
How to solve the "Samoyed" shedding? Just a few tricks

author:Gluttonous dog food

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Samoyed, this snow-white, fluffy-haired dog, is simply a "walking marshmallow". However, whenever it is moulting season or when daily care is not in place, the dog hair in the house is really a headache. Don't worry, I'm here to teach you a few tricks today to make it easy for you to deal with Samoyed's "shedding" problem!

How to solve the "Samoyed" shedding? Just a few tricks

Bathe regularly and keep your skin healthy

Although Samoyed's hair looks white and flawless, it also needs regular bathing to keep the skin healthy. However, it should be noted that the frequency of bathing should not be too high, and it is generally enough to wash once every two weeks. And be sure to use a dog-specific shampoo and conditioner to avoid damaging their skin and coat.

How to solve the "Samoyed" shedding? Just a few tricks

Groom your hair more often to remove dead hair

Combing the Samoyed every day will not only enhance your relationship with it, but also remove dead hair and dander from the body and reduce hair loss. Remember to use a special comb to comb for better results!

How to solve the "Samoyed" shedding? Just a few tricks

Exercise appropriately to enhance physical fitness

Samoyed is an athletic dog, and proper exercise will not only enhance their physical fitness, but also promote blood circulation and make their coat healthier. So, take him out for a walk and run every day!

How to solve the "Samoyed" shedding? Just a few tricks

Get in the sun and get vitamin D supplements

Sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D, which is essential for your dog's hair growth and health. So, when the weather is nice, take the Samoyed out to bask in the sun! Be careful, though, the sun is too strong in the middle of the day in summer, so avoid taking your dog out at this time.

How to solve the "Samoyed" shedding? Just a few tricks

Regular check-ups to prevent skin diseases

Skin diseases are one of the common causes of shedding in dogs. Therefore, it is necessary to take Samoyed to the pet hospital regularly to check the health of the skin. Once you notice the symptoms of skin diseases, treat them promptly!

How to solve the "Samoyed" shedding? Just a few tricks

Feed fish oil to make your hair shine

Do you know? Fish oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are natural moisturizers for hair. Feeding the Samoyed with some fish oil on a regular basis will not only boost its immunity, but also make its hair smoother and tougher, and the shedding will naturally be reduced.

How to solve the "Samoyed" shedding? Just a few tricks

Choose dog food with fish oil for nutrition in one step

If you're too lazy to feed your dog fish oil every day, just choose a dog food that contains fish oil! This will not only ensure that the dog's nutrition is balanced, but also allow the hair to be moisturized.

How to solve the "Samoyed" shedding? Just a few tricks

Conclusion: Does your Samoyed shed have serious hair loss?

How to solve the "Samoyed" shedding? Just a few tricks