
The price was reduced less than two months after the release, OnePlus and Redmi started a price war, and iQOO trembled

author:Hot technology

The two mobile phone brands that have been looking at each other since last year, Redmi and OnePlus, have started a new round of showdown during this year's 618. On May 19th, OnePlus announced that the new OnePlus Ace 3V official discount was 100 yuan, and on May 20th, Redmi also announced that the new machine Turbo 3 was directly reduced by 100 yuan.

The price was reduced less than two months after the release, OnePlus and Redmi started a price war, and iQOO trembled

The battle between OnePlus Ace 3V and Redmi Turbo has started before the press conference, with the former debuting with the third-generation Snapdragon 7+, saying that it has more energy consumption and a glass body; The latter debuted with the third-generation Snapdragon 8s and considered itself to be more flagship-based. Now these two mobile phones have announced a price reduction of 100 yuan, and the official price has come to 1899 yuan.

However, whether it is OnePlus Ace 3V or Redmi Turbo 3, it has not been two months from the press conference to the current price reduction of 100 yuan promotion. The Redmi Turbo 3 has only been released for 40 days now, and the price has been reduced at such a fast rate, and it will break the hearts of users somewhat if they do not give some compensation to the first users who buy it.

The price was reduced less than two months after the release, OnePlus and Redmi started a price war, and iQOO trembled

Redmi should also be well aware of this, so while announcing the price reduction, it also said that Turbo 3 users who have purchased support full price protection. However, it should be noted that the application time for the Redmi Turbo 3 is from 20:00 on May 20 to 23:59:59 on June 3, and it will be invalid after the deadline. Therefore, users who have already purchased Turbo 3 should hurry up and apply for price insurance to prevent missing the 100 yuan compensation.

It is worth mentioning that although the Redmi Turbo 3 and OnePlus Ace 3V have only officially reduced the price by 100 yuan, it is now during the 618 mid-year promotion, and the price of these two mobile phones will be lower on third-party e-commerce platforms. For example, the price of Redmi Turbo 3's 12G+256G has come to 1699 yuan.

The price was reduced less than two months after the release, OnePlus and Redmi started a price war, and iQOO trembled

In addition to OnePlus and Redmi, iQOO and realme also have new products equipped with the third-generation Snapdragon 8s or the third-generation Snapdragon 7+ at the price of 2000 yuan. However, considering that the new phones of these two brands were released later, there may not be promotions like OnePlus and Redmi direct official price reductions during the 618 period.