
What is the future of Hong Kong? These four suggestions are worth thinking about↓

author:Hong Kong Commercial Daily

On the 20th, on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of its establishment, the Hong Kong Restart Alliance held a press conference on Hong Kong's "four major developments" strategy.

What is the future of Hong Kong? These four suggestions are worth thinking about↓

On the 20th, the Hong Kong Restart Alliance held a press conference on the "Four Major Developments" strategy, putting forward targeted suggestions to the SAR Government on how Hong Kong can build an international trade center, an East-meets-West cultural and artistic exchange center, a regional intellectual property trading center and an international aviation hub. Photo courtesy of the Hong Kong Restart Alliance

Leung Chun-ying, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and general convener of the Grand Alliance, said that under the national "14th Five-Year Plan", Hong Kong's role in the overall development of the country will be established, and eight centers will be built. Apply to the central government for the construction of a "licensing and docking experimental zone" for patents for mainland enterprises and universities in Hong Kong, as well as enhance aviation policies and strategic positions. Tam Yiu-chung, secretary-general of the Grand Alliance, revealed that he will meet with relevant departments of the SAR government to introduce the relevant report.

What is the future of Hong Kong? These four suggestions are worth thinking about↓

Leung Chun-ying, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and general convener of the Grand Alliance.

What is the future of Hong Kong? These four suggestions are worth thinking about↓

Tam Yaozong, secretary general of the Grand Alliance.

Build a comprehensive digital platform

On the 20th, a number of members of the Hong Kong Restart Alliance introduced 4 research reports.

What is the future of Hong Kong? These four suggestions are worth thinking about↓

Huang Yinghao, head of the research team of the International Trade Centre and deputy secretary-general of the Grand Alliance, released the "Hong Kong International Trade Centre Development Strategy", looking forward to the market opportunities in Southeast Asia and the Middle East, proposing that cross-border e-commerce, digital technology and overseas warehouse construction have become the most important carriers for the development of the world trade industry, and systematically elaborating the direction of the development of the Hong Kong International Trade Centre in the next stage: first, to build a comprehensive and inclusive digital platform based on the cloud computing platform and supported by artificial intelligence, blockchain and other technologies; The second is to improve digital infrastructure such as submarine optical cables, and enhance Hong Kong's status as a data hub in the Asia-Pacific region; The third is to give full play to the advantages of logistics hubs and cooperate with all parties to promote the development and construction of cross-border e-commerce (it is recommended to take the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as a pilot to jointly develop unified product certification and quality testing standards, and open up "Hong Kong warehouses" on the basis of existing bonded warehouses in mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area, and "overseas warehouses" in countries and emerging markets that jointly build the "Belt and Road"); Fourth, with the development of new offshore trade services, Hong Kong will be built into a transnational supply chain management center.

Actively build the brand of Hong Kong city

The Research Group of the Sino-Foreign Cultural and Arts Exchange Center released the "Development Strategy of the Hong Kong East-West Cultural and Arts Exchange Center", proposing to develop and expand Hong Kong's cultural industry, and at the same time analyzing the development of Hong Kong's own industry, suggesting that art trading, performing arts and creative design can be regarded as key industrial areas in the future.

What is the future of Hong Kong? These four suggestions are worth thinking about↓

(Source: China News Agency)

In order to create a better industrial development ecosystem, the "Development Strategy for the East-meets-West Cultural Exchange Centre in Hong Kong" recommends that the Government should break through the existing development thinking and review and redeploy the existing cultural management structure and the allocation of cultural resources. Secondly, it is proposed to promote synergy and cooperation in the development of cultural industries at the regional level, expand the layout and market of cultural industries through cooperation with the Mainland and neighboring cities, and encourage cross-sector cooperation in cultural industries. Finally, in terms of strengthening international cultural and artistic exchanges and cooperation, we will set up a platform mechanism for cross-industry and cross-regional exchanges with domestic and foreign countries, increase the exchange and display opportunities of overseas talents and cultural works, and actively build Hong Kong's city brand.

The members of the research delegation include Wang Huizhen, deputy secretary-general of the Grand Alliance, and Fok Qigang, a member of the Legislative Council.

Helping national patents to revitalize and "go global"

What is the future of Hong Kong? These four suggestions are worth thinking about↓

(Source: China News Service)

The Regional IP Trading Centre Research Group released the "Development Strategy of Hong Kong Regional IP Trading Centre", which suggests that: during the pilot period, priority should be given to the trade of pharmaceutical patents and related technologies and processes in the process of implementation, as well as non-patented technical secrets; In the near future, we have established an alliance of intellectual property trade and comprehensive services to connect trade buyers and sellers, as well as intermediaries such as intellectual property valuation, financing, transaction negotiation and legal services. In the medium and long term, on the basis of a certain scale of trade, we will continue to expand the scope of transactions and improve the intellectual property trade service ecosystem.

When the conditions are ripe, Hong Kong will apply to the central government for the establishment of a "Licensing and Licensing Docking Experimental Zone" for patents of mainland enterprises and universities, so as to help revitalize national patents and "go global", and Hong Kong will also move forward into a leading international regional intellectual property trading center. The delegation was led by Tam Wai-chu, Deputy Secretary-General of the Hong Kong Restart Alliance, and Mr So Kam-leung, former Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development.

The report on "Developing Hong Kong as an International Aviation Hub" was released by the International Aviation Hub Research Group, which consists of five chapters: enhancing the strategic position of aviation policy and enhancing Hong Kong's competitiveness in the aviation market; Seize new opportunities for global entrepot trade; give full play to the role of the Greater Bay Area and the Mainland as a vast economic hinterland; strengthening the aircraft leasing financing business in Hong Kong; Focus on cutting-edge aviation science and technology, and establish an aviation science and technology research and development base. The mission was led by Chan Chun-bun, Deputy Secretary-General of the Hong Kong Restart Alliance, and Fred Lam, Chief Executive Officer of the Airport Authority Hong Kong.

Source: Hong Kong Commercial Daily

Reporter: Lin Junqiang, Feng Renle

Editor: Lu Xin

Cover: Yang Liang

Proofreader: Zhuo Ling


Executive Producer: Yushan

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