
The weather situation has changed! This week, the sun is gone, and a series of rain is coming, and it will continue to rain until this day......

author:Zhejiang weather


The rain is on

Today (May 20) at 20:59, we will usher in the eighth solar term of this year - Xiaoman. For the northern regions, the meaning of Xiaoman refers to the beginning of the filling of the grains of the summer crops, but they are not yet ripe.

"Small full, small full, rivers are gradually full." For our southern region, the rain in the south gradually becomes more and more abundant after the Xiaoman solar term, and the precipitation is frequent, and the rivers are so small that they are full.

This is a good match for the recent weather, and the weather pattern has begun to shift, and the rainy weather in our province has increased since the beginning of this week. Due to the significant enhancement of the warm and humid airflow, the rain belt in the pre-flood season in South China was established again, and the northern edge of the rain belt affected our province.

Since last night, light showers began to appear in southern Zhejiang, mainly in Wenzhou and Lishui. This morning, the rain continued to spread, and around 9 o'clock, the rain in Quzhou also started.

The weather situation has changed! This week, the sun is gone, and a series of rain is coming, and it will continue to rain until this day......

Cumulative precipitation map in the past 6 hours (10 o'clock)

At 10:33, the distribution of rain clouds over our province

The weather situation has changed! This week, the sun is gone, and a series of rain is coming, and it will continue to rain until this day......

In the morning, the whole province is mainly cloudy, and the cloud system in the eastern part of northern Zhejiang is relatively thin, mainly in Jiaxing, Shaoxing and other places, mainly cloudy, and the sun can be seen.

The weather situation has changed! This week, the sun is gone, and a series of rain is coming, and it will continue to rain until this day......

Focus on the next three days: precipitation in central and southern Zhejiang

In general, the sunshine is rare today and tomorrow, and there are more clouds in the province, and only the thinner clouds can occasionally see intermittent sunshine. In addition, the rain in central and southern Zhejiang is more obvious today, and it will weaken in the next two days.

Rainwater itinerary

From noon to night today, the rain in central and southern Zhejiang continued, and the local rain was more obvious, with moderate rain. Elsewhere there will be localized showers.

In the next two days of tomorrow, the rain will weaken, and the whole province will be dominated by showers, and the southern part of Zhejiang and the coastal areas will be larger.

Weather forecast for the province for the next three days

From noon to night today: there are showers in the cloudy part of central and southern Zhejiang, and local moderate rain; Elsewhere it will be cloudy with isolated showers.

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow: showers in the cloudy parts of southern Zhejiang and coastal areas; Elsewhere, it will be cloudy to overcast, with occasional showers.

Tomorrow morning's minimum temperature:

Provincial: 20-22 degrees.

Tomorrow's daytime highs:

Southern Zhejiang and coastal areas: 25-27 degrees;

Other areas: 27-29 degrees.


In the medium term, two rounds of precipitation processes are concerned

In the middle period, there are two precipitation processes that need attention.

23-25: Affected by the slip trough in the early stage, there were showers or thunderstorms in the cloudy part of central and southern Zhejiang, and the precipitation intensity decreased compared with that on the 20th-22nd.

26th-28th: The subtropical high began to fall southward on the 26th, and with the passage of the high-altitude trough, the low-level shear moved eastward, and there was another precipitation process in the province.

At this time, the fresh and sweet loquat is on the market, and Zhejiang Weather and Zhejiang Loquat Meteorological Service Alliance will bring you the sweet loquat science popularization~~

The weather situation has changed! This week, the sun is gone, and a series of rain is coming, and it will continue to rain until this day......

Welcome to reprint, please indicate the source: Zhejiang Weather

Editor: Lou Yijing

Review: Xu Zhenxing

Final review: Ma Xinyu

(Zhejiang Meteorological Service Center)