
Today's small man|small is full, just complete

author:Herald from all walks of life

The sky is clear, the flowers are clustered, and the summer breeze is fragrant

New cicadas chirp, the rainy season is fine, and the small lotus turns

Today at 20:59:17

We usher in the second solar term of summer

The eighth of the twenty-four solar terms


"The Seventy-two Candidate Explanations of the Lunar Order" contains:

"In the middle of April, the little full one,

Things are so small that they are full. ”

The wheat kernels are gradually plumping and will be ripe and unripe

Therefore, it is called "Xiaoman"

As the folk proverb goes, "small full and small, the rivers are gradually full"

The "full" in Xiaoman also refers to the surplus of rain

Today's small man|small is full, just complete

Xiaoman three waits

Today's small man|small is full, just complete

Ichiyo Naxiu

In the past, the small full season

The wheat will be unripe and green and yellow

The food reserves for the winter have been eaten

The summer harvest is not yet ripe

At this time, the people often fed their hunger with wild vegetables

Bitter herbs are flourishing at this time and have a variety of species

It is one of the earliest wild vegetables eaten by the Chinese

Today's small man|small is full, just complete

Two-weather grass death

In summer, the yang energy gradually flourishes

Causes the gradual death of shade-loving plants

It is the first weed that grows in early spring

Likes the shade and is soft and soft

Begins to die in strong sunlight

Today's small man|small is full, just complete

Three waiting for the wheat to arrive

The wheat ripens and is ready for harvest in early summer

The rest of the grains are ripe for harvest in autumn

So it's summer

For the wheat, it is ripe "autumn"

Fresh ears of wheat are already sweet

Today's small man|small is full, just complete

Small full temperature

Today's small man|small is full, just complete

The southern region of China during the Xiaoman period

Generally, there will be a lot of rain and heavy rainfall

And in the north

There is little or no rain during the small Manchurian period

But the temperature rises quickly during this period

The temperature difference with the south has been further reduced

Today's small man|small is full, just complete

Xiaotang Grass Tree

Today's small man|small is full, just complete

The wheat ears are full of children, and the mulberry leaves are full of fat

In the northern part of the continent

The grains of the summer crops are beginning to fill full

But it is not yet fully mature

Ears of wheat

Cute as a child in the breeze

The leaves on the mulberry tree are fat and strong, and the silkworms can feed themselves

The sight of a bountiful harvest is a delight

Today's small man|small is full, just complete

Long is the south of the Yangtze River on this day, full of forest smoke and rain ripe loquat

At this time, the southern region is flooded with rain

The amount of water in rivers and lakes is becoming more and more abundant

A hazy river of smoke and rain shrouded the mountains and forests

The mouth-watering leaves of the pear tree

Grow in the warm wind

A warbler chirps in the distance

Not far away, the pomegranate blossoms are red like fire

Everything is full of hope and anticipation

Today's small man|small is full, just complete

Xiaoman folklore

Today's small man|small is full, just complete

The small full movement of three cars

Waterwheel irrigation, oil truck oil extraction, silk car reeling

Farmers are busy treading water wheels and watering their crops

At this time, rapeseed matures

Start the oil truck to extract oil

Makes a fragrant rapeseed oil

As for the moving silk car, it refers to the front and rear of Xiaoman

Silkworms are starting to form cocoons

The silkworm breeder was busy shaking the silk cart and reeling silk

Today's small man|small is full, just complete

Legend has it that Xiaoman is the birthday of the silkworm god

Therefore, Jiangsu and Zhejiang

During the Xiaoman solar term, there is a silkworm prayer festival

People set up a stage to stage a "small full play"

In order to pray for a good harvest

Today's small man|small is full, just complete

Little full taste

Today's small man|small is full, just complete

"Book of Zhou" said "Xiaoman's Day Bitter Vegetable Show"

小满吃bitter 菜

It has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, and removing heart fire

It is said that bitter herbs become sweet when frosted

The Book of Songs says:

"Whoever says bitterness, it is as sweet as a camelina"

Isn't it the true meaning of bitterness?

Today's small man|small is full, just complete

Xiaoman's message

Xiaoman not only heralds changes in natural phenology

It also contains the traditional Chinese philosophy of life

It is explained in "Shuo Wen Jie Zi".

"Full" means "full".

"Xiaoman" has the connotation of "full but not full".

Today's small man|small is full, just complete

"Full of losses, humble benefits, time is the way of heaven"

The flowers are half-opened, and the wine is slightly drunk

There's a lot of fun in that

"Small" is down-to-earth humility

"Full" is exact rejoicing

Small is full, just complete

Today's small man|small is full, just complete
Today's small man|small is full, just complete

Today's Xiaoman, meet "520" again

May we learn to cherish life

Cherish the people around you who are worthy of love

Cherish the hard-won good life

May each of us be able to harvest in life

Small happiness and big satisfaction

Today's small man|small is full, just complete