
My daughter insisted on marrying far away, and after 5 years, she brought back her son-in-law and child to buy a house for 500,000 yuan: withdraw my property in advance



I am Song Minxia, 56 years old this year, retired for more than 6 years, with a pension of more than 4,000 per month, and living in my hometown with my wife.

We only have one daughter, and for this only daughter, we put all our energy and effort into hoping that our daughter will grow up to be what we expect, gentle and virtuous, and versatile.

However, our daughter was trained by us to be versatile, but she was extremely stubborn, a love brain, and insisted on marrying a phoenix male and female son-in-law from other places.

We have persuaded our daughter countless times to stop the loss in time, saying that she is married thousands of miles away, and she is a phoenix man, and she is the eldest son in the family.

My daughter insisted on marrying far away, and after 5 years, she brought back her son-in-law and child to buy a house for 500,000 yuan: withdraw my property in advance


But the daughter not only didn't listen to the persuasion, but didn't give us a good face, saying that she had already gone to her mother-in-law's house with her son-in-law, and the mother-in-law's family was all very good to her, not the evil mother-in-law I said.

We tried to dissuade us again, but our daughter simply forced us to compromise on the grounds of severing the relationship.

Seeing this, my wife and I were also disheartened and no longer blocked it, but we also reduced the dowry we were originally going to give to our daughter to 100,000 yuan dowry.

We only gave 100,000 dowry, did not prepare a wedding house, and the son-in-law saw this, so he simply did not give a bride price, bought a wedding house, and directly said that he wanted to go back to his hometown for development.

Looking at our daughter who insisted on marrying far away, my wife and I were disheartened, and we knew very well in our hearts that this daughter could not be counted on.

After our daughter got married, we started to prepare for our own retirement. 's daughter is married far away, and she has a love brain, and she will do whatever her son-in-law says.

My daughter insisted on marrying far away, and after 5 years, she brought back her son-in-law and child to buy a house for 500,000 yuan: withdraw my property in advance


We save money to support ourselves. Fortunately, although the old couple did not have a daughter, the monthly pension arrived on time, which also gave me great comfort and comfort.

After our daughter got married, she rarely contacted us at first. We called, and 7 out of 10 calls were rejected. Even if her daughter answered the phone, she was extremely impatient, and hung up the phone perfunctorily in a few sentences.

Seeing my daughter look so disgusted, my wife and I made up our minds not to go to our daughter again, so as not to be disgusted.

It's just that after we stopped calling our daughter, my daughter started to call us again, but every time she called, she either asked for money, or borrowed money, anyway, there was nothing but money.

My daughter insisted on marrying far away, and after 5 years, she brought back her son-in-law and child to buy a house for 500,000 yuan: withdraw my property in advance


Thinking that we have worked hard all our lives, just for our daughter, we are soft-hearted and respond to our daughter's needs. Gradually, perhaps it was the poor couple who mourned, and the daughter called back more and more to complain, and we were distressed, but we couldn't reach it, so we persuaded our daughter to divorce and come back with the child.

The daughter blamed us for being ruthless, saying that other people's parents would rather demolish a temple than a marriage, so we didn't expect her to be good.

The daughter complained bitterly, but on the other hand, she clung to this marriage and did not let go, saying that they had a good emotional foundation, and the son-in-law was just a temporary foolishness.

Seeing that our daughter is still so obsessed and carried away by love, our pity and distress for our daughter gradually dissipated. Some people don't hit the south wall and don't look back.

After being disappointed in our daughter, my wife and I stopped responding to our daughter's needs. Even if she complained to us on the phone, we just listened quietly, and then asked her to find her son-in-law and two in-laws to help, but we couldn't do anything.

My daughter insisted on marrying far away, and after 5 years, she brought back her son-in-law and child to buy a house for 500,000 yuan: withdraw my property in advance


After many times, my daughter also got angry, blaming us for not loving her at all, not feeling sorry for her anymore, and even when she was bullied at her in-law's house, we didn't help her get ahead.

But how can this make us get out, separated by a distance of thousands of kilometers, not to mention, my daughter still doesn't think that she made a wrong choice.

Gradually, we didn't even like to answer our daughter's phone, and when we got through, my daughter didn't ask us how our parents were doing or if they were in good health, but would only complain about our grievances, and then ask for money to borrow.

Five years after my daughter got married, after we cut off our poverty alleviation for our daughter, my daughter returned to her parents' house with her son-in-law and children for the first time.

Seeing our daughter marry back, no matter how ruthless we are, we have to give up our efforts.

My daughter insisted on marrying far away, and after 5 years, she brought back her son-in-law and child to buy a house for 500,000 yuan: withdraw my property in advance


On the first day my daughter's family of three came back, my wife and I were very rare, but we worked hard to make food for them, trying to make up for the good times we had missed over the years.

However, the daughter still does not change her complaining temper, as soon as she sees us, she first criticizes her mother-in-law's family, and then complains about her son-in-law, and finally leads them to plan to return to their parents' city to develop, and they must buy a house when they come back to develop, and she hopes that our parents can support 500,000 yuan to buy a house.

When I heard that my daughter was going to return to her mother's city for development, my wife and I naturally couldn't ask for it. With our daughter by our side, we still have some thoughts. But as soon as my daughter opened her mouth, it was 500,000, which caught us off guard.

I asked my daughter, we support you to buy a house, but how much money did your in-laws pay? How much do they pay and how much do we support?

The son-in-law's face became a little ugly, and the daughter was also a little embarrassed and said that there were two brothers in the in-laws' family, and the in-laws had no ability to buy them a house.

My daughter insisted on marrying far away, and after 5 years, she brought back her son-in-law and child to buy a house for 500,000 yuan: withdraw my property in advance


I am unwilling to ask again, then you husband and wife, have you saved some money over the years, right? You give a part, and we'll make up the rest.

As a result, the daughter said impatiently, Mom, our salary is not high, and we have to support our family and children, where do we have any savings? These 500,000, can you come out?

As soon as I heard it, the whole person was not good, and my emotional daughter did not come back to develop sincerely, but came to gnaw at the old under the banner of coming back to develop. As soon as you bite the old, it is 500,000, which is most of our family.

I disagreed, saying that I could only give 300,000, and you should find your own way for the rest, and young people could not sit back and enjoy their success, and they had to be self-reliant.

The daughter was immediately unhappy, shouting that you are just one of my daughters, and your property will be mine sooner or later. I asked you for 500,000 yuan, but it was just an early withdrawal of my property, what's wrong with that? Do you want to keep the money for the elderly, and don't expect me to provide for the elderly in the future?

I was so angry that I wanted to slap my daughter, but it was only at this moment that I realized the selfishness in my daughter's bones.

We're all alive and well, and our daughter is going to come to withdraw our inheritance in advance, and no one laughs at us for raising a white-eyed wolf daughter.

My wife was also so angry that I looked at my daughter, who was still fighting for her rights, and kicked them out of the house in disappointment.

I asked my daughter and son-in-law to find a way to buy a house by themselves, and I couldn't do anything about the 500,000 they wanted. As for the pension in the future, we don't expect it anymore. Instead of counting on a white-eyed wolf daughter, it's better to count on money.