
Fan Xulun | Mr. Qian Zhongshu's copyist Xing Guangzu

Fan Xulun | Mr. Qian Zhongshu's copyist Xing Guangzu

Southern Weekly

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Fan Xulun | Mr. Qian Zhongshu's copyist Xing Guangzu

Xing Guangzu (1914-1993). Photographed in 1990. Data map


Xing Guangzu (1914-1993, Hsin Kwan-chue), a native of Jiangyin, was born four years after Mr. Qian. At the age of 16, he was admitted to the high school affiliated to the private Guanghua University, at the age of 17, he was admitted to the private Guanghua University, and at the age of 21, he graduated from the English Department.

In September 1933, when Xing Guangzu was in his third year of university, Mr. Qian was appointed as a faculty member in the Department of Chinese Literature and the Department of English in Guanghua, and later as a lecturer in the Department of English.

Mr. Qian's student Ma Zhonghan Shuyun in the autumn of 1934: "The students of this school are those who know Zhong Shu, such as Xing Jun Guangzu and Tong Jun Tianjian, all of them can be accomplished, and they are especially brilliant in their writings. Li Ronghua, a first-year classmate, is also a clear talent. Tianjian, Tianjian, was admitted to the English Department of Guanghua University in September 1933, and later wrote under the pen name "Tianjian". Li Ronghua is Li Ronghua's mistake.

In June 1935, Mr. Qian wrote a preface to "The Poems of Guangzu":

What a collection of poems, with a piece of prose at the beginning, what a disappointment! What's more, the poem that follows this prose is so beautiful, like Guangzu's. The discovery of a new poet is like the discovery of a planet, or a continent, which expands and expands our whole universe; The mind entered the new world and occupied a new territory. Here, words and music mingle; Grasp the back and silhouette of emotions lightly. I don't see a second among the young poets I know. Guangzu asked me to criticize, and I was ashamed to say it, Pei De said: The best criticism is praise; I'll do that. is for the preface.

                                                        Twenty-four years in June

At the age of 14, Mr. Qian began to write prefaces, and this was the first to be written in Chinese style. Xing Guangzu's "Reminiscences of Twenty Years of Literary and Artistic Activities in the Philippines": "When Qian Zhangmo wrote the preface to my poem, he also hinted that the experiment of new forms was the inevitable way of new poetry. ”

In September 1935, Xing Guangzu became an English teacher at the High School Affiliated to Guanghua University, and in 1937, he became an assistant teacher in the English Department of Guanghua University. In October 1938, he founded the quarterly magazine "New Poetry Magazine", and in the January 1939 issue of "Editor's Words", he said: "In the criticism column of this issue, there was an article by Mr. Qian Zhongshu, who had recently returned from Oxford, but because he was in a hurry to teach at Tsinghua University, the manuscript could not be sent on time, but Mr. Qian had agreed to write for this journal for a long time, and he would never miss the appointment. The New Poetry Journal was then discontinued.

"Xing Guangzu's Literary and Art Collection" was written in July 1977, Zhongyun: "At the age of 13, he was admitted to Jiangyin Nanjing Academy founded by Wu Zhilao. In less than four years, I was admitted to Guanghua University with the same qualifications. In terms of Chinese, under Qian Shi Jibo, he began to read Zhuang Lao and reread the four books; Under the encouragement of Lu Shisi, he studied the general history and cultural history of China; Under Jiang Shiweiqiao, he studied Chinese Buddhism and the history of Chinese philosophy for nearly a hundred years; Under Wu Shi Qu'an, he listened to Yuan Song; And under the Tong Shi Bozhang, he read the three biographies of "Spring and Autumn" and "Historical Records". In terms of English literature, there are teachings from teachers such as Zhang Xinhai, Xu Zhimo, Wen Yuanning and Miss Bradley. From graduating from university to before the Anti-Japanese War, he was nurtured and promoted by Lin Yutang, Shao Xunmei, Pan Guangdan, Liao Maoru, He Bingsong, Gui Zhongshu, Bao Yuke, Qian Mocun and Xu Chengmo. "It's a lot of untruth. Zhang Xinhai and Xu Zhimo had left Guanghua University three years before Xing Guangzu entered the university, and Xu Zhimo died shortly after Xing Guangzu entered the university. After graduating from Xing Guangzu, Wen Yuanning began teaching at Guanghua University. Xing Guangzu may have been Wen Yuanning's teaching assistant. Xing Guangzu didn't admit that Mr. Qian was his teacher, which was really strange.

