
Xiaoman | Why worry about profit and loss, in the end, the small man wins

author:Dafen Oil Painting Village
Xiaoman | Why worry about profit and loss, in the end, the small man wins

*The poster is inspired by the design of the works in the collection of Dafen Art Museum: Ye Shengyi



Xiao Man

When the sun gradually becomes hot, when the breeze is mixed with the fragrance of wheat ears, we usher in the small full solar term. It is a time of hope and joy, and a gift from nature.

"The Seventy-two Candidate Explanations of the Lunar Order" said: "In the middle of April, those who are small and full of things are so small. "Xiaoman, the eighth of the 24 solar terms, is also the second solar term of summer.

The name of Xiaoman has two meanings. First, it is related to climate precipitation. During the Xiaoman solar term, heavy rainfall in the south began to increase, and precipitation was frequent; The "full" in Xiaoman refers to the surplus of rain. Second, it is related to agricultural wheat. In the northern region, there is little or no rain during the small full solar term, and this "full" does not refer to precipitation, but to the fullness of wheat.


Knowledge linkage and folk customs

Development Knowledge · folk customs

Worshipping the god of the car and worshipping the god of the car is an ancient Xiaoman custom in some rural areas. In the related legends, the god of the two cars, is a white dragon in the small full season, people put fish and meat, incense candles and other items on the waterwheel to worship, the most interesting place is that there will be a cup of white water in the sacrifice, the white water will be poured into the field during the worship, there is a blessing to the meaning of the water inkstone.

According to legend, the silkworm sacrifice is the birthday of the silkworm god, so there is a silkworm festival in Jiangsu and Zhejiang during the Xiaoman solar term. The farming culture of the mainland is typical of "male ploughing and female weaving". The raw material of women's weaving is mainly cotton in the north and silkworm in the south. Silk needs to be obtained by raising silkworms and forming cocoons, so silkworm farming is extremely prosperous in rural areas in the south of the mainland, especially in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

In ancient times, the Bitter Herb Continent divided the small man into three candidates: "One waits for the bitter herb show; The second is to wait for the grass to die; Three waiting for the wheat to arrive. In the "Book of Zhou", there is a saying of "Xiaoman's Day Bitter Vegetable Show". On the one hand, it is because the small full season is the time when the green and yellow are scarce, and the grain is relatively scarce, and bitter vegetables, as a wild vegetable, can just satisfy hunger. On the other hand, the temperature gradually rises in the small full season, and the human body is prone to dry heat symptoms, and bitter herbs have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, which can help people reduce heat and improve appetite.


Artwork information

Xiaoman | Why worry about profit and loss, in the end, the small man wins

"Green Home II" / print

Author: Zhao Jianghua


Created in: 2009

Dafen Art Museum

Dafen Oil Painting Village Cultural Development Center

The only official public account

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Xiaoman | Why worry about profit and loss, in the end, the small man wins