
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly

author:Fruit vision
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly

520 has arrived, do you know how to design "couple" products? Today, Xiaobian will take you to understand 10 cases of "couple" product design, and feel the "love" brought by design with Xiaobian!


Interesting "couple" product

520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly


Cases of excellent design works

#01 soundMotion

Keywords: off-site, music

soundMotion is a companion product specially designed for long-distance couples. It promotes the implicit emotional communication between long-distance couples in the form of music through human-computer interaction technology, and helps long-distance couples enhance their sense of intimacy.

520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly


Keywords: wearables, haptics

HEY BRACELETS IS A SMART WEARABLE DEVICE THAT CAN CHECK THE TIME WHILE ALSO CONVEYING "LOVE". HEY BRACELETS combines digital interaction technology, through mechanical extrusion, when one party touches the watch, the other party can perceive the other party for the first time, providing the most realistic tactile experience for long-distance couples.

520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly


Keywords: projection, arbitrary angle

Watching a movie has become an essential part of a couple's dating, but most couples will not be able to watch a movie well due to work, tardiness, etc. The TOGIE ONE projector solves these problems very well, it is small and lightweight, with two or three FIX PINs to securely hold the projector in any position, and its lens can be adjusted to any angle without the need for a stand, so you can watch movies anywhere with your partner at any time, in any form.

520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly


Keywords: ring, flip

The OVERTURN ring is made up of two parts, one half of which has a small heart, and after flipping the ring, the heart can slowly reveal its color under the action of sunlight, which is very interesting.

520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly

#05 q&p cups

Keywords: convenient, unique

The unique ergonomic design of the cup handle allows you to easily use one hand to carry water for you and your significant other.

520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly

#06 Hug Lamp

Keywords: hugs, plush

Created by the designer after 16 months of separation from his girlfriend for various reasons, the Hug Lamp is made up of two plush bodies that glow whenever the two lights are close to each other to "hug" the lamp.

Hug Lamp is also a good wish between the designer and those lovers who can be together all the time!

520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly


Keywords: anthropomorphism, conciseness

If there is a conflict between lovers, you might as well let the other party know that you are angry, which can greatly avoid a cold war.

520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly

#08 HeartBeat

Keywords: portable, speaker

HeartBeat is a new portable sound unit that offers a unique interactive experience. Half of the "heartbeat" signal is connected to the smart device via Bluetooth technology, and you can simply press the dock to turn the device into a heart or capsule shape and play them together.

520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly

#09 Caliner

Keywords: fun, seesaw

Not attentive on a couple dating? Try this quiet table! Two people are left and right, because of the difference in weight, both parties must pay full attention to each other, if one of them falls, it means that the other party is not paying attention to you at all! Isn't it very interesting to use this product to ensure the quality of couples' dating~

520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly

#10 Caliner

Keywords: sexy, two-seater chairs

The designer hugs and kisses in French facing a double chair. The Caliner has a wrap-around design that allows for intimate contact with partners. Hug each other and enjoy the good time that leisure brings, it will be a sensual and gentle bond.

520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly
520 sprinkled dog food! Take a look at these "couple" product designs to make the relationship warm up quickly

Some of the pictures in this article come from the Internet

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