
521 and the International Tea Day "bump into each other"! This generation of young people fell in love with drinking tea!

author:CCTV Finance

Today, the fifth International Tea Day has quietly arrived, and it is a coincidence with the homophonic love of 521. China's main green and black teas ripen at the turn of spring and summer, so the quality is best during this time.


521 and the International Tea Day "bump into each other"! This generation of young people fell in love with drinking tea!
521 and the International Tea Day "bump into each other"! This generation of young people fell in love with drinking tea!
521 and the International Tea Day "bump into each other"! This generation of young people fell in love with drinking tea!

A small leaf, through the fireworks in the market, leaving a mysterious legend. From the profound and introverted tea culture to the global celebration of the International Tea Day, to the historic leap of tea as a World Heritage Site and the vigorous rise of the tea economy, tea, in its unique way, has enriched people's spiritual world and become an important force to promote economic development and cultural exchanges.

Today is International Tea Day, have you drunk tea?

Planning and copywriting丨Li Yiyang, Peng Lin, Wang Xiaoyu

Video Clip丨Wang Xiaoyu

Please indicate CCTV Finance and Economics for reprinting

Editor: Wang Yifan