
Gegang Town, Qixian County, will carry out the 2024 flood control emergency drill

author:Times Report Network

The 2024 flood season has arrived, in order to guard the last line of defense for safety, continuously improve the ability to deal with various emergencies, and further improve the actual combat level and rapid disposal ability of the flood prevention and rescue emergency team in Gegang Town, on May 17, Gegang Town, Qixian County, carried out the 2024 flood control emergency drill. The drill highlighted the principles of effective effectiveness and participation of the whole people, enhanced safety awareness and self-rescue awareness, improved emergency rescue and emergency response capabilities, and strived to achieve "everyone stresses safety and everyone knows how to respond to emergencies".

Gegang Town, Qixian County, will carry out the 2024 flood control emergency drill

The drill was attended by an emergency rescue team composed of 100 people, including firefighters, police, militia, and hygienists, and villagers from various villages, equipped with 2 fire rescue vehicles, 1 ambulance, 3 vehicles for transferring people, 2 flood drainage equipment, several flood control sandbags, shovels, more than 100 life jackets, and more than 20 lifebuoys. The drill was divided into four subjects, one was disaster inspection; the second is to rescue the trapped people; the third is the pumping and drainage of stagnant water points; Fourth, the river breach section is reinforced.

Gegang Town, Qixian County, will carry out the 2024 flood control emergency drill
Gegang Town, Qixian County, will carry out the 2024 flood control emergency drill

The whole exercise was tense and orderly, the division of labor was clear, and the cooperation of each group was close. From the actual combat drills in the links of danger forecasting, decision-making, scheduling, rescue, and transfer and resettlement of disaster victims, the tacit understanding was cooperated, the rescue response was rapid, and the links were smoothly connected, which achieved the purpose of the drill and effectively improved the ability of the cadres and the masses to prevent and avoid floods that occurred when they were hit by heavy rainfall.

Gegang Town, Qixian County, will carry out the 2024 flood control emergency drill
Gegang Town, Qixian County, will carry out the 2024 flood control emergency drill

Finally, Sun Haibin, secretary of the party committee of the town, stressed that we should take this drill as an opportunity to take precautions, make unremitting efforts, sum up experience, apply successful practices to practice, improve flood prevention awareness and emergency response capabilities, establish a firm bottom line thinking, plan and prepare early, weave a dense network of responsibilities, and ensure the safety of people's lives and property. (Correspondent Gao Zijun)