
Does the size of the double top diameter have anything to do with the birth of boys and girls?

author:Mommy raises a baby

Editor-in-chief: Qua Ma, a senior nursery teacher, has been in the maternal and infant industry for more than ten years, sharing parenting knowledge and parent-child education experience..... Make it easy for you to bring a baby.

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Many pregnant women will be told by the doctor that the double parietal diameter of the fetus is small after the examination, which is caused by the slow development of the fetus and must be taken seriously. So, what is the effect of the small double top diameter, and what should I do if this happens? The following editor will give you a detailed introduction.


What is the effect of a small double top diameter?

Does the size of the double top diameter have anything to do with the birth of boys and girls?
Does the size of the double top diameter have anything to do with the birth of boys and girls?

The double parietal diameter is not only an important indicator of fetal growth and development, but also a predictor of whether a pregnant woman can have a smooth delivery. The small double parietal diameter will have a certain impact on the fetus.

1. If the fetus's double parietal diameter is small and not very serious, it will not have an effect. Pregnant women should maintain a balanced nutrition in their daily life, do some exercise within their ability, and maintain themselves in a good state.

However, if the double parietal diameter is small and severe, it will have a relatively large impact on the fetus, which indicates that the development of the fetus is poor.

2. Many fetuses with small double parietal diameter will have some intellectual problems, so pregnant women must pay attention to nutritional intake during pregnancy. Of course, not all babies with a small double parietal diameter will have intellectual problems. Some fetuses with a small double parietal diameter are not only intellectually sound but also very intelligent after birth.

The fetus has a small double parietal diameter, and the vast majority of it is caused by the insufficient nutritional supply of pregnant women, so women must ensure that their nutritional intake is comprehensive and balanced during pregnancy, so as to avoid mental problems after birth.


Is the double top diameter small girl?

Does the size of the double top diameter have anything to do with the birth of boys and girls?
Does the size of the double top diameter have anything to do with the birth of boys and girls?

The double parietal diameter is an important indicator to judge the development of the fetus, but now there is a saying that the fetus can be judged from the double parietal diameter, so is this statement reliable?

1. Now it is rumored that the method of looking at men and women from the double parietal diameter of the fetus is to subtract the femur length from the fetal double parietal diameter, and when this data is greater than 21mm, it is judged to be a boy, and vice versa. The rationale for this criterion is that boys generally have larger heads and shorter legs, while girls have smaller heads and longer legs.

2. It is a very unscientific practice to use the size of the head and the length of the legs to judge whether the fetus is male or female. The double parietal diameter and femur length are indicators to judge the development of the fetus, and have nothing to do with gender. This statement is very similar to the sour and spicy women that are often referred to, and pregnant women and their families can use it as a kind of entertainment.

3. At present, there is no way to determine the male and female fetuses in medicine except for B-ultrasound and genetic testing after amniocentesis.

A small double top diameter does not necessarily mean that a girl is a girl, and it is completely impossible to judge a man or a woman by a double top diameter. And whether it is a boy or a girl, as long as the child is healthy and smart.


What should I do if the fetus has a small double parietal diameter?

Does the size of the double top diameter have anything to do with the birth of boys and girls?
Does the size of the double top diameter have anything to do with the birth of boys and girls?

After the ultrasound examination, many pregnant women are worried about the small double parietal diameter of the fetus, fearing that the child's development will be stunted, and even affect the intelligence in the future. At this time, the pregnant woman should take some measures to improve the situation.

1. Strengthen nutrition: If the fetus has a small double parietal diameter, pregnant women should pay attention to their daily diet, especially pregnant women who have a large reaction during pregnancy and cannot eat, they must strengthen nutrition to ensure that the fetus needs.

2. Exercise: Pregnant women should not only strengthen nutrition, but also do some exercise. This can promote the absorption of nutrients in the stomach and intestines, and also improve the physical fitness of pregnant women, which is very helpful to improve the situation of small double parietal diameter of the fetus.

3. Re-examination: After the fetus has a small double parietal diameter, it is necessary to find out the cause of this condition. Pregnant women should have regular check-ups and pay attention to the development of the fetus.

4. Emotion: Emotions have a great impact on the fetus and are closely related to the health and growth of the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women should maintain a good mood and try to avoid negative emotions such as anger and frustration.

If the fetus has a small double parietal diameter, we must pay attention to it, and take timely measures to do our best to improve this situation to ensure the normal development of the fetus.


How big is the double top diameter suitable for normal delivery

Does the size of the double top diameter have anything to do with the birth of boys and girls?

If the fetus's biparietal diameter is too small, it indicates that the fetus has a condition of poor development, which is likely to affect intelligence. However, if the double parietal diameter is too large, it will be an obstacle to smooth delivery.

1. If a pregnant woman wants to give birth through natural delivery, she must meet three factors, namely fetal development, birth canal and labor force.

Among them, the situation of double parietal diameter is included in the fetal development status, if the pregnant woman is overnourished during pregnancy, it is likely to make the fetus too large, so that it is not easy to give birth, usually the double parietal diameter of the fetus reaches 9.8cm is not suitable for normal delivery.

2. If you want to give birth naturally, the birth canal of the pregnant woman should be normal, if there is a stenosis or deformity, even if the double parietal diameter is normal, it will not be able to give birth naturally, whether it is easy to have dystocia. And the pregnant woman's body must also be healthy, the process of natural delivery is a lot of physical strength, pregnant women must have a healthy body to be able to persevere.

When a woman gives birth naturally, the double parietal diameter of the fetus must be less than 9.8cm to pass through the birth canal smoothly, otherwise it is likely to have dystocia, and finally cesarean section is chosen.

Mommy raises a baby

Thousands of mothers are watching the little tips for raising babies, have you gotten them? Editor-in-Chief: Quack Mom, sharing parenting knowledge and parent-child education experience..... On the way of baby's growth, we are also teachers, friends and the same age