
Attention丨Ten cases of college students infected with HIV/AIDS!

author:Xinjiang Tiantong Public Welfare

In March 2021, a doctor hosted three university students.

Attention丨Ten cases of college students infected with HIV/AIDS!

The first one was that he had a high-risk relationship with the same sex yesterday afternoon, and this morning the other party sent him a photo of the two bars of the test strip on WeChat, and he was so scared that he was scared, but fortunately he didn't lose his mind and found the doctor.

At that time, he was trembling all over the chair sitting on their side, so he first took a rapid test, which was negative, and instructed him to go to the designated hospital to buy a block as soon as possible. Knowing that he didn't have so much money on hand, he could only let him use Huabei first.

The second is a student who is in his third year of high school, and he reports that the number of high-risk behaviors in a year is limited, that is, 4-5 times, children, do you know, I don't know which cucumber has thorns, I don't know which chrysanthemum has poison, and every infected person is infected by a one-time behavior.

The third one was to go for a referral, and the college entrance examination ended last year. On June 20, I found out, I was treated locally during the summer vacation, and there was no referral at the beginning of the school year, and I came to Jinan to go to school for a year, and I felt that it was still inconvenient to take medicine in my hometown, so I took advantage of the vacation to handle the referral. This is a shy 19-year-old college student who looks like he is only 15 or 6 years old.

Attention丨Ten cases of college students infected with HIV/AIDS!

10 cases of HIV/AIDS infection among students in Haidian District, Beijing

The official WeChat account of the Haidian District Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Beijing, Haidian CDC, has announced 10 cases of infection of student AIDS patients, hoping to use their past experiences to warn people.

Case 1: Male, 19 years old, sophomore

Infection experience: rash to the hospital to see a doctor and be diagnosed with syphilis

The doctor advised: check for HIV antibodies, and the results were positive for initial screening

Epidemiological investigation: The patient came to Beijing in his sophomore year, stumbled upon a gay activity point near the school, went there several times, and a man in his 50s took the initiative to chat with him, and later invited him to sit and eat at home, during which he had 2 passive barebacks.

Case 2: Male 21 years old junior college student

Infection experience: Went to the altar of earth due to unsafe sex, actively monitored for HIV antibodies, and was positive in the initial screening

Epidemiological investigation: Invited by college classmates to hang out together, in a clubhouse with friends from Taiwan and Singapore, singing, and then trying sexual stimulants at the recommendation of friends, group sex occurred.

Case 3: Male, 17 years old, sophomore in high school

Infection experience: Anal vegetation was found and he went to the hospital to see a doctor, diagnosed with acute wetness, and then the doctor recommended HIV testing, and the initial screening was positive

Epidemiological investigation: chatting online, chatting with a netizen was very speculative, after chatting a few times, the netizen asked for pizza, and after arriving at the agreed place, the netizen said that he did not have much money on him, and asked him to accompany him home to withdraw money, and was held hostage at the netizen's home and raped.

Case 4: Male, 19 years old, sophomore

Infection experience: Presented to the hospital for anal bleeding, and was found to be HIV-positive after a follow-up test one month later

Epidemiological investigation: I went to a bar with my classmates to drink and sing, got drunk, and woke up the next day to find that I was left alone, because of the pain in my buttocks, all the blood was at the touch, and then went to the hospital for treatment.

Case 5: Male, 20 years old, junior college student

Infection experience: Hospitalization for pneumonia, HIV positive in routine testing

Epidemiological investigation: I had same-sex sexual behavior in high school, I was not very safety-conscious, and I had several same-sex friends.

Case 6: Male junior 20 years old

Infection experience: HIV antibody was found to be positive in school physical examination

Epidemiological investigation: I was admitted to a normal university in Beijing in the college entrance examination, and because of my cheerful and outgoing personality, I was elected as a cadre of the student union, and I made many new friends because of my work, including homosexuals, and over time I had many unprotected gay sex with men, and as a result, I was tested for HIV in the school physical examination.

Case 7: Female senior 20 years old

Infection experience: The physical examination was found to be positive for HIV antibodies, but her boyfriend's blood test was negative.

Epidemiological investigation: She has had multiple boyfriends in the past and had unprotected sex with different boyfriends.

Case 8: Male senior 21 years old

Infection experience: HIV antibody test found to be positive through VCT outpatient voluntary counseling test

Epidemiological investigation: The patient has seen gay men on gay websites and has repeatedly had unprotected sex with others through social media.

Case 9: Female graduate student, 24 years old

Infection experience: Positive for HIV antibodies at hospital presentation

Epidemiological Investigation: Had 2 boyfriends during college, and suspected that one of them had drug abuse and had unprotected sex with them.

Case 10: Female Ph.D. student, 27 years old

Infection experience: Positive for HIV antibody test at the time of blood donation.

Epidemiological investigation: history of unprotected sex with others through social media.

Attention丨Ten cases of college students infected with HIV/AIDS!

There is a lack of family education, and the first dam for the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS among students has been lost

With the high popularity of mobile phones and the development of online social media, shaking the mobile phone, chatting on WeChat, a rash and "convenient" sexual act, there is a huge risk of HIV infection.

Han Mengjie, a researcher and director of the Center for HIV/AIDS Prevention at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said at a regular press conference with the National Health Commission that more than 3,000 student infections have been reported every year in the past two years.

Nowadays, college students' sexual concepts, sexual psychology, and sexual behaviors tend to be open, but many people still lack the knowledge and ability to prevent STDs. At the same time, university HIV/AIDS prevention classrooms continue to be "aphasia", and many students do not receive a healthy and correct education.

Attention丨Ten cases of college students infected with HIV/AIDS!

The figure shows the proportion of college students who have access to HIV knowledge. Drawing by Li Huaxi, a reporter from China Youth Network

Among the 1,606 college students who participated in the survey, 89.23% of them obtained HIV/AIDS knowledge through the Internet, followed by school education and campus education activities, with 68.06% and 62.33% of the students choosing to do so. It can be seen that most college students have multiple ways to obtain HIV/AIDS-related knowledge, but the Internet is the most important channel. In addition, it can be found that family education is seriously lacking, accounting for only 21.92%, which is also the smallest proportion among many channels!

Solemnly appeal: For the sake of children, parents are invited to build the first dam for AIDS prevention and control in family education!!

Source: Beijing CDC, Dongguan CDC, China Youth Network, Youth Student Red Style, Haikou HIV Prevention Information Platform