
In addition to Twilight and Da Si Ming, what other junglers are suitable for mass players? Lan is really reliable

author:A king at your fingertips

Hello everyone, I'm at the tip of my fingers.,The current version of the jungler heroes,The most talked about must be those strong heroes.,Like Twilight、Da Si Ming are the heroes that many players pay attention to and try.,Because the operation difficulty of the hero itself is low.,It's not like the operation practice that takes a long time like Mirror Luna.。

In addition to Twilight and Da Si Ming, what other junglers are suitable for mass players? Lan is really reliable

So in addition to these two heroes, what other junglers are suitable for mass players to practice in depth? Let me tell you what I think in this article.

First of all, Lan's hero must be very recommendable, he didn't push him before because of the weakness of the hero itself, but after weakening the Shadow Battle Ax last time, Lan directly reduced the cooldown time of 2 skills, so originally the full cooldown scraped three knives needed to make up 1.5 knives to use 2 skills again, and now only need to make up for one knife.

In addition to Twilight and Da Si Ming, what other junglers are suitable for mass players? Lan is really reliable

It is almost equivalent to scraping three knives without cooling after full cooling, so the smoothness is much higher.

The difficulty of the operation of the hero itself is also low, it can be said that even a novice jungler can get started quickly, looking at the bells and whistles, in fact, the operation cost is quite low.

In addition to Twilight and Da Si Ming, what other junglers are suitable for mass players? Lan is really reliable

Lan's biggest advantage is that the speed of farming is fast, the speed of development is fast, when you have money, a good ultimate may make you more than a dozen, when you have no money, you will find yourself dead when you enter the field, so to play your biggest role, that is crazy money, as long as you can brush money, Lan even if you understand more than half of the game.

White up

In fact, the strength of Bai Qi's jungler has been underestimated many times, and it is said that Bai Qi is too weak in the early stage, which is true, but as long as the first round can be passed smoothly, Bai Qi will have to play, his strongest period is the eighth level, there is a level 2 ultimate, and at the same time, he also has a certain amount of blood blessing, so that the ultimate's taunt will not expire in seconds.

In addition to Twilight and Da Si Ming, what other junglers are suitable for mass players? Lan is really reliable

The advantage of the white jungler is that the development speed is faster than that of the side, and the tandu is ridiculously high, it is no exaggeration to say that a well-developed white rise, maybe the shooter with an auxiliary may not be able to fight, I can see too many shooters who think they can kite white and be counter-killed, as soon as the red lotus cloak comes out, the taunt time alone is enough to beat you half of your blood.

However, the white jungler did not flash, so whether you can taunt the back row depends on the timing, don't use it in a hurry if you have a big move, and don't feel uncomfortable if you don't use it after the team battle starts, you can endure it a little more, the longer you endure it, the greater the chance, because the other side will think that you are not big anymore, and the goal of the group is to try to be the shooter unless you want to protect the back row.

Meat armor

Regarding the meat armor, yesterday Fingertip also shared with you his gameplay, the strength of the meat armor is still very high, thanks to the red lotus cloak, and now the heroes who can produce it have basically eaten the dividends.

The meat armor is mainly a fight that can resist and fight, and it will be more unscrupulous than other heroes, and the eye of the immortal bird is not too afraid of consumption, and the magic armor can cut the back row with the damage of several people, which is quite domineering and strong.

In addition to Twilight and Da Si Ming, what other junglers are suitable for mass players? Lan is really reliable

To play the meat armor well, you only need to call your teammates to go to the opposite wild area to grab a few rounds of wild monsters to basically lay the victory, of course, in the quality bureau you go to grab the wild monsters to fight the time difference, because the flexible assassin will invade your wild area, at this time you have to call your teammates to help defend it.

But after all, it is possible to grasp the initiative, the combat effectiveness of the meat armor is considerable, although there is a body of meat, but the damage is like a warrior, a single cut in the back row, and even killing the shooter in the case of multiple people is the norm, this is the charm of the meat armor.

However, this hero is really stupid, and when it comes to flexibility, or a meat-sweeping shooter like Luban No. 7, try to choose an assassin.

I think the above three heroes are very suitable for mass players, so if you don't know who to choose, you can try it.