
20 couples in Youyang held a group wedding

author:Upstream News
20 couples in Youyang held a group wedding

On May 20, in the ancient city of Youzhou, Youyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County, Chongqing, 20 couples wore Han wedding dresses and held a unique group wedding.

20 couples in Youyang held a group wedding
20 couples in Youyang held a group wedding
20 couples in Youyang held a group wedding
20 couples in Youyang held a group wedding
20 couples in Youyang held a group wedding

It is understood that in recent years, Chongqing Youyang has vigorously promoted the pilot work of marriage customs reform, established the "Chongqing Marriage Customs Reform Demonstration Base" in the ancient city of Youzhou, fully relying on the regional and ethnic marriage customs and cultural characteristics of Youyang, and coordinated the promotion of changing customs in the field of marriage, and innovatively established a long-term mechanism for marriage customs reform with "party building leading, civil affairs taking the stage, multi-party coordination, and mass participation", and actively building a new type of marriage and childbirth culture and cultivating new marriage customs through the development of the "family and plan", and achieved positive results.

20 couples in Youyang held a group wedding
20 couples in Youyang held a group wedding

Upstream News Special Photographer Chen Bisheng Photo Report

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