Xing Guangzu prefaced: "Since my college days, under the influence of Wen Yuanning, Lin Yutang, Shao Xunmei and Qian Mocun, every time I read Chinese books, I think of Western books; Every time I read a Western book, I remember the Chinese book; Especially in literary criticism. In terms of academic methods and even text structure, in China, he was inspired by Mr. Wen Yuanning and Mr. Qian Mocun; In the West, he was most influenced by two writers, Jacques Maritin, Ananda K. Muthu Coomaraswamy. "Xing Guangzu's Literary and Art Treatises", page 336: "Qian Mocun is also a disciple of Wen Shi Yuanning, and like Wen Shi, he is a comprehensive literary critic (equivalent to the name of contextual critic in English). A few years later, in "Reminiscences of Twenty Years of Literary and Artistic Activities in the Philippines", he reiterated: "In terms of literary criticism, comparative literature, and philosophy, what has affected me the most is the silent existence of a generation of people...... Wen Shi Yuanning was not familiar with Chinese literature, and it was only after I was influenced by Qian Zhang, a disciple of Wen Shi at Tsinghua University, that I entered the new world of what we now call comparative literature from the theory of literary criticism in the thirtieth century. Qian Zhang's book is unreadable, and he has a family; In the past, he published his masterpieces in the "Literary Magazine" edited by Mr. Zhu Guangqian and the English "Tianxia Monthly" edited by Wen Shi, which won the precedent of comparative literature in the mainland. Because of his influence, I presided over the publication of "Jin Yao's Poems" in Shanghai's "Zhongmei Daily Wenzhe Supplement" and the publication of his clumsy works in Chongqing's "Literary Avant-garde", probably through his tracking. "Refuse to recognize the teacher, but call the four-year-old "zhang", Daqi.

It's okay not to call Mr. Qian "Master Qian", Xing Guangzu privately regards Mr. Qian as a "classmate" and "senior brother", which is the most annoying. In December 1976, Xia Zhiqing wrote "Human Literature: Self-Introduction": "In July, Mr. Xing Guangzu came to the United States on business and had a long talk with me for one night. Mr. Xing is Qian Zhongshu's classmate in Wuxi, and he knows that he knows his life best, and he is quite interested in writing a memoir of a 'big brother'. According to Mr. Xing, Qian was born in the first year of the Republic of China and died a few years ago, although what he heard was also indirect rumors, which may not be reliable. ”

Fan Xulun | Mr. Qian Zhongshu's copyist Xing Guangzu

Book shadow of "Xing Guangzu's Literary and Art Collection".


"In terms of the method of study and even the structure of the text" and "tracing his way", it is true.

"On Texture" cloud:

This time, I read the article "On Texture" in "Jin Yao's Poems" written by Mr. Shao Xunmei in the "Collection" column of "Zhongmei Daily", and I was deeply impressed. In this short poem of more than 3,000 words, the dazzling obiter dicta and the round light of reason are fully illuminated. And it is eloquent but not flashy, concise and concise, which really reminds me of the idiom that takes Sumeru in mustard (multum in parvo). Coupled with his "unhurried" writing and "quietistic humor", he will always make people feel that he is companionable, just like his people.

