly reflected in the geographical location of the United States far from the Asia-Pacific region and the limited nature of its military resources.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has made the United States realize that if it fights with China, the U.S. military cannot solve three problems

Because the Asia-Pacific region is far from the US mainland, the US Air Force needs to carry out long-distance delivery across large areas of sea, which is a severe test for fighters and bombers with a short combat radius.

In contrast, the PLA can rely on the vast territory of Chinese mainland and have a large number of airports and bases, thus ensuring that it has a more abundant air power in the Asia-Pacific region.

China's military airfields are distributed throughout the country, and they have good presence, strategic flexibility, which means that China has a larger and denser air power support system in the Asia-Pacific region, and can conduct air combat operations more effectively.

Under the combination of multiple factors, the United States' air supremacy is not as great as imagined, and they must face this problem.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has made the United States realize that if it fights with China, the U.S. military cannot solve three problems

Logistical capacity

The U.S. military budget is the highest in the world, and a large amount of money is invested in defense and military affairs every year, and the ample support of these funds provides the United States with a broad research and development platform that enables it to continuously promote innovation and progress in military technology.

In addition, the United States also has a complete military industrial system, and its huge military-industrial enterprises enjoy a good reputation around the world, providing advanced military equipment and technical support to the US military.

However, Russia's invasion of Ukraine has proved that the cost and production cycle of high-tech weapons are unavoidable problems, and while these weapons can improve combat effectiveness on the battlefield, they also exert enormous pressure on logistics.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has made the United States realize that if it fights with China, the U.S. military cannot solve three problems

If there is a problem in any part of the supply chain, the entire manufacturing process may be affected or even lead to production stagnation, and the fragility of this supply chain poses a great threat to the military's material consumption and enduring combat effectiveness.

Therefore, in the face of modern military challenges, the production capacity of ammunition and military equipment of US military factories appears to be insufficient, and it is at a disadvantage in comparison with China.

At present, we have a variety of advanced production equipment and technologies for conventional weapons, and can produce various types of guns, rocket launchers, grenades, mortars and other weapons and ammunition. At the same time, China's military-industrial complex is constantly innovating and improving production efficiency to ensure the quality and reliability of weapons and ammunition.

China's military-industrial complex, with its multiple production bases and R&D facilities, can produce a variety of weapons and equipment at the same time, and has become one of the world's largest producers.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has made the United States realize that if it fights with China, the U.S. military cannot solve three problems

In terms of quality and technology, China's military enterprises are also constantly improving and innovating, reaching the world's leading level, and will continue to improve in the future.

Moreover, China's military enterprises can quickly adjust and upgrade the capacity of their production lines, and in the face of urgent needs and emergencies, we can quickly adjust the production lines and increase production to meet the needs of the military.

In this regard, the United States has obvious shortcomings, while China has made significant progress in recent years, showing greater flexibility and support.

At this stage, it is very difficult to solve the problems facing the United States, and China will continue to improve its strength to defend the security of the country and its people.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has made the United States realize that if it fights with China, the U.S. military cannot solve three problems


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The Russia-Ukraine conflict has made the United States realize that if it fights with China, the U.S. military cannot solve three problems

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The Russia-Ukraine conflict has made the United States realize that if it fights with China, the U.S. military cannot solve three problems

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