
As long as there is beauty in the heart, life is full of surprises

author:Zi-Ink Literature
As long as there is beauty in the heart, life is full of surprises

Author: Zimo

Life is a process of enlightenment while walking, but also a process of self-cultivation and perfection, I have to say, people from the like of prosperity to quiet, this is a process of self-redemption, just as we continue to mature, but continue to be silent.

Lu Xun said: "Once people understand it, they will become very silent. It's not that he doesn't have the ability to get along with people, but he doesn't have the interest in acting on the spot. ”

When we have experienced too much helplessness and involuntary self-help, we will know how to do it, that is, to return ourselves to ourselves, to exchange others for others, not to disturb the qi of others, for the intrusion of the outside world, to turn a deaf ear to others' wrongs, not to say anything wrong, not to envy anyone, not to laugh at anyone, to keep our hearts warm, to do our own things, to do our own things is the most important thing.

No matter what happens, you must know that only when you have peace of mind, in your own world, be alone, and go with the flow in other people's worlds, can you live like this, and you will be worthy of your heart and at ease.

The wind comes to listen to the wind, the rain comes to listen to the rain, let yourself be at peace with your own world, enjoy your own hours, not humble or arrogant, not in a hurry, this is an appreciation of life, responsible for life.

Whether it is adversity or good times, we must maintain the beauty of our hearts, face the reality with a smile, whether it is facing a gentle drizzle or a storm, each weather has its unique existence, in fact, it all lies in our inner feelings.

What is the heart, what is the world of oneself, only by looking open and looking down, the state of mind will be calm and peaceful, look open to life to feel clear, and look down on life to be free.

Life has wind and rain, flowers bloom and flowers fall, no matter what kind of situation, it is the experience and test of life for us, no matter how life treats us, we still love affectionately.

As long as there is beauty in the heart, life is full of surprises

Full of hope for the future, single-minded, no matter how the world changes, life is impermanent, unpredictable, as long as there is beauty in the heart, life is full of surprises.

Along the way, I have gradually come to understand that life is not smooth sailing, whether it is splendid or lonely, every stage is a gift to us, and the existence of each person and every thing has its value and meaning.

The spring, summer, autumn and winter of life, there is no season that does not come on time, and there is no season where the scenery is not beautiful enough, when we go through, look back at the four seasons of life, we will find that spring, summer, autumn and winter, the cycle of the four seasons is the course of our life.

If you know how to meet the changes of each season with an optimistic and positive attitude, treat life and feelings with a normal heart, and enjoy the gifts of time with a grateful heart, it is to meet with fate and face it calmly.

Take care of your body and mind, settle your soul well, it is worth the world, people live, you always have to love something, even if you love yourself, it is also the beginning of lifelong romance.

In life, it is necessary to go with the flow, do what you think, do not force it, read it according to fate, and be at peace with what you encounter.

Be able to take care of your body and mind, put your soul well, warm in time, come to see flowers in spring, enjoy lotus in summer, watch the moon in autumn, and listen to snow in winter.

No matter when, with hope in your heart, there will always be hope in your life, and you can only smile at the changes and look down on the vicissitudes of time for the rest of your life.

As long as there is beauty in the heart, life is full of surprises

As long as you maintain the love of life, there will be a world worth it, in this world, happiness is inner peace, pain is too entangled, although life can not be satisfactory, but there is never a lack of beauty.

Most of the time, we can find our own scenery in peace, and find the meaning of life in the helplessness of life.

Everyone has their own hope in their hearts and their own life stories, even if every page has its own helplessness. However, life is an experience and experience, and since we have all chosen life, we must be the masters of our own lives.

To live, you must not live up to life, you must be kind to yourself, not to play a supporting role in other people's world, but to shine in your own world.

Whether you meet or part, you must face it calmly, gain it calmly, and lose it calmly, because life is short, and we don't need to deliberately embarrass ourselves and please anyone. You only need to be yourself and stick to your principles and bottom line in order to enjoy life.

In this way, the heart is safe and sound, so that we can walk with beauty in this world and walk more calmly and calmly on the road of life.

Only when there is no turmoil in the heart can we live a true self in this world, make life poetic, and make life more exciting.

In the days to come, I hope that we will have our own beauty, see the best scenery, have our own stars and seas, poetry and distance, between mountains and rivers, no matter how big the wind and waves, we can face the reality indifferently, welcome the arrival of each season, let ourselves be quiet, relax, and live a different self.

As long as there is beauty in the heart, life is full of surprises