
"Killing the Quartet", the price of the entry version of Leap C16 is suspected to be exposed, 155,800?

author:Color rims

Recently, the price of the new generation of Leap car C16 entry version model is suspected to be exposed, this model, the overall heat has been put on the price level, the current model, the entry version of the model, The price exposure is expected to be 155,800, many young people do not know about this model at present, but consumers who understand Huawei Wenjie M7 can also think that this model is a replacement version of Huawei Wenjie M7, the level positioning and size of the two cars are comparable, both are based on the new energy series SUV based on the extended range power system, this new generation of zero sports car C16, currently in the domestic market, just need the family body has received a very high degree of attention, for many young consumers, the budget for choosing a car is limited, the current domestic market with the same level of extended range luxury SUV price level is very high, this model is more in line with the overall budget.

Leapmotor C16

"Killing the Quartet", the price of the entry version of Leap C16 is suspected to be exposed, 155,800?
"Killing the Quartet", the price of the entry version of Leap C16 is suspected to be exposed, 155,800?

It can be seen from the appearance of the model that the configuration of this model is a very high model, which provides a series of configuration functions such as 360-degree panoramic image, and the model can also provide certain automatic driving functions, so this model is a very high-tech young family SUV, and this model is a luxury SUV with a very large size.

"Killing the Quartet", the price of the entry version of Leap C16 is suspected to be exposed, 155,800?
"Killing the Quartet", the price of the entry version of Leap C16 is suspected to be exposed, 155,800?

At present, the overall characteristics of the same level and series of models in the domestic market are relatively consistent, and the overall size of this new generation of Leap car C16 is also very large, which can be said to be inversely proportional to the price level of the model, normally the price level of such a large-size model is positioned at the level of 300,000, and this model is only positioned at 155,800.

"Killing the Quartet", the price of the entry version of Leap C16 is suspected to be exposed, 155,800?
"Killing the Quartet", the price of the entry version of Leap C16 is suspected to be exposed, 155,800?

The configuration function of the interior of this model is very comprehensive, the front row provides a large-size screen, and the rear row provides a suspended TV, so the overall household functionality is very powerful, and the model provides a 2+2+2 seat layout, the overall seat layout meets the standards of daily households, in line with the overall car selection needs of most consumers, for the younger generation of families, such models are very popular in the current domestic market.