
Saving food and loving food starts with me

author:Volkswagen Binzhou

Dazhong reporter Wang Kai correspondent Wang Feifei reported from Binzhou

On May 18, Class 11 of 2021 of Binzhou Experimental School walked into the Yellow River Delta Wheat Industry Museum to carry out the research activity of "Saving Grain and Loving Grain, Starting from Me".

Saving food and loving food starts with me

Under the guidance of the narrator, the students visited and learned the origin and processing evolution history of wheat, learned about the development path of "integration of three industries and green cycle" of Binzhou Zhongyu Food Co., Ltd., a leading enterprise in their hometown, and knew "how a wheat can go to the table".

Saving food and loving food starts with me
Saving food and loving food starts with me
Saving food and loving food starts with me
Saving food and loving food starts with me
Saving food and loving food starts with me

During the event, they also made cakes and tasted the sweet fruits of their labor.

Saving food and loving food starts with me

In this activity, the students were enthusiastic and interested in learning, and they gained knowledge, happiness and growth on the road of research, and they were inspired to be more down-to-earth and cultivate their true knowledge in their future study and life, and contribute to the construction of quality Binzhou.