
Is long-term abstinence good for the kidneys? There are 5 misunderstandings to avoid in kidney nourishment, but many people don't know

author:Medica Media

It is urgent to take proper care of the kidneys, because more and more people are suffering from kidney disease, and there are various abnormal manifestations during the onset of the disease, which will affect their health and normal life. If you can understand the methods of kidney maintenance and take action to take care of every organ in the body, you can be healthy and worry-free. However, to maintain the kidneys, you should master the methods, and do not fall into some misunderstandings, so as not to hurt the body if you do not maintain your health properly.

Is long-term abstinence good for the kidneys? There are 5 misunderstandings to avoid in kidney nourishment, but many people don't know

1. Take health care products

Many people do not have a good grasp of kidney maintenance, and sometimes rely on certain health supplements, thinking that the use of health care or drugs that have tonic effects can make the kidney function stronger, but this is not the case. It is a three-point poison, many tonics have drug ingredients, and a large amount of supplementation for a long time will increase the metabolic pressure on the liver and kidneys, and over time it will induce health problems.

2. Mass applause

Water is the source of life, the human body must obtain enough water every day, whether you can master the skills of drinking water is inseparable from health. Some people have the misconception that as long as they drink more water, their kidneys can improve their function. The kidneys are the organs that produce urine and excrete urine, and timely replenishment of water can indeed maintain the health of the urinary system, but if you drink too much water, always drink a lot of water in one go, it will make the kidneys metabolically stressed, and over time it will also damage the kidneys.

Is long-term abstinence good for the kidneys? There are 5 misunderstandings to avoid in kidney nourishment, but many people don't know

3. Drink medicinal wine often

Some people may drink medicinal wine when taking care of their kidneys, thinking that drinking more medicinal wine can keep the body in a strong state, and can also take care of internal organs, so they will use some traditional Chinese medicine to soak in wine and drink it. However, medicinal wine is not healthy, many medicinal wines are rich in drug ingredients, and soaked in strong wine, drinking a large amount of drugs for a long time will not only make the kidneys metabolize the drug pressure, but also alcohol will harm the kidneys, this method can not improve the kidney function, but will lead to disease invasion.

4. Excessive nutritional supplementation

The more nutrients supplemented, the better, so that nutrients can nourish the kidneys, so that the function of the organ can be improved, which is a misunderstanding of many people. Daily life activities will consume energy, and at the same time, it is necessary to use various nutrients, and the diet should be mastered, and the nutrients needed should meet the needs, and the digestive burden should not be increased or some substances should be obtained excessively. If you overeat certain foods after learning that they are nutritious, it will bring harm to the body, and some foods are advertised to nourish the kidneys, but in the process of eating these foods, the physical condition should be considered, and the amount of intake should be appropriate, not excessive, otherwise the kidneys will be affected.

Is long-term abstinence good for the kidneys? There are 5 misunderstandings to avoid in kidney nourishment, but many people don't know

5. Long-term abstinence

Some people will abstain from sex when they take care of their kidneys, and feel that many people's indulgence leads to kidney deficiency, as long as they abstain from sex, they will not harm their kidneys if they do not have sex for a long time, and they can enhance kidney function, but in fact, this behavior cannot be realized. Having sex properly and satisfying the body's needs can regulate endocrine, release stress, and maintain reproductive health. If you abstain from sexual intercourse for a long time, continue to have no intercourse, and overly suppress the desire to have intercourse, it will induce certain health problems. Abstinence is not directly related to improved kidney function, and the behavior is not effective.

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