
"Yunling Lecture Hall, Red River Forum, Zhizhu Mengzi" was held at the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee


On May 17, the city carried out a special lecture on "Yunling Lecture Hall, Honghe Forum, Zhizhu Mengzi" and a training demonstration class of "10,000 Party members into the Party School", and invited Yang Jinjiang, Dean of the School of Continuing Education of Yunnan Agricultural University, to give a special lecture on the theme of "Exploration of Rural Revitalization Policy Theory and Practice".

"Yunling Lecture Hall, Red River Forum, Zhizhu Mengzi" was held at the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee
"Yunling Lecture Hall, Red River Forum, Zhizhu Mengzi" was held at the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee

In the lecture, Yang Jinjiang took the historical origin of solving the "three rural" problems as the top priority of the whole party's work, pointed out the pain points of the current "three rural" problems, emphasized the importance of rural revitalization, and introduced the theoretical framework of rural revitalization.

Yang Jinjiang said that it is necessary to pay attention to village management and grassroots governance, and develop modern agriculture and facility agriculture in mountainous areas; It is necessary to grasp the trend of change, form a business-oriented concept, plan the idea of organized and large-scale economy of agricultural development, and achieve economies of scale; It is necessary to promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas in an orderly and gradual manner according to local conditions.

"Yunling Lecture Hall, Red River Forum, Zhizhu Mengzi" was held at the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee

"Today's lecture touched me a lot, I will continue to contribute to the high-quality party building of Northwest Lexiang to lead the rural revitalization, and Northwest Lexiang will continue to take the road of 'digging poor roots in the cracks of stones' to get rich." Zhou Wupeng, a staff member of the Party Construction Office of the People's Government of Northwest Lexiang Township, said.

"Yunling Lecture Hall, Red River Forum, Zhizhu Mengzi" was held at the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee

The theme lecture not only provided a valuable learning opportunity and communication platform for everyone, but also injected new vitality into the theoretical learning and practical exploration of rural revitalization policy. The audience said that they benefited a lot, and they will apply the knowledge and experience they have learned to their practical work and contribute to the promotion of rural revitalization in our city.

Author: Yang Wenxuan

Editor: Tang Yina

Review: Teresa Teng, Wang Yilong