此节“文字”悉本钱先生书评语。 《美的生理学》:“作者来一个极耐人寻味的obiter dictum”又“书中有许多透辟的obiter dicta”,《约德的自传》:“从书中四散着的obiter dicta看起来”,“Su Tung-po’s Literary Background and His Prose-poetry”:“Apart from a handful of obiter dicta scattered here and there”;《一种哲学的纲要》:“真令人起multum in parvo之叹”;《中国新文学的源流》:“加以周先生那‘泠泠然’的语调,和他的‘幽默的幽默’(quietistic humor),我们读完之后更觉得它十分地companionable。 ”(按,obiter dicta,附带说的话,题外之论,钱先生译为“无意中三言两语,说出了精辟的见解,益人神智”,邢光祖当它成“警句”。 )

"On Texture" Fuyun: "The movement of words in the poem should be combined with 'the surrounding poetic scene, intensify, and contrast, and become a living piece' (see the fifth section of Shujun's "Ode to the Sunset" in the fourth volume and sixth issue of the "New Moon" magazine). The revised version (included in the "Xing Guangzu Literary and Art Collection") deletes quotation marks and sources. His "Preface to the Poetry Journal" has been used. Xing Guangzu copied the most sentences in the book review of "Ode to the Sunset", and scattered in "The Wasteland", "On Taste", "On Poetry", "Commenting on New Poetry Magazine", "Pela Meier", "Wedge", "Talking about Popular Literature and Art" and other articles.

"On Texture" is also cloudy: "According to Xue Huier's opinion, Xite Huier's poems, like Qiao Yishi's novels, are guilty of this kind of excessive fancy (see the fourth part of the book "The Psychology of Beauty"). See the review of the Chinese book in the fourth volume and fifth issue of "Overseas Publishing World" in the "New Moon" magazine). "According to Shewell, Ms. Shewell's poems and James Joyce's novels are guilty of excessive grandeur and exaggeration (see Chapter 4 of Sewell's The Physiology of Beauty"). "I crossed the river without any regrets.

The "method of study" of "On Taste" imitates "A Characteristic of China's Inherent Literary Criticism", which is also evident. For example, "this is one of the inherent characteristics of mainland literary criticism", such as "in Western literary criticism, there are occasionally one or two poetic true meanings, but this is an unintentional coincidence" for Qian Wen", in Western literary criticism, we accidentally glimpse its shadow, which proves that the critics who are clever in Western literature also see this slightly, suddenly. and "Shen Qifeng's "Talent Fu" wrote Zhang Mengjin and Li Lingyun to list up to treat poetry diseases, because they saw that Suzhou Shibo's works were not clear, so they persuaded rhubarb to get rid of the knots in the poem (see Shen Qifeng's "Legend of the Red Heart Lyricist" one of the four kinds). "Tai Xi Qian Wen:" For example, Shen Qifeng's "Legend of the Red Heart Lyricist" is one of the four "Talented People's Blessings", which wrote Zhang Mengjin and Li Lingyun to specialize in medical poetry. "Mengjin" is really a mistake of "younger".

The revised edition of "On Texture" has been published for more than ten years, and Xing Guangzu wrote the "Preface to the Second Issue of the Poetry Solicitation of Haijiang Yinshe Quanfei" in Manila, and the preface of "Tan Yilu" was ridiculed by people ("Overseas Chinese Daily" July 1959 issue Chen Zhenxian's "Xing Guangzu Turned Out to Be a Literary Copyist", Huang Mingde's "I Mourn for Xing Guangzu"). Xing Guangzu defended himself in the Great China Daily, saying that he had taught at Guanghua University in Shanghai with Mr. Qian, and that some of the texts in "Tan Yilu" were ghostwritten by him (see Hou Peishui et al., eds., The Third Part of the History of the Philippine Chinese Newspaper).

《邢光祖文艺论集》1977年8月在台北出版,颇多窃用和称引《谈艺录》处。 如93页的“贾氏曾标举与理性有别之悟性(Verstand)。 请参阅S. T. Coleridge: Biographia Literaria, Vol. I, p. 109; and pp. 249-50 notes”又120页:“贾考璧首先标举与理性有别的《悟性》(Verstand),夺西洋近代学人柏格森与葛罗齐的先声”,本《谈艺录》开明书店本52页起的“德国哲学家自Wolff 以下,莫不以悟性(Verstand)别出于理性(Vernunft),谓所造尤超卓;Jacobi之说,更隐与近人Bergson 语相发。 按Jacobi说见The Logic of Hegel, tr. by W. Wallace, p.401, note 引,参观Coleridge: Biographia Literaria, ed. by J. Shawcross, vol. p. 109; pp. 249-250, notes. Bergson亦于知觉与理智之外,别标直觉(Intuition)”。 不具举,撮页码于此:46又117页—52页;88页—116页;94页—309页;97页—124页;116页—116页;120页—52页;155页—332页;115页—116页;159页—103页;160页—251页;162又110页—234页;167页—334页;224页又146页—116页;229页—154页;235页—72页;235页—21页;243页—252页;261页—72页;261页又303页—43页;285页—325页;386页—51页;291页—351页;404页—71页。

"Xing Guangzu's Literary and Art Collection" still has a secret money office. Page 132: "Although China has a Great Wall of 10,000 miles, there are only short love poems" Yunyun, Mr. Benqian "Chinese Literature", "On Chinese Poetry". Page 155: "H. A. Giles Writes A History of Chinese Literature" On 'Old' Chinese Poetry. p. 310: "If We Don't Oppose the British Critics," Yun Yunben, Chinese Poetry and Chinese Painting.

Xing Guangzu also found evidence of stealing money in foreign languages.

"Jilin Yutang on the Difference between Eastern and Western Ideological Methods" "Sound without sorrow and joy" Yunyun, page 348 of this "Tan Yilu", "Appreciation of Chinese Literature" "Our ancestors have no logic" Yunyun, this "On Chinese Poetry". "Appreciation of Chinese Literature" "Chinese poetry has a characteristic of inexhaustible opinions beyond words" Yunyun, Mr. Ben Qian "On Chinese Poetry". "Preface to the Preliminary Catalogue of New Poetry Collections Published Since the Republic of China", "Taking No Poetry as Poetry", p. 36 of this "Discussion of Art". "On the Art of Architecture from an Aesthetic Perspective" "Concept gradually reduced to fossils" Yunyun, this book "A Characteristic of China's Inherent Literary Criticism". "On the Aesthetic Value of Film and Television" and "Snow Basho Picture" are all made of "Chinese Poetry and Chinese Painting".

邢光祖66岁发表“The Circle — The Symbol of Perfection”,将《谈艺录》论圆(“窃尝谓形之浑简完备者,无过于圆”云云)挦扯殆尽,作者似乎不得不自首声明(The present writer owes not a few quoted passages on the circle and roundness by various writers to Mr. Ch’ien Chung-shu, his former teacher and friend, who has culled them in his Causeries on Art, Shanghai, 1948, pp.130-34, written in Chinese)。 邢光祖总算躲在外国话里叫一声“钱老师”。

Xing Guangzu was in the late Tang Dynasty, and he may not have read the "Pipe Cone Edition" and the supplementary version of "Tan Yilu". Mr. Qian didn't seem to have flipped through the "Xing Guangzu Literary and Art Collection" and wanted to catch a glimpse of "The Xing Guangzu Incident That Shook Taiwan" in the September 1979 issue of "Wide Angle Mirror" (editor's note: referring to the case of Xing Guangzu suspected of harassing female students while teaching part-time at Soochow University) without being "shocked". A year after Xing Guangzu's death, Mr. Qian could no longer read and write.

Fan Xulun

Editor-in-charge: Liu Xiaolei

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  • Fan Xulun | Mr. Qian Zhongshu's copyist Xing Guangzu
  • Fan Xulun | Mr. Qian Zhongshu's copyist Xing Guangzu

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