
Major General of the Rocket Army, awarded the first-class commendation of the Central Military Commission!

author:Chinese veterans
Major General of the Rocket Army, awarded the first-class commendation of the Central Military Commission!

Major General of the Rocket Forces

First-class commendation from the Central Military Commission

When these two keywords are merged together

How strong does such a person have to be?

Major General of the Rocket Army, awarded the first-class commendation of the Central Military Commission!

The Central Military Commission is a first-class commendation! Good news home


Huanggang Veterans Affairs Bureau

Rocket Force Engineering University

and the relevant person in charge of Luotian County

Come to Shiyuanhe Village, Fengshan Town

It is the home of Hu Changhua, an active-duty soldier

It was sent to the Central Military Commission for grant

First-class commendation good news

Major General of the Rocket Army, awarded the first-class commendation of the Central Military Commission!

Send good news to the scene

The drums are loud and lively

The masses gathered spontaneously

To this is a strong army of science and technology

Military personnel who have made outstanding contributions

With all due respect

Major General of the Rocket Army, awarded the first-class commendation of the Central Military Commission!
Major General of the Rocket Army, awarded the first-class commendation of the Central Military Commission!

Under the early summer sun

The plaque of "Central Military Commission First-Class Commendation".

Shine brightly

Major General of the Rocket Army, awarded the first-class commendation of the Central Military Commission!

Major General Hu Changhua

Born in 1966 in Luotian, Hubei

He is a professor at the University of Rocket Force Engineering

Outstanding achievements in teaching and scientific research

Major General of the Rocket Army, awarded the first-class commendation of the Central Military Commission!


Hu Changhua was awarded a third-class meritorious service


The team led by Hu Changhua

It was commended as an advanced unit in scientific and technological work of the whole army

At the same time, it was also rated by the Ministry of Education

"Huang Danian-style Teacher Team of National Colleges and Universities"


He was awarded a first-class commendation by the Central Military Commission

Major General of the Rocket Army, awarded the first-class commendation of the Central Military Commission!

Stick to your dream and become a "missile doctor"

Hu Changhua took the college entrance examination in 1983

Admitted to the Second Artillery Technical College

Major General of the Rocket Army, awarded the first-class commendation of the Central Military Commission!

It's time to graduate from college

He saw the Challenger

Reports of space shuttle crashes

Realize that the research and development of a fault diagnosis system is imminent

In order to develop an instrument for "healing" missiles

Hu Changhua continued his studies

Master's and Ph.D. degrees

He researched fault diagnosis systems

During the launch of the missile

played an important role

Major General of the Rocket Army, awarded the first-class commendation of the Central Military Commission!

Through unremitting efforts


Hu Changhua is only 33 years old

He was unusually promoted to professor

In the second year, he became a doctoral supervisor

Major General of the Rocket Army, awarded the first-class commendation of the Central Military Commission!


Hu Changhua set his sights

Health management of missile equipment

I hope to make a "medical check-up" system

Predict the "lifespan" of equipment in advance

Through ten years of hard work

Made has

The core breakthrough of independent intellectual property rights

Major General of the Rocket Army, awarded the first-class commendation of the Central Military Commission!

In the process of studying, teaching, and engaging in scientific research

Faced with countless difficulties and problems

Hu Changhua persevered

In his heart

Greatest success

It's about sticking to your interests

Congratulations to General Hu Changhua

Hats off!

Major General of the Rocket Army, awarded the first-class commendation of the Central Military Commission!

Article source: Chinese veterans (ID: zgtyjr). The reprint must be indicated from the WeChat public account of "Chinese veterans", otherwise it will be regarded as infringement.

Source: Chinese veterans comprehensive Hubei Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs, People's Daily Online, CCTV